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Familiarize yourself with safety rules and regulations for the physics lab to ensure a safe working environment. Follow guidelines on attire, equipment handling, emergency procedures, and proper conduct to prevent accidents. Adhere to specific protocols regarding chemical handling, equipment usage, and lab behaviors to maintain a secure lab environment. Learn the consequences of lab infractions and the corresponding corrective actions. Safety is a top priority in the physics lab; prioritize safety for a successful lab experience.
SAFETY in the PHYSICS LAB 2012 – 2013 Coach Wehner
2012-2013 Rules and Contract • Familiarize yourself with these basic rules. • Participation in lab work is contingent upon you following the rules. • Serious infractions can result in disciplinary action and possible removal from lab activities. • Contract should be reviewed with, and signed by parent/guardian. • You will be permitted to conduct lab work once you return your signed form.
1. Remove contact lenses or wear goggles during lab work. • They should be removed before lab at once, if chemicals are being used. In case of an accident, chemicals can get behind the lenses and cause serious damage before they can be removed.
2. Wear apparel that is appropriate for lab work. • Long necklaces, earrings, pendants, etc. are always dangerous; so is loose-fitting clothing. They can get caught in moving parts, accidentally touch electrical connections and interfere with the investigation in some dangerous manner. • Tie long hair. • Wear shoes that will protect your feet from chemical spills and falling objects (no open-toed shoes or sandals.) • Cotton clothing is preferable to synthetic or wool clothing (more “flame retardant”).
3. HORSEPLAY and FOOLING AROUND are strictly prohibited. • Laboratory equipment and apparatus are not toys. Never play in the lab or use lab time or equipment for anything other than their intended purpose.
4. Keep materials on the lab desk at minimum. • Too many papers, notebooks, etc. can easily catch on fire in case of a short-circuit. • Wiring in some notebooks could accidentally cause a short circuit as well. • Keep all books and materials not in use under the desk or in a safe area.
NEVER… 5. … WORK ALONE (unsupervised) in a lab setting; 6. … leave EQUIPMENT UNNATTENDED while it is operating. ALWAYS… 7. … READ THE ENTIRE EXPERIMENT before starting; 8. … heed ALL SAFETY SYMBOLS AND CAUTIONS given by teacher, in print or posted in the classroom.
FIRE DRILLS 9. Know proper fire drill and emergency procedures; also the location of fire exits and emergency equipment. 10. If your clothing catches on fire, DO NOT RUN. Instead: • WALK to the nearest safety shower, stand under it, and turn it on. • CALL TO YOUR TEACHER WHILE YOU DO THIS.
REPORT… 11. … all accidents to the teacher immediately, no matter how minor. This includes unexpected physical symptoms as well. 12. … all and any spills to your teacher immediately. NOTE: Don’t stand on or near a spill, thus increasing the chance you will spread the chemical. Be especially careful with mercury, found in some old thermometers.
DON’T TRY THIS! 13. The teacher must approve student-designed inquiry investigations, before the student attempts it. Also, the teacher must be present during the trials. 14. DO NOT perform unauthorized experiments or use equipment/apparatus in a manner for which they are not intended.
PROCCEED WITH CAUTION! 15. Stay alert in the lab and be cautious. Be aware of people near or around you at all times, especially when you are about to do something in the lab. THIS IS ESPECIALLY CRITICAL WHEN HANDLING LONG OBJECTS. 16. Use EXTREME CAUTION when working with hot plates or other heating devices. They don’t usually as hot as they are. MAKE SURE ALL HEATING DEVICES AND GAS VALVES ARE TURNED OFF BEFORE LEAVING THE PREMISES.
RESPECT ELECTRICITY! 17. Exercise caution when working with electrical equipment. • Do not use electrical equipment with frayed or twisted wires. • Be sure your hands are dry before working with electrical equipment. • Do not let electrical cords dangle from workstations; dangling cords can cause tripping or electrical shocks. IT’S A FACT! MOST ELECTRIC SHOCKS AND ACCIDENTS HAPPEN TO ELECTRICAL WORKERS, NOT BECAUSE THEY SPEND MORE TIME AROUND IT, BUT BECAUSE THEY ROUTINELY IGNORE SAFETY MEASURES. DON’T BE THE NEXT VICTIM.
LABs are not RESTAURANTS 18. Food, beverages, and candy of any type are not permitted in the lab. 19. NEVER taste chemicals. Do not touch chemicals or allow them to contact areas of bare skin. 20. Keep work areas and apparatus clean and neat.
LAB INFRACTIONS • TEACHER CORRECTION = “ticket” • 3 “tickets” – you will take a safety quiz. You’ll be allowed to do lab work when your grade on it is an 80% or above. • 5 “tickets” – all of the above, plus a report on safety. • 7 “tickets” – all of the above, and a conference with the parent/guardian. • SERIOUS INFRACTIONS: discipline referral.