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Part of the OECM joint pilot “program” for Project Management Lessons Learned. Mike Reitz, NA-54. Status/DEMO of the Project Management Lessons Learned Subsystem within the DOE Corporate Lessons Learned System. May 5, 2010. 1. Background of DOE PMLL – Why?.
Part of the OECM joint pilot “program” forProject Management Lessons Learned Mike Reitz, NA-54 Status/DEMO of the Project Management Lessons Learned Subsystem within the DOE Corporate Lessons Learned System May 5, 2010 1
Background of DOE PMLL – Why? Requirements: DOE O 413.3A mandates that Lessons Learned (good or bad) from the execution of projects be collected, analyzed and disseminated among the DOE project management community. Learn the good practices and avoid the repeats of bad practices. • The OECM 2008 Root Cause Analysis Report and the associated Corrective Action Plan call for the development of a Lessons Learned System within the DOE Project Management Community to share information on good and bad experiences in project management. Overall: We don’t share information effectively. • BOTTOM LINE: We need to be a learning organization that communicates and shares information well and timely. • If pilot project results are deemed suitable for full implementation, OECM intends to implement DOE-wide.
Background – PMLL Efforts • Last year, a joint OECM-NNSA pilot was initiated. Examined three systems (ProjNet, DOE Corporate LL System (DOE CLLS), and ePegasus). • Developed a data structure for project management lessons learned input and retrieval to meet our needs. • Tested ProjNet and DOE CLLS and identified strengthens and weaknesses of both systems. • Worked with DOE HS to develop a tailored version of the DOE CLLS for project management attributes. • This year, OECM added EM to the pilot and both systems (ProjNet and the Modified DOE CLLS) are being tested in a production environment.
Objectives of the “PMLL Subsystem” pilot / demonstration: To demonstrate thata modification/upgrade to the DOE Corporate Lesson Learned System can create a simple, user-friendly, and functional Project Management Lessons Learned application meeting the primary needs for a DOE project management lessons learned system (collect, retrieve, disseminate and UTILIZE LLs) while satisfying the requirements of DOE Order 413.3A and 210.2. DOE Order 210.2: DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program: “Operating experience lessons learned must be collected, stored, and retrieved through a central clearinghouse that allows ready access to and communication about collected information on a timely, unimpeded basis by all DOE elements.” If the Project Management LL system (such as ProjNet) was separate from DOE Corporate LL System (CLLS) then data would need to be migrated to the DOE CLLS and be retrievable there. Data migration and data format consistency issues were identified as a potential challenge to any PMLL system separate from the DOE CLLS. 5
DOE Corporate PMLL Subsystem (Ss) Pilot Team • OECM, the PMLL Pilot project sponsor and lead. • NNSA, NA-54, the Pilot project administrator in FY09. In FY 2010, performing demonstration of the Pilot PMLL Subsystem (Ss) • DOE HS-32 manages the DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program, including the DOE Corporate Lessons Learned Database, and is a full partner in the PMLL Ss pilot. The HSS IT support group is also actively engaged. • An NNSA CIO / IT representative • The Integrated Project Team includes representatives from Pantex and Y-12 • DOE Operating ExperienceCommittee (OEC) network. • Others: SRS Pit Disassembly & Conversion (ProjNet - UCNI data for design reviews).
PMLL Subsystem Pilot Status • NNSA issued guidance to our Federal Project Directors (FPDs) to submit PMLLs at Quarterly Project Reviews (QPRs). (Expect projects to submit a PMLL every other quarter.) • Identified Operating Experience Committee (OEC) LL Coordinators at the NNSA Site Offices as coordination POCs. • Encouraged the Acquisition Executives to address PMLL in QPRs. • Initial “Alpha” roll-out of PMLL Ss in mid-October 2009. Demonstration of system “shell” to OECM in late October. • Announced the Pilot PMLL Ss at the December OEC and the January NNSA Federal Project Directors Monthly Conference Calls. • Distributed a fill-able PMLL submission template to orient users to the new format. Template is easy to distribute and users do not have to go to the DOE Corporate LLwebsite. • DNFSB requested a briefing; “good news story”, Feb 15…..March 30th! • The DOE Corporate Project Management Lesson Learned module went activate in full “Production” mode on March 22, 2010 (one week behind schedule). • Lessons learned from the NNSA QPRs are being placed in this new system. • Smaller NNSA sites (NTS and SRS) and pilot sites (Y-12 and Pantex) are further ahead as it was easier to integrate the Project Management and the Operating LL communities.
After users log • in to the • DOE Corporate • Lessons Learned System, this screen is displayed. • Popular choices from the left main menu are: • Submit Lesson • Search Database
Submit Lesson After the user clicks on the main left menu “Submit Lesson”, this screen is displayed. The user can then select the type of LL to submit which will take the user to the appropriate type of submittal form.
“Project Management Lessons Learned” online submittal form (page 2 of 4):
“Project Management Lessons Learned” online submittal form (page 3 of 4):
“Project Management Lessons Learned” online submittal form (page 4 of 4):
Search Database To search the Lessons Learned database, the user clicks on “Search Database” from the left main menu. Users can restrict search to one database or all databases.
Search results Search was restricted to Project Management Lessons Learned (no other criteria identified)
Search results, cont’d This is one of the search results (#4) from the previous screen
PMLL submittal form our users will be using to route their draft LL among reviewers prior to formal submission online Page 1 of 5
PMLL submittal form for routing draft LLs (cont’d) Page 2 of 5
PMLL submittal form for routing draft LLs (cont’d) Page 3 of 5
PMLL submittal form for routing draft LLs (cont’d) Page 4 of 5
PMLL submittal form for routing draft LLs (cont’d) Page 5 of 5
Next Steps • The PMLL system went into production mode on March 22, 2010. In the near future, the E-mail distribution/List Server for the Project Management/FPD community will be established. • Working to arrange training via “Live Meeting” or equivalent system. (Using train-the-trainer approach). • Continuing to develop connectivity between OEC Lessons Learned community and Project Management LL community in the development, review, submission and utilization of PMLLs. • NNSA needs to develop better “guidance” for the process. • OECM is working to develop a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between OECM and HS on a PMLL partnership. • Tracking the submissions of NNSA PMLLs through the QPR process. • Reworking some of the CD-4 summary level LL /“lists” into the proper DOE Corporate LL System format and content. • Working with HS to enhance the Search capabilities on DOE Corporate LL System and related PMLL Subsystem.
Future Ideas/Options • Similar to the Defense Nuclear Security Lessons Learned Center, accessible through the DOE CLLS, exploring the creation of a PMLL homepage as a resource center related to PMLLs. • Exploring the utilization of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in conjunction with Project Management Lessons Learned by networking with the NNSA Service Centers’ “Talent Database” of experts in the Technical Qualification Program (TQP). • Talent database is limited to Service Center personnel but could be expanded to M&O sites using TQP categories to classify resumes. SC could still be the interface. • Further explore “Autonomy” (data mining, search engine) for DOE complex-wide document searching and linking with the M&O LL databases.
Conclusion • Now that a tool / “product” appears to be established - We need to complete the “process” of submitting, retrieving, disseminating and utilizing PMLLs. We are further engaging the NNSA FPDs, their IPT members, and the OEC LL community to fully test, demonstrate and deploy the PMLL Subsystem and the related processes. • Again, we need for NNSA to be an enterprise-wide learning organization that communicates and shares information in real time across the complex.