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- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم - Education & Training for Hospital Manager; how to professionalize hospital managers?. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Fried Oelschlegel Department for Hospital Management Faculty of Medicine Jordan University of Science & Technology Amman, 26th of September 2004.
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم -Education & Training for Hospital Manager; how to professionalize hospital managers? Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Fried Oelschlegel Department for Hospital Management Faculty of Medicine Jordan University of Science & Technology Amman, 26th of September 2004
An effective mechanism to organise and manage the country’s hospitals can enlist the help of specialised expertise to ensure the maximum exploitation of available human resources and medical installations. ( H.M. King Abdullah II ; 29th July 2003 ) In the economic dimension , we all know that opportunity is a powerful force in giving people a stake in a peaceful future. It is in our hands to create a global growth economy, access to the education and technology , and , most important, justice, to show young people , that ours is a world of fairness, openness and hope. ( H.M. King Abdullah II ; 23th January 2004 )
1. The beginnings, Altruism and Charity The idea of compassion & care for sick persons is so old as the mankind. To care sick persons is a religious and social obligation in all religions Health care : a public task ( Family, Community, Government ); the financing was made predominantly by sponsors (private persons, group of persons, communities) until the beginning of the last century Administration and increase of money was a central task from the beginning of the history of hospitals. “ The power of the keys “ was in the hands of the Malteser knights ,Hospital Masters, and Medal nurses as hospital executives – they was the first Hospital managers. They was successful because they had learned to deal with money. The outsiders : They was not real successful , because they was not interested in money – more in art, music and charity. • Tilman Riemenschneider, Albert Schweizer, Mother Theresa, • 1455 - 1531 1875 – 19651910 - 1997
2. Hospital manager as a businessman • Values change – Values loss:Hospitals as private financial investmentsand enterprises – after the 2nd World War in Europe • The scissors in the head : • Selfless health welfare, altruism and non for profit principles of ethic versus entrepreneurial success, balance sheets and competitive pressure • Doctors as self managers – look back in the history – the Code of Hamurabi & the Oath of Hippocrates. They didn’t work selfless. • Doctors as managers for other – clinics, hospitals, governmental institutions & NGO’s - one cannot dance to two wedding parties. • Hospital management is a whole time job and requires the whole personal effort -independently of the profession one has before. No banker or jurist can be in his office or court and lead a hospital as an enterprise besides his activity to the same time. And no any doctor can work medically successful and can be a manager of this hospital where he is treating his patients-he will come into a collision of his duties sooner or later. • Hospital management is a profession of a wide field of problems to be solved daily and with a high stress factor .
3. Compulsion to the success - not for everybody • the over-governmental area • the governmental area • the NGO’s • the religious health care community institutions • the private sector – hospital groups • the stand alone private hospital medical & economical success
4. the commercialization of the markets • In all developed countries the state is always less able to take on the economic deficits of its hospitals. If private hospitals are able to work successfully , why then not also the governmental health care facilities. Existing legal forms and governmental regulations , the bureaucracy as well as differences in the professionalism of the management represent problems which to solve is difficult. • This is the reason why in these developed countries the state always more frequently changes implementations of the public health welfare into private-sector legal forms. The state becomes an entrepreneur. The classic state hospital-administrator is always forced to the entrepreneurial behaviour more. The compulsion to the success expands. The competition doesn't spare state institutions any more. The state demands rightly entrepreneurial success of its hospitals.
5. a new generation of management- executives • The changing environment conditions ( medical, economical, governmental, competitive markets ) requires the education and training of a new generation of management executives for hospitals with different responsibilities and key-competencies : • hospital administrators ( line manager ) • manager in the middle management • hospital ( Top) manager for the operative management ( the running business ) • leaders for the strategic management of hospitals & hospital groups on international markets
1-22 6. Skill Type Needed by Manager Level Top Managers Middle Managers Line Managers Technical Conceptual Human
7. The management of hospitals as enterprises • Hospitals need vision, leadership and a management as a modern enterprise for highly specialised products and services on a fast growing regional and international market. • The Arab region is a part of this market with international standards and rules of the game in competition. • There are only few niches for Arabian unusual features, mentalities and traditions on this market. • The market is determined internationally; the hospitals are subject to the international competition. The managers must adapt themselves to it. • He must be able to respect, to accept, to use active and to take part at the improvement of the international standards and experience in hospital management.
