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Craig Roberts 10143471. LOGO. DESIGN. WHAT IS A LOGO?.

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  1. Craig Roberts 10143471 LOGO DESIGN

  2. WHAT IS A LOGO? A logo design in technical terms is referred to as a logotype which is “The graphic element of a trademark or brand, which is set in a special typeface/font, or arranged in a particular, but legible, way. The shape, colour, typeface, etc. should be distinctly different from others in a similar market.” (Wheeler, 2003, p. 4)

  3. WHAT TO USE? Use attention grabbing colours Use the values of the business Use visually pleasing shapes Include a small trademark or saying Make the logo diverse for many uses

  4. HOW DO THEY HELP? Logo designs can ILLUSTRATE the potential of your goods or services to others. Let’s have a look at two other companies’ logos to figure out how they use shapes and colours to convey a message.

  5. This logo uses soft colours and curvy visually pleasing shapes. It is a well known logo because of its simplicity. (“Microsoft”, n.d.)

  6. This logo design plays on the actual name of the business. It uses the same colour throughout and the edges of the apple are rounded to make it more appealing. (“Apple”, n.d.)

  7. INCLUDING THE BUSINESS. Here are some other logos from well known companies. Notice how they are made to reflect whatever the businesses products or services are. (“Hungry Jacks”, n.d.) (“Aussie”, n.d.) (“Gloria Jean’s”, n.d.)

  8. PROGRAMS. There are many programs that you can easily use to create suitable logos for your business such as: Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, AutoCAD and many more. Many businesses use the facilities of professional graphic designers to create a more suitable logo for their company, but with a bit of practice, trial and error you will be able to create a successful logo!

  9. Rationale Once again, for this task I continued with the same concept from the first assignment. Keeping to the same neat, tidy and well paced approach. Using the same information from my creative report, this presentation would be used to accompany a lecture on the principles of logo design. Although it may look like it lacks information and detailed design, this is the main focus to provide a basic guide used for the audiences purpose whilst the main part of the information is presented verbally. Much inspiration for this design was taken from this units lectures, and this is how it would be delivered. The same text type was used but it was increased to improve the readability of the presentation. Self Evaluation

  10. References Wheeler, A. (2003). Designing Brand Identity. United States: John Wiley “Microsoft” http://api.ning.com/files/LJAPsV3VlXRVKjGPxCSTZ1S9aKFK4zR5wm00LlegR4O8HUs5Glqwk3w9kd8mOYIFTVcrtCZE1OjsX8J*MbsJGlQyAAxEybZT/microsoftwindowsvistalogo.jpg “Apple” http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/business/consuminginterests/blog/apple-logo1.jpg “Hungry Jacks” http://www.doobybrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/hungry-jacks-logo.gif “Gloria Jean’s” http://www.wsdcc.com.au/files/4149/images/logo%20-%20gloria%20jeans%20coffee.jpg “Aussie” http://www.careerone.com.au/images/company-profiles/postintact/aussie_logo.jpg

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