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Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift?. 1-1. Section One: Pre-reading Activities. Section Two: Global Reading. Section Three: Detailed Reading. Section Four: Consolidation Activities. Section Five: Further Enhancement. I. Read aloud. Read aloud.

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  1. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 1-1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement I. Read aloud Read aloud Read the following passage aloud, making a pause between sense groups. Audiovisual supplements Types of Speech Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood,/ used,/ and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language/ in any situation regardless of the level of formality./ As such,/ these words and expressions are well-defined/ and listed in standard dictionaries./ Colloquialisms,/ on the other hand,/ are familiar words and idioms/ that are understood by almost all speakers of a language/ and used in informal speech or writing,/ but not considered appropriate for more formal situations./ Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language./ Slang,/ however,/

  2. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 1-2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement refers to words and expressions understood/ by a large number of speakers but not accepted as good,/ formal usage by the majority./ Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries/ but will be so identified./ Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than in writing./ Colloquial speech often passes into standard speech./ Some slang also passes into standard speech,/ but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity/ followed by obscurity./ In some cases,/ the majority never accepts certain slang phrases/ but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories./ Every generation seems to require its own set of words to describe familiar objects and events./ Read aloud Audiovisual supplements

  3. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 1-2-1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement II. Audiovisual supplements Read aloud TV Series episode: 24 Audiovisual supplements Questions: 1. What is going on? 2. For what reason did Jamey betray the government? Answers for reference: 1. Nina and Jamey are agents from CTU. And Nina found out that Jamey was a betrayer. 2. Simply money.

  4. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 1-2-2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Tony: Jamey: Tony: Nina: Jamey: Nina: You sold classified information. People are dead cos of you. The only chance you got of helpin’ yourself is by talkin’ to us now. Jamey! The guy you work for, what’s his name? We call him Gaines. I don’t know if that’s his real name. Do you have any idea where he might be holding Teri and Kim? Jamey, stay with us, here. I needed the money. That’s all. I didn’t think anyone would die. Yeah, well, they did. You’d better get it together fast if you wanna help yourself here. Is Gaines the one watching us through our surveillance? And you set that up? ... O.K. I can’t do anything from in here. I have to get back on the floor. Read aloud Audiovisual supplements

  5. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 1-2-3 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Tony: Jamey: Yeah, but we can’t cut their video feed off, cos Gaines’ guys will get suspicious when he sees you walkin’ around. I know what to say to him. Read aloud Audiovisual supplements

  6. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 1-2-1-1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Read aloud Audiovisual supplements ■

  7. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 2-1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement I. Text analysis The author of the text describes one of his experiences of accepting the gifts bestowed by others, and his thoughts and worries on whether to return them or not. Finally the author draws the conclusion with the final appropriate settlement of the gifts. Text analysis Structural analysis Cultural background

  8. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 2-2-1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement II. Structural analysis Text analysis Paragraphs 1 – 6 — the situation he served and farewell gifts bestowed by the local people Structural analysis Cultural background Paragraphs 7 – 11 — the author’s worries about the gifts and his decision to return them Paragraphs 12 – 22 — discussion with his children and how he persuades his wife to return the gifts Paragraphs 23 – 26 — the final settlement of the gifts

  9. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 2-3-1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement III. Cultural background Text analysis Structural analysis Cultural background Instructions on Creating a Gift Basket STEP 1: Include a group of eclectic (从不同来源挑选的) items in your basket, keeping in mind that no one expects you to spend a lot. STEP 2: Choose from items such as international gourmet (美食家) foods or spices; flavored coffee beans; teas from around the world; books or magazines about the receiver’s favorite hobbies or sports; handheld games; and relaxing CDs or tapes, such as those with sounds of the seashore, chimes, water or whales.

  10. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 2-3-2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement STEP 3: Pick a basket style. Choices include those with one handle, with two side handles, or without handles. Make certain the basket is large enough to hold the gifts you have selected. STEP 4: Choose a neutral color that will complement any home or office decor. A natural wicker (柳条) basket works well. STEP 5: Use shredded paper filling to make the gifts fit snugly in the basket. STEP 6: Wrap all the presents and carefully place them in the basket to ensure a good fit. STEP 7: Wrap the basket with colorful gift wrap and tie the wrap with a beautiful ribbon. STEP 8: Tape (捆扎,缚牢) an appropriate greeting card to the wrap. Text analysis Structural analysis Cultural background

  11. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-S Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? On my relief from war-duty I felt that my work was no longer in South Africa but in India. Not that there was nothing to be done in South Africa, but I was afraid that my main business might become merely money-making. Friends at home were also pressing me to return, and I felt that I should be of more service in India. And for the work in South Africa, there were, of course, Messrs Khan and Mansukhlal Naazar. So I requested my coworkers to relieve me. After very great difficulty my request was conditionally accepted, the condition being that I should be ready to go back to South Africa if, within a year, the community should need me. I thought it was a difficult condition, but the love that bound me to the community made me accept it.