8. Professional competencies • The medical quality in treatment, care and service and the economic effectiveness of hospitals are reinforced by the professional competence of the management. • The complexity of the tasks and the flow of processes in the hospital require of the management eager to make decisions, design will and creativity and a solid knowledge and practical experience in all organizational and economic processes of a modern enterprise. • Hospital management = Corporate management
10. The personality of manager : different CV –similar strengths
11. No one is born as a perfect manager – but management is learnable • How ? : In practice doing & by teaching of in practice experienced teachers. A successful management of hospitals requires learning from other hospitals, from Schools for Hospital-Management and from experienced partners of the medical industry in a continuous manner; adopting the best in this field. • This is also the methodical approach for the • “ MBA course in International Hospital Management “ • which will start at a joint venture project of the department for Hospital Management of the Jordan University of Science & Technology and the Centre of Hospital Management of the German University in Muenster in March 2005.
12. International markets needs international trained managers • The market for health services inclusively for hospital performances becomes more and more an international market with an increasingly strong competition between the suppliers and an increasing decision competence of the patients as customers. • Global markets requires global thinking and acting; to be successful on international markets needs international trained managers – this require also an international orientation in teaching of such an MBA-Program for International Hospital Management. • We will invite as participants for this international MBA program – focused on the needs of the Arab region – participants from all Arab countries; the participation of our young colleagues from Iraq and Palestine is particularly important to us.
13. Joint venture in teaching, training & networking • Behind the contractual cooperation between both universities in Jordan and Germany is a close but comprehensive network of their departments or centres for Hospital Management with leading universities, scientists and managers of famous companies in the European Community, states in Asia, Africa, Australia, the Near and Middle East , and the USA as well. • CEO’s and other executives from worldwide leading hospitals and representatives of the global acting medical industry are as guest-speakers , coaches and sparring-partners involved in this unusual, because practice focused, program for the health care executives of tomorrow.
14. International orientation in practice • Our teaching partners from Germany, other European countries and countries from Middle-East as well as practice-partners for a mutual exchange of experiences, are also international active enterprises and famous companies, in Europe and in the Arab World, in the fields of • Medical devices & products • Pharmaceutical industry • Insurance companies • Banks & Finance institutions • IT-Companies • Logistic companies • Consulting enterprises
15. The modules • The modules concentrate on general management, tailored specifically to entrepreneurial hospital management, with a strong practical and interdisciplinary focus. • Using case studies from leading hospitals and the health care industry, the goal of the program is that the graduates develop analytical and critical capabilities far beyond the scope usually found in this sector at a national level. • The general aim of this course is based on the idea that business acumen, entrepreneurial acting and basic theoretical and practical skills must be combined. Besides the technical main emphases: Finance Management, Accounting, Controlling, Purchasing, Logistic, Strategic Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Quality & Risk Management , and Integrated Management the for hospital management necessary and useful specific skills as leadership, communication , conflict management, decision-making, IT-management and others will be trained in real practice fields.
16. Crash courses – practical training – site visit tours – the new way of study • The MBA Program for International Hospital Management is a 34 credit-hour program which will be offered in the form of 12 “ six-day modules” with mandatory attendance and a 13th module to finish the Master Thesis and the final examination. Two site visit tours to Germany and his neighbour countries in this time open the students opportunities to meet managers of in Europe leading hospitals and other economical and medical branches. A social and cultural program in this time, including workshops with students in Germany, will help to get a better understanding of the social, cultural and economic situation in Germany and its European neighbouring countries. After successful completion of all 12 modules and an oral examination to defend the Master Thesis, the academic degree of a MBA in International Hospital Management will be signed by the two universities in a Logo-Partnership. This kind of certificate will be appreciated in all countries of the European Community and opens up various possibilities of a professional career for the graduates on an international level.
17. Learning – a never ending opportunity and challenge of hospital manager • A certificate isn't a guarantee document for success in professional life. • A successful hospital manager know that - about success or failure of a hospital always it will be decide at the sickbed not at the conference table of the CEO. • To learn at the practical life, to take part at the hospital weekday, to learn from other colleagues and itself always be open to something new – these you can not learn by teachers, the manager will learn these by experiences – the good, and the bad. To professionalize hospital managers include also the activities for a further education in practice by mutual exchange of experiences, cooperation, collaboration in specific associations, participate at such conferences and other opportunities to meet experts in this field.