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The Healthier Food Mark: why it matters? Bronwen Jones Deputy Director Food Policy Unit Defra

The Healthier Food Mark: why it matters? Bronwen Jones Deputy Director Food Policy Unit Defra. Food Matters: Towards a Food Strategy for the 21 st Century . The politics of food. Why food matters: economy. 3.2 million jobs £172bn sales in 2007

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The Healthier Food Mark: why it matters? Bronwen Jones Deputy Director Food Policy Unit Defra

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Healthier Food Mark: why it matters? Bronwen Jones Deputy Director Food Policy Unit Defra

  2. Food Matters:Towards a Food Strategy for the 21st Century

  3. The politics of food

  4. Why food matters: economy • 3.2 million jobs • £172bn sales in 2007 • 7% of UK national output, the UK’s largest single manufacturing sector

  5. Why food matters: environment • 18% of UK total GHG emissions; agriculture contributes 7% of UK total GHG • Produces waste, water pollution, loss of habitats and biodiversity • But also landscape, land management, biodiversity benefits

  6. Why food matters: health • Consumers are better informed and more demanding about the food they eat • 40% of us will be obese by 2025; 60% by 2050 • 70,000 premature deaths could be avoided by matching nutritional guidelines Too much saturated fat Too much salt Too much added sugar

  7. Co-ordinating Government policy • Machinery of Government changes in October 2008 • Working across Government – as well as lead responsibilities on farming, the food industry and their environmental impacts working on • Social impacts and health and wellbeing, food inequalities, food poverty, food skills • International activity on global food security and sustainability • Holistic view to achieve four policy goals set out in the PMSU ‘Food Matters’ report: • Foster collaborative working; add value to others’ work; and enhance the Government’s reputation on food policymaking

  8. What do we want to achieve Food matters objectives: • Fair prices, choice access to food and food security through open competitive markets • Continuous improvement in safety of food • Healthier food; • More environmentally sustainable food chain

  9. How can the HFM help deliver these objectives? • Provides a market for healthy sustainable food • Provides a better food offer for people in hospitals, schools, care homes and canteens • Engages with them on health and sustainability issues; and • Shows government leadership.

  10. Thank you

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