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Monopoly!. Game, competition, control. Competition!. Contest between firms or people to sell goods and services. Business Competition. Leads to competitive prices!. Invisible Hand!. Competition acts as an “invisible hand” that helps regulate/control the market place. Competition.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Monopoly! Game, competition, control

  2. Competition! • Contest between firms or people to sell goods and services

  3. Business Competition Leads to competitive prices!

  4. Invisible Hand! • Competition acts as an “invisible hand” that helps regulate/control the market place

  5. Competition • What happens when we take away competition and there is only ONE company?

  6. What is Monopoly? • A Game… • Monopoly= • Mono= one • Poly= seller • A market where a single seller has control

  7. To get a Monopoly: • You must own all or most of a company to have a monopoly. • Then they have control over that product • Leads to increased prices • EXAMPLE: Wii and PS3

  8. Playing Monopoly • Object of the game: • become the wealthiest player • Do this by buying, renting, and selling property.

  9. The Bank • Holds all the money and property • At the beginning of the game, all business is done through the bank • MONOPOLY • Collects all taxes, fines, loans and interest, and the price of properties sold

  10. During the Game • Roll the dice • Move your piece around the board • Buy property, follow directions, and collect $200 when you pass GO

  11. Buying Property • If you land on un-owned land =, you may buy this land • You will pay full price

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