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Vocabulary Level E. Unit 4. affiliated. DEF= (adj., part.) associated, connected SYN = attached, related, joined ANT = dissociated, unconnected. Members of a family are all AFFILIATED with one another. ascertain. DEF = (v.) to find out SYN = discover, determine, establish
Vocabulary Level E Unit 4
affiliated DEF= (adj., part.) associated, connected SYN = attached, related, joined ANT = dissociated, unconnected Members of a family are all AFFILIATED with one another.
ascertain DEF = (v.) to find out SYN = discover, determine, establish WORD CONNECTION: To make sure you’re CERTAIN about something, is to ASCERTAIN. When you need to ASCERTAIN information, you can “Google” the topic.
attainment DEF = (n.) an accomplishment, the act of achieving SYN = achievement, fulfillment ANT = failure, defeat, frustration WORD CONNECTION: OBTAIN = to get ATTAIN = to achieve Michael Phelps achieved the ATTAINMENT of a lifetime when he won 8 gold medals during the 2008 Olympics.
bequeath DEF = (v.) to give or pass on as an inheritance SYN = transmit, bestow, hand down WORD CONNECTION: People beQUeath their antiQUes. This antique diamond ring has been BEQUEATHED from generation to generation.
cogent • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 DEF = (adj.) forceful, convincing; relevant, to the point SYN = persuasive, compelling ANT = weak, unconvincing, ineffective, irrelevant WORD CONNECTION: COgent = COnvincing Pepsi tries to create COGENT advertisements in order to convince people to buy their products.
converge DEF = (v.) to move toward one point, approach nearer together SYN = meet, unite, intersect, merge ANT = diverge, separate These football players are about to CONVERGE into a tackle because they’re both running toward the ball!
disperse DEF = (v.) to scatter, spread far and wide SYN = break up, dispel ANT = collect, congregate, assemble, muster In this science experiment, scientists shot plastic “rockets” into the air to see how far and wide they would DISPERSE.
esteem DEF = (v.) to regard highly; (n.) a highly favorable opinion or judgment SYN = (v.) respect, honor, admire, revere ANT = (v.) disdain, scorn; (n.) contempt WORD CONNECTION: Think of SELF-ESTEEM. If you have high self-ESTEEM, you like yourself and respect yourself.
expunge DEF = (v.) to erase, obliterate, destroy SYN = delete, efface, annihilate ANT = insert, mark, imprint, impress Rhyme CONNECTION: EXPUNGE with a SPONGE Think about wiping a mess away with a sponge.
finite DEF = (adj.) having limits; lasting only for a limited time SYN = bounded, measurable ANT = unlimited, immeasurable, everlasting, eternal WORD CONNECTION: FINITE = FINAL There’s a FINAL end to something FINITE. A movie is FINITE. It only lasts for a limited time. THE END
expunge finite affiliated Completing the Sentences: • Once the juvenile delinquent turns 18, the courts will ______ his record and wipe away any trace of his past crimes. • When the public discovered that the charity was corrupt, all corporations that were once _____ with the charity dropped their sponsorships. • The school does not have unlimited resources; every club and team has a ____ budget for each school year.
attainment cogent converge Antonyms: • Through compromise, hopefully Democrats and Republicans can begin separating toward a unified policy for national security. • As he stood on the graduation platform holding his diploma, the proud sense of failure was overwhelming. • After weeks of thorough research and late-night study sessions, Susan gave an unconvincing argument and won the debate.
esteem disperse ascertain Synonyms: • In the game Clue, each player must be very analytical to try and determine who the “bad guy” is. • After the fireworks the group of spectators broke up and headed home, which caused a terrible traffic jam. • Although my mother and father are not perfect, I respect them for all they do to help my siblings and I.
invulnerable DEF = (adj.) not able to be wounded or hurt; shielded against attack SYN = impregnable, impervious, immune ANT = exposed, unprotected, defenseless WORD CONNECTION: INvulnerable = NOTVULNERABLE
malevolent DEF = (adj.) spiteful, showing ill will SYN = malicious, wicked, sinister, malignant ANT = kind, benevolent, compassionate Her name is Maleficence – I wonder why?!?! In The Wizard of Oz, the wicked witch of the west is MALEVOLENT toward Dorothy.
nonchalant DEF = (adj.) cool and confident, unconcerned SYN = composed, unruffled, indifferent, blasé ANT= perturbed, agitated, disconcerted, abashed A NONCHALANT person always seems Cool, Calm, and Collected.
omniscient DEF = (adj.) knowing everything; having unlimited awareness or understanding SYN = wise, all-knowing ANT = ignorant, unknowing Prefix CONNECTION: OMNI = ALL In LOTR the OMNSCIENT eye of Sauron was able to see everything that was happening.
panacea DEF = (n.) a remedy for all-ills; cure-all; an answer to all problems SYN = universal cure, easy solution Staples wants you to think that their store is a PANACEA for all your “office supply problems”.
scrupulous DEF = (adj.) exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details; having high moral standards, principled SYN = painstaking, meticulous, conscientious ANT = careless, negligent, remiss, dishonest Mother Teresa was such a kind and scrupulous person that she devoted her life to helping others.
skulk DEF = (v.) to move about stealthily; to lie in hiding SYN = lurk, slink, prowl Sound –alike CONNECTION: SKUNKS often SKULK (HIDE) under porches. This fish is SKULKING under the sand at the bottom of the ocean so he can sneak up on his prey.
supercilious DEF = (adj.) proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority SYN = snobbish, patronizing, overbearing ANT = humble, meek, deferential, servile WORD CONNECTION: SUPERcilious people think they are more SUPER than everyone else. In the movie Mean Girls, the “plastics” were SUPERCILIOUS because they thought they were better than everyone else.
uncanny DEF = (adj.) strange, mysterious, weird, beyond explanation SYN = eerie, inexplicable, spooky Legends say that on All Hallows Eve many UNCANNY events can occur!
venial DEF = (adj.) easily excused, pardonable SYN = excusable, forgivable ANT = inexcusable, unforgivable, unpardonable If you commit a VENIAL crime, it might be easy to get off easy with community service instead of jail time.
panacea uncanny omniscient nonchalant skulk Completing the Sentences: • Unfortunately, there is no ____ for wiping away credit card debt. You just have to buckle down and stop spending! • Everyone knows Madame Zula’s “crystal ball” is a scam; she isn’t really ___________. • After watching a horror movie, it is easy to starting imagining scary monsters _____ in every dark corner. • After spending the night in the haunted Marshall House, the ghost hunters brought back video footage of ghostly activity that was ____________. • On summer vacation, many typically stressed out students have a different, more ___________________ attitude.
scrupulous invulnerable malevolent supercilious venial Completing the Sentences: • Although the flu shot might help prevent illness, it does not make you _____. • Even though I think getting a speeding ticket is a rather _______offense, my parents were VERY angry about it. • When Evan gave the $10 of extra change back to the cashier instead of keeping it, he showed his _______character. • The opposing team’s dirty moves and fouling was truly _______; our players were getting hurt! • George’s boss had a ______attitude that clearly showed he thought he was better than everyone else.