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RHQ Project Presentation JBoss World 2008

An overview of technology, strategy and direction Paul Melmon, Hyperic Greg Hinkle, Red Hat. RHQ Project Presentation JBoss World 2008. Agenda. Introductions Who is Hyperic How We Got Here Where Are We Now What Is The Value To You Compatibility challenges Our Solution

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RHQ Project Presentation JBoss World 2008

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An overview of technology, strategy and direction Paul Melmon, Hyperic Greg Hinkle, Red Hat RHQ Project Presentation JBoss World 2008

  2. Agenda Introductions Who is Hyperic How We Got Here Where Are We Now What Is The Value To You Compatibility challenges Our Solution RHQ Management Functionality Agent Infrastructure Where Do You Go RHQ Project Project Status

  3. Who is Hyperic Founded in 2004, headquartered in San Francisco, CA Team includes veterans from Netscape, Corio, IBM, HP, Apache, Covalent, Wily HQ technology focused on the growing problem of web infrastructure management 450+ customers, OEM Partners: MySQL, RedHat/JBoss, MuleSource, IONA, SpringSource Top tier investors: Accel Partners & Benchmark Capital RHX release planned for March

  4. How We Got Here Hyperic and Red Hat have been collaborating since 2005 on management infrastructure licensed from Hyperic Since the original agreement Hyperic has moved to an open source business model Hyperic has provided multiple releases of HQ JBOSS released multiple version of JON Each company had a different but complementary product focus: JON focused on deeper support for JBOSS products Hyperic focused on broader web infrastructure monitoring and management Red Hat acquired JBoss JBoss extended and enhanced the platform to new areas of systems management

  5. Where Are We Now Today we are announcing a collaborative open source management project: RHQ RHQ is a combined effort to provide management infrastructure It is not a management product The RHQ project aims to develop a common services management offering that will be used in future versions of each company's products

  6. What Is The Value To You? Management technologies utilize the same types of infrastructure that are rebuilt over and over Inventory Common agent infrastructure Fine grained security and audit Integration APIs Plugin extensions for new product support Reporting RHQ delivers these core infrastructure services in an open source model as building blocks to be utilized in management products Compatibility provides interoperability and the capacity to collaborate on commodity services

  7. Compatibility Challenges Each vendor delivers incompatible solutions for management, monitoring and configuration Management support for new products requires large testing and development efforts Multiple agents complicate deployment, utilize resources and don't provide integrated views Broader standardization efforts add complexity without real value (WEBM, ITIL, WS-Management)‏

  8. Our Solution The RHQ plugin model delivers broader product support by allowing users to combine solutions from different vendors Common core infrastructure allows management vendors to deliver management for their product sets and provide value add capabilities across product support By leveraging RHQ, vendors can deliver support for their solutions without developing custom infrastructure Enables the development of integrated solutions between products

  9. Plugin Example

  10. RHQ Management Functionality Inventory Define new managed types Monitoring Extensible monitoring, baselines, alerts Configuration Audited, validated configuration editing and history Content Delivery of software, patches and other types of content Events Common event model and log tracking Control Execution and scheduling of arbitrary operations

  11. Agent / Server Infrastructure

  12. Where Do You Go?

  13. rhq-project.org Forums Code Tickets Documentation

  14. Project Status The RHQ project is officially released as a GPL open source developer project Today An advisory board is in place with executives from both companies participating A contributors agreement will be in place to allow contributions from the community Red Hat and Hyperic have engineering commitments to the ongoing success of this platform and the future delivery of compatible solutions using this infrastructure

  15. Get involved at: http://rhq-project.org

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