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Media -ted God. In truth, we speak boldly, in a context. The Fundamentals . World view: we need to change the way we see life Culture: we must develop our culture and communication: pathos, logos, ethos Language: we must choose an appropriate language to speak the Truth
Media-ted God In truth, we speak boldly, in a context St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
The Fundamentals • World view: we need to change the way we see life • Culture: we must develop our culture and communication: pathos, logos, ethos • Language: we must choose an appropriate language to speak the Truth • Relationship: we must go out to reach the unreachable: The Pauline Mission St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
The Belief • "We believe and so we speak, with bold and prophetic faith, we offer every one "the Charity of Truth" St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Context – Text - Communicate St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
GOODNESS • “a law inscribed in the heart of every Daughter of St. Paul: “As long as it does good!” Therefore, go out, set forth, seek, bring the Word of life to the most distant house in the smallest village.” St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Passion to communicate the TRUTH To the sheep outside the fold: the Pauline Parish St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
FSP “exudes God from her very pores.” In the marrow of our bones St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
With the Courage of St Paul St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
“to the point of death–death on a cross” (Phil. 2:8). St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
the real key to being a Pauline is to feel, like St. Paul, an inner urgency to communicate Christ’s joy and hope to as many people as possible. St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
“ • love for God, which compels us to communicate him, and love for humanity, which prompts us to find the right languages and instruments to ensure that our message will reach the hearts of everyone” (DC 2001, 31). St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
“Our book centers must become, more and more, human “arms” that warmly welcome and embrace their clients” St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
The Question It is not what we need ito talk, we know, it is God of Truth But how do we express that truth to today’s world? How do we talk to the lost sheep? St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
The context • We live in an objectified world. Everything is object for commerce (profit) and pleasure. Relationship is object for pleasure. Use and throw culture determines the dynamics of life • It comes from capitalistic ethic: what is the use and how much the profit. • Materialism is the priority, not VALUES: goodness, beauty, and truth St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Show World How do we show GOD, the charity of truth, to the world in which reel has more value than real? St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Give priority to pastoral content that treats the great issues of today in the light of the Word of God: the education to values and to the meaning of life. (8th GC) St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
The Dialectic St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
World view • Our way of looking first at our religious life. Vocation or profession. Our call of God to mission • Our way of looking at our mission of proclaiming the Word: from the Word to word? Or From the Word to Flesh? • The Paulian world view: conversion to commitment. His emphasis on JESUS as model of life; personal attachment to HIM St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
It is an ATTITUDE :Your book centers are centers of apostolate, not show windows in the usual sense of the word, but places from which to teach about St. Paul and the Gospel; not stores but a service; not sales but an apostolate with many initiatives; not customers but disciples and cooperators; not business and finance, but the Gospel that spreads light and warmth throughout the area; not prices but offerings; not domination but humble collaboration with the Church; not money but souls (CVV 16 ) St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Culture St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Only then will we be able to “feel” with Jesus Christ, that is to say, to make his thoughts and feelings our own: “Everything in the heart of Jesus should be in the heart of the apostle of the press” (AS 29). St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Cultural Matrix • Pathos: how we feel about the word and mission • Logos: how we think about the word • Ethos: how we act on the word St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Language • Discursive formulation as power to assign status in hierarchy ( Michel Foucault) • Language is coded in and through a locus of a context, geographical situation • Meaning is understood by understanding the context (context-text-communication) • Understanding the Language of the people and language of God St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Relationship “Connecting with the Disconnected” St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
A characteristic of the Pauline apostle is her way of relating to the world. • We are in the world–that is, we live within specific structures and societies. • Like Paul, we must have “a heart immense enough to embrace the entire world [...] and learn from him the art of ‘being all things to all people,’ as well as the flexibility that will enable us to interact with people in keeping with their physical, intellectual, moral, religious and civil circumstances” (cf. AE 37). St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
The Mission Strategy • CULTURE: Counter-culture to the current culture: value based, personhood, not objecthood • COMMUNICATION: making connections with the unconnected by using their language • GOD: Jesus is our content, not the profit in our stores St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
The Word • the centrality of the Word of God, which should characterize our choices of content, in keeping with the invitation of Alberione to “speak of everything in a Christian way” (CD 2007, n. 28). St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Why talk only the Bible directly? • Bible in Face Book • Connect with the youth through SMS • Upload in YouTube • Speak the Word through blogs St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
What is it: The Glo Bible, a multimedia, digital version of the bible. • What's in it: 7,000 articles, 2,000 images and more than 500 virtual tours of holy sites. • Cost: $80 • Apps…. St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Daughters of St Paul? St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Language • Our language must be “consistent with the circumstances of our receivers and suited to the time, the place and the instrument of communication” (Const. 19). • When Karl Rahner was asked what he thought was the greatest problem facing the Church today, he replied: “I’m not the one who should say this…but I think it is that of proclaiming the Christian message using the language of ordinary people; to speak the way they speak.” St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
We must move out of our archaic and verbose discourse • Short, interesting, lively: Present tense, not compound sentence • We should not PREACH, we should talk about their longing and let them know that Jesus is for them St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Sensitivity to Context • Always alert to the signs of the times, we will be ready to take on for evangelization the swiftest and most effective means that progress provides and the necessities and conditions of the times require (Const. 3). • “apply our creativity and pastoral concern to the discovery of new ways to penetrate society with the Gospel, involving the Christian community in this task” (art. 24). St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Todays youth are NOT RELIGIOUS but very SPIRITUAL • Today’s world goes for SPEED, QUALITY, and PROFESSIONALISM • Money matters more than anything • Visuals more than print St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Communication • Our language is born out of the social context/geographical location • Our language should be people’s language that touches the hearts of the people • Our communication must create a CARTHASIS – purge of emotions leading to interior modification • It must MOVE the people St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Ways of Becoming Competent Communicator Help to formulate strategies St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Convert from where you are Like St Paul we need to have an interior modification St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
What is your Passion? This comes from our vocation and experience: why I am here. Religious life is vocation, not a profession St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Connect with the people organically Being in touch with the world CONSTANTLY St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Be Bold to witness Bold is beautiful St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Create communities who do your mission Like St Joseph, we do not need to be in the limelight St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
What are our Channels of communication? Media today spin the story to suit their agenda. We should create channels to expose the TRUTH St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Social Marketing St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Building Competencies Developing Human Resources St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Our communication should change the people’s world view of life (value based) • We should stand as counter-culture to the culture of today • We should have effective language that connects with the people • We must build communes of FSP that spread the Word • We must become good story tellers, not preachers • The content must always be JESUS What we should St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
It is not by our expertise, but His technology: He speaks From Moses to St Paul…..daughters of St Paul St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
As consecrated Paulines, we should be able to express our radical belonging to the Lord and the prophetic power that springs from a life lived in and for a mission that we carry out together: as communities, as a Congregation, as the Pauline Family, as Church…… St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter
Go out and make the changeBe that change St Paul's Sisters Prov Chapter