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Luis Gouveia Université de Lisbonne/ University of Lisboa, Portugal. SÉMINAIRE / SEMINAR. «  Tree Problems with Node Dependent Costs ». Résumé / Abstract

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  1. Luis Gouveia Université de Lisbonne/University of Lisboa, Portugal SÉMINAIRE / SEMINAR • « Tree Problems with Node Dependent Costs » Résumé / Abstract Consider a graph G=(V,E) where V is the set of nodes and E is the set of edges with non-negative costs associated. We also consider a concave cost function on the degree of each node and a constraint on the degree of each node. These considerations are mainly motivated in the telecommunications field where specific technology must be installed on each node with a degree greater than 1. We consider this variant on the classical Spanning Tree Problem and on the Prize-collecting Steiner Tree Problem. Several integer linear programming problems based on reformulation techniques such as "discretrization" and "knapsack/shortest path" are presented and their linear programming relaxations are compared using a set of instances with up to 100 nodes. Lundi / Monday 7 décembre 2009 / December 7, 2009 10h30 Salle / Room 5441 Pavillon André-Aisenstadt Université de Montréal Bienvenue à tous / Welcome to all Responsable/Organizer : Bernard Gendron Information : Pierre Marchand Responsable des communications du CIRRELT pierre.marchand@cirrelt.ulaval.ca Note Luis Gouveiaest/is professeuragrégé/Associate Professor au/at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisboa, Portugal. legouveia@fc.ul.pt

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