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Never before this, has it been so important to base your decision on true facts and accurate information. Try to think past the pressures of the present and consider the long-term impact of your decision. <br>If you have decided to have an abortion [making that decision independently] then one of the options, you can choose is medical abortion. The following information contains answers to some crucial questions you may have in mind about terminating with abortion pills. <br>
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A positive pregnancy test can be life-changing for a woman. Never before this, has it been so important to base your decision on true facts and accurate information. Try to think past the pressures of the present and consider the long-term impact of your decision. If you have decided to have an abortion [making that decision independently] then one of the options, you can choose is medical abortion. The following information contains answers to some crucial questions you may have in mind about terminating with abortion pills. Wh When en c can an yo you d u do a o a m med edi ical cal aborti abortion? on? According to FDA guidelines, termination by abortion pills can be done within 10 weeks [70 days] of gestation. This gestation period is count by the days past since the first day of your last menstrual cycle [LMP]. http://www.buyabortionpills.net/
H How ow t to term o terminate w inate with a ith abo bort rtion me ion medi dic cation? ation? According to official guidelines, the medical abortion is done as the following: 1.First, take 1 tablet of Mifepristone [200 mg], also known by the brand name Mifeprex. These drugs are anti-progesterone and prevent the hormones from continuing the pregnancy. Due to lack of these crucial hormones, the uterine wall that keeps the embryo attached withers, leading to its detachment. 2.After 24-48 hours of interval, you will take 4 tablets of Misoprostol [800 mcg] buccal [in cheek pouches]. Keep them in the mouth of 30 minutes before swallowing what’s left of them. Misoprostol is also known by its brand name Cytolog. http://www.buyabortionpills.net/
These drugs are prostaglandin analogue and ecbolic in nature. They cause uterine contractions and help in ejecting the detached conception parts from the uterine. 3.Two week later you can have a doctor’s appointment and confirm if your pregnancy is over with an ultrasound. Wh What shoul at should y d yo ou e u ex xpe pect ct a aft fter th er the p e proc rocedure edure? ? You should expect to bleed vaginally for at least one to two weeks. In rare cases women can bleed for more than three weeks. Wh What are at are t th he p e pot oten enti tial al s side ide- -effe effects cts of t of taki akin ng g t th his is m med edi icati cation on? ? Other than bleeding and cramping that are expected after taking the medication, there are some effects that may occur discriminately. According to a survey of women gone through medical pregnancy termination, here is what they experienced – Nausea [ 43-61%] Headache [ up to 44%] Vomiting [18-26%] http://www.buyabortionpills.net/
In w In wha hat t c case ases s s shoul hould I d I av avoid oid m med edi ical cal abortio abortion n? ? If you have decided to abort with Mifepristone and Misoprostol, make sure you don’t have: High blood pressure Bleeding problems Kidney, heart or liver disease Adrenal failure Fatigue Diarrhea Anemia IUD in place H How ow effective effective a are th re the a e ab bortio ortion n pills The combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol, also known as the MTP Kit has an incredible 97%-98% of success rate. pills? ? http://www.buyabortionpills.net/
Wh What wa at war rning ning si signs gns shoul should I d I w watch atch o out f ut for? or? Please contact medical assistance if you see the following symptoms after taking the pills – Persistent stomach ache [ cramping/ stomach ache for few hours is to be expected] Heavy bleeding – the kind that soaks through two sanitary pads in two hours Diarrhea- with/ without fever High fever of or more than 100°C Extreme weakness and vomiting http://www.buyabortionpills.net/
S So om me e s sa af fe et ty y t ti ip ps s t to o f fo ol ll lo ow w… …. . Get an ultrasound to know if your pregnancy is situated inside the uterus. The abortion pills don’t work if you have an ectopic pregnancy [ where the pregnancy is located outside the uterus]. Have a stock of sanitary pads, heating pad, nausea medication, painkillers, thermometer, and comfortable clothes with you while going through the procedure. Get prescribed antibiotics from a healthcare professional to avoid infection. Get an ultrasound after two weeks to confirm the complete end of pregnancy. If you are using pregnancy test cards, then you must wait until at least 4 weeks have passed. This is because the hCG hormone upon which the test card detects the pregnancy doesn’t leave the body immediately even if the pregnancy is terminated. http://www.buyabortionpills.net/