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EUMEDIS Focal Points Meeting Brussels, 20-21 January 2000 Pilot projects for Euro-Mediteranean Electronic Commerce Dr. Paul Desruelle - European Commission DG Information Society Unit C3 “ Electronic Commerce” Paul.Desruelle@cec.eu.int. Contents:. IST Key Action II
EUMEDIS Focal Points Meeting Brussels, 20-21 January 2000 Pilot projects for Euro-MediteraneanElectronic Commerce Dr. Paul Desruelle - European Commission DG Information Society Unit C3 “Electronic Commerce”Paul.Desruelle@cec.eu.int
Contents: • IST Key Action II • EUMEDIS Pilot Projects in Euro- Mediterranean Electronic Commerce • For more information
The Global Information Society A World in Transition Powerful processing - Moore’s law continues - 1 billion transistors chips Intelligent software - distributed - learning - self-organising - multimedia New and enhanced - products - services - organisations - work Media Communications Computing Global Information Society Universal networked infrastructure - open (internet-based) - powerful (broadband) - ubiquitous - pluralistic (cable, satellite, mobile) - integrated - evolving New ways to work, play, do business, govern millenium technologies & infrastructures convergence to the “Single Digital Space”: commodity computing value & wealth for people & organisations
IST Key Action IINew Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce Research networking 0.161 BEURO KA1: Systems and services for the citizen 0.646 BEURO KA2: New methods of work and electronic commerce 0.547 BEURO KA3: Multimedia content and tools 0.564 BEURO KA4: Essential technologies and infrastructures 1.363 BEURO Future and emerging technologies 0.319 BEURO
Key Action II New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce Aims To develop Information Society technologies and policy to enable European workers and organisations to increase their competitiveness in the Global Information Society, whilst at the same time improving the quality of the individuals’ working life, and consumer confidence
Build on European Strengths • Mobile communications • Smart cards • Electronic payments • Digital television • Enterprise software • Digital local access • Multicultural and multilingual society • SME networks • World class education system • World leader in international trade • World leader in key user industries • (automotive, pharmaceutical, aeronautics, …)
Information Society New Economic Perspectives Traditional Business • Complex organisation /simple jobs • Assets: tangible • Vision: ‘efficient organisations’ • Setting: • certainty, little change • tangible resources • the law of scarcity • mass markets • simple products & processes • Complex jobs/ simple organisation • Assets: tangible + intangible • Vision: ‘learning organisations’ • Setting: • uncertainty, highly dynamic • intangible resources • the law of abundancy • customer focus • value-added products & processes E-Business
The Information SocietyNew Terminology internetworked organisations innovative workplaces confidence electronic business smart products trust customer empowerment portfolio careers dynamic processes & markets intellectual capital
Subcontractors e-business communities, economic webs, value networks Virtual Organisation Internetworked Organisations Sub-subcontractor Smart Organisations The inter-organisational view Business environment in which clusters of internetworked organisations collaborate around a particular technology and make use of a common architecture to deliver independent elements of value that grows with the number of participating organisations
the business organisational perspective C2 - new organisational forms - competitive business - customer integration - collaborating organisations: business interactions perspective - technological building blocks (e-commerce technologies) - infrastructures - interoperability - holistic product view - product life-cycle - value-network integration - commercial collaborations: mediation & brokerage the product perspective C3 the individuals perspective C1 - skills - workspaces - roles: worker, consumer, citizen - collaborating individuals The Digital EconomyPerspectives the technology perspective C4
IST WorkprogrammeComplementary Activities Technologies Applications Suppliers Users Take up Concerted Actions
IST Key Action II New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce Focus of Work New Ways of WorkingUnit C1- a society of skilled individualsPeter Johnston The Smart OrganisationUnit C2- competing in the digital economyRosalie Zobel Electronic Commerce Unit C3- enhanced products, services & market Bror Salmelin processes Trust and Confidence Unit C4- the enabling technological building Michel Roy blocks and infrastructure
Unit C1: New Methods of Work The individual's perspective: to increase individual and team effectiveness, the quality of working life and the range of work/employment opportunities for all social groups in all regions through development of user-friendly IS technologies and new methods to organise work, and promotion of best practice in their use. The unit will also support consumer and citizen rights in work and electronic commerce • New work methods for individuals and teams • Innovative workplaces • Integration of roles of worker, consumer, citizen • Employable, skilled and creative people • Close links to related policy Builds on work in ACTS Teleworking & Esprit TBP and IiM
Unit C3: Electronic Commerce To keep Europe at the forefront of the global digital economy via facilitating innovation, creating value in the electronic market place and co-operation with leading edge organisations. • New paradigms in value networks and dynamic markets • Radically new systems approach for electronic business • New forms of mediation & brokerage • Digitally enhanced products and services • People-oriented electronic business • Close links to related policy Builds on work in Esprit IiM, MMS, TBP, ACTS, & e-commerce
Projects should be test solutions which are likely to leverage - the creation of joint ventures or economic partnerships between companies and/or, - the development of a Euro-Mediterranean electronic market of both products and services. - the specific local economic resources of the Mediterranean regions in view of matching local offer with the demand of a larger Euro-Mediterranean market. - Projects may also include pilot outsourcing solutions (based on telework systems) Pilot Projects inEuro-Mediterranean Electronic-commerce (1/3)
Pilot projects should help prepare & facilitate: - Direct marketing - Distribution - Business-to-business relations in various sectors (e.g. chemicals, tourism, textile, food, etc.) Involvement of major economic actors and market intermediaries of the region is expected (e.g. Custom authorities, Industry federations, Bank Federations, Chambers of Commerce, Investment promotion agencies, etc.) Pilot Projects inEuro-Mediterranean Electronic-commerce (2/3)
Pilot projects should ensure e-commerce intermediaries the usage of open and interoperable systems. Projects should ensure sustainability with specific reference to transport and logistics Specific attention to be given to the visibility and user-friendliness of proposed solutions Pilot Projects inEuro-Mediterranean Electronic-commerce (3/3)
IST Key Action II New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce • EUMEDIS Contact Persons* • IST Key Action II: Teresa de-Martino • E-commerce Pilot Projects: Paul Desruelle & Teresa de Martino • Technologies for Industries Pilot Projects: Jesus Villasante and Michel Roy • * e-mail address: first name.last name@cec.eu.int
Innovation in technologies and business models: participate to pilot and R&D projects of the Information Society Technologies Programme http://www.cordis.lu/ist/home.html European Commission and Electronic Commerce: legislation, business information, projects, background, etc. Participating http://www.ispo.cec.be/ecommerce Email: ecommerce@www.ispo.cec.be
350 projects (2nd edition - March 1999) http://www.ispo.cec.be/ecommerce/books/aecebook.html Book on Accelerating Electronic Commerce in Europe