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Why is Hemp Plastic being considered as an Ecological Trendsetter?

Get to know the benefits of Hemp Plastic. Learn how is it crucial in today's time. Clarify your thoughts on Hemp Plastic.

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Why is Hemp Plastic being considered as an Ecological Trendsetter?

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  1. HEMP PLASTIC: AN ECOLOGICAL LEGIONARY Why is it grabbing everyone’s attention?

  2. AN ALTERNATIVE TO NON-BIODEGRADEABLE PLASTIC • Plastic is an indispensable component of our daily lives, so why is nearly all of it still created from toxic, non-renewable petrochemicals? Could hemp be used to replace plastic made from fossil fuels? • Industrial hemp has grown into a wider range of goods throughout time, including health foods, organic body care, clothes, building materials, biofuels, plastic composites, and much more. • You may have heard that agricultural hemp, the non-psychoactive cousin of cannabis (often known as marijuana), has a plethora of possible applications ranging from clothes to paper. • hemp may even clean the soil, it's odd that this wonder crop isn't more widely used. • We discovered that hemp is already being used in certain ubiquitous products, such as vehicles, and that it might soon be used in others.

  3. ROLE OF PLASTIC IN DEGRADING ECOLOGY • Not only are the negative impacts of global warming becoming more apparent, but traditional plastics remain in the environment and can even infiltrate the food chain, endangering human and animal health. • Researchers from the University of Tasmania and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds discovered 38 million pieces of plastic debris on Henderson Island. • The seas are in a similar, if not worse, position as a result of the threat of microplastics, or microscopic bits of plastic that pollute the waterways and are frequently consumed by marine life. • According to a 2014 National Geographic research, the iconic "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" is mostly made up of millions of these small particles - as many as 1.9 million per square mile.

  4. WHAT ARE HEMP CELLULOSE FIBRES? • Some of the first plastics were created from cellulose fibres derived from non-petroleum-based organic sources. • Hemp is known to have around 65-70 percent cellulose and is regarded as a decent source (wood has approximately 40 percent, flax 65-75 percent, and cotton up to 90 percent) • Hemp cellulose may be harvested and utilized to manufacture cellophane, rayon, celluloid, and a variety of related polymers. • While 100% hemp-based plastic is still uncommon, certain "composite bioplastics" — polymers created from a mix of hemp and other plant sources — are now in use.

  5. A DARK AND DINGY LIVELIHOOD OF HEMP PLASTIC • Many plastic goods are created from polymer resins, such as polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, which may be found in common items such as plastic bottles. • While supporters expect to see 100 percent hemp-based plastic bottles on grocery shelves someday, the technology is just not ready for prime time. • However, decades of drug prohibition have resulted in a significant shortage of infrastructure required to produce and turn hemp into plastic. • Though hemp uses fewer pesticides and has a lower environmental impact than many other crops, it is still labor-demanding to cultivate and harvest. • However, as hemp farming grows from coast to coast, hemp prices will fall and technology will improve. • To know more about Organic hemp and its Versatile nature, visit www.Hemptology.co.uk or mail us at info@hemptology.co.uk

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