3rd Grade Math Worksheets
Here comes for Third grade math games and activities. These are for 3rd grade math centers and have 4 colorful math puzzles and math activities that are apt for children in 3rd grade. Through these math ebooks / math worksheets, children will learn through math word problem and work on:- Multiplication Facts helping in preparing for Multiplication word problems Multiplication table Division Division facts - Dividing Division Word problems (Division strategies) Identifying Numerator and Denominator Representation of Data using Bar graph Bar Graphs Data Tracking About the Math worksheets Be colorful - Bzzzzzzz. Bees are busy working, they are tired too. Can you help them with the help of times table? Practice tables of 7 and 8 and make the way for the bees. Naughty Monkeys - One day, Mike saw a lot kites stuck on a tree. He could not climb up the tree and if he threw stones or used a stick then these kites would get torn. They are made up of very thin paper. Meanwhile a gang of monkeys arrived. They offered to help him only on one condition. Solve the puzzles and take the kites. Can you help Mike out? Practice Division Facts when Dividend is of 2 Digit and Divisor of 1 Digit without remainder. Chicken Calls - Uncle Mcdonald has a Poultry farm.There are many hens and cocks in the farm.Hens lays Egg and everyday uncle Mcdonald collects the eggs,but some eggs got broken while handling.Help uncle to find the fraction of broken eggs to total eggs. Practice Finding the Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction. School Diary - Rony is a brilliant child. Here is the performance page in Rony’s school diary.Can you show the total stars, smileys and ticks that he got in 4 years? Use the space given below the make your bar graph. Practice Representation of data using bar graphs. Soft Skills - Show kindness through helping - Love nature and restore nature - Be smart, think smart. - Don't be afraid to face challenges. - Help animals and humans Hope these math worksheets help and let me know if there are any specific needs. Download 1000's of such FREE math worksheets - https://logicroots.com/mathworksheets/grade3/ Scroll through grades or topics and click to print or download. No payment required.
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