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The sooner you can establish a good study routine, the quicker it will become ingrained in your childu2019s mind and become a habit. If you can start this routine during the early years of school, then your child will begin to grasp the concept that learning is his responsibility, and less and less supervision will be required by you.
10 TIPS FOR IMPROVINGYOUR CHILD’S STUDYHABITS I realize that the title of this article makes the assumption that your child already has study habits that we are now going to improve. Unfortunately, it is more often the case that students don’t actually have any regular study habits. Many students get to high school and readily admit that they don’t actually know how to study. This is especially true in math classes. This list of tips applies to students of all ages, but my hope is that parents of early elementary age children will instill these habits into their young children and then continue to reinforce these all the way through high school. What if your child is already in high school? Then start immediately. It is never toolate. Always encourage your child. Make sure your child feels that you have confidence in his/her ability to master the material. Likewise, provide a safe place to fail. Your child needs to feel confident that you will support and help him even if he is not successful at first. Take care, though, that your child understands that homework is his responsibility, notyours! In your home, set up a study area (not the child’s bedroom), and have consistent study time. Have space for you or a tutor to work with your child. Study sessions should be limited to 15- 45 minutes at a time (the time increasing with the age of the child.) Then allow a snack or phone break for 10-15 minutes. Then repeat the pattern until homework or studying is finished. Check over completed homework every day. You do not need to know if the homework is correct.Justcheckforneatnessandcompletion.Ifnecessary,getanassignmentsheetfromthe
teacher so that you know what is expected. If the math homeworkshows only answers with no work, check with the teacher about the homework policy. Math teachers generally require that students show their work. Do insist on some review time with your child for any subjects causingdifficulty. https://www.heroschool.org/2019/12/04/10-tips-for-improving-your-childs-study-habits/