  12. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-S Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement “The Lord had bound me With the cotton-thread of love, I am His bondslave.” Sang Mirabai. And for me, too, the cotton-thread of love that bound me to the community was too strong to break. The voice of the people is the voice of God, and here the voice of friends was too real to be rejected. I accepted the condition and got their permission to go. At this time I was intimately connected only with Natal. The Natal Indians bathed me with the nectar of love. Farewell meetings were arranged at every place, and costly gifts were presented to me. Gifts had been bestowed on me before when I returned to India in 1899, but this time the farewell was overwhelming. The gifts of course included things in gold and silver, but there were articles of costly diamond as well.

  13. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text3-S Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement What right did I have to accept all these gifts? Accepting them, how could I persuade myself that I was serving the community without remuneration? All the gifts, excepting a few from my clients, were purely for my service to the community, and I could make no difference between my clients and coworkers, for the clients also helped me in my public work. One of the gifts was a gold necklace worth fifty guineas, meant for my wife. But even that gift was given because of my public work, and so it could not be separated from the rest. The evening I was presented with the bulk of these things I had a sleepless night. I walked up and down my room deeply agitated, but could find no solution. It was difficult for me to forego gifts worth hundreds, it was more difficult to keep them.

  14. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text4-S Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement And even if I could keep them, what about my children? What about my wife? They were being trained to a life of service and to an understanding that service was its own reward. I had no costly ornaments in the house. We had been fast simplifying our life. How then could we afford to have gold watches? How could we afford to wear gold chains and diamond rings? Even then I was exhorting people to conquer the infatuation for jewellery. What was I now to do with the jewellery that had come upon me? I decided that I could not keep these things. I drafted a letter, creating a trust of them in favor of the community and appointing Parsi Rustomji and other trustees. In the morning I held a consultation with my wife and children and finally got rid of the heavy incubus.

  15. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text5-S Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement I knew that I should have some difficulty in persuading my wife, and I was sure that I should have none so far as the children were concerned. So I decided to constitute them my attorneys. The children readily agreed to my proposal. “We do not need these costly presents, we must return them to the community, and should we ever need them, we could easily purchase them,” they said. I was delighted. “Then you will plead with mother, won’t you?” I asked them. “Certainly,” said they. “That is our business. She does not need to wear the ornaments. She would want to keep them for us, and if we don’t want them, why should she not agree to part with them? ” But it was easier said than done.

  16. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text6-S Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement “You may not need them,” said my wife. “Your children may not need them. Cajoled, they will dance to your tune. I can understand you not permitting me to wear them. But what about my daughters-in-law? They will be sure to need them. And who knows what will happen tomorrow? I would be the last person to part with gifts so lovingly given.” And thus the torrent of argument went on, reinforced, in the end, by tears. But the children were adamant. And I was unmoved. I mildly put in, “The children have not yet got married. We do not want to see them married young. When they are grown up, they can take care of themselves. And surely we shall not have, for our sons, brides who are fond of ornaments. And if, after all, we need to provide them with ornaments, I am there. You will ask me then.”

  17. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text7-S Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement “Ask you? I know you by this time. You deprived me of my ornaments, you would not leave me in peace with them. Fancy you offering to get ornaments for the daughters-in-law! You are trying to make sadhus of my boys from today! No, the ornaments will not be returned. And pray what right have you to my necklace?” “But,” I rejoined, “is the necklace given you for your service or for my service?” “I agree. But service rendered by you is as good as rendered by me. I have toiled and moiled for you day and night. Is that no service? You forced all and sundry on me, making me weep bitter tears, and I slaved for them!”

  18. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text8-S Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement These were pointed thrusts, and some of them went home. But I was determined to return the ornaments. I somehow succeeded in extorting a consent from her. The gifts received from 1896 to 1901 were all returned. A trust-deed was prepared, and they were deposited with a bank, to be used for the service of the community, according to my wishes or to those of the trustees. Often, when I was in need of funds for public purposes, and felt that I must draw upon the trust, I have been able to raise the requisite amount, leaving the trust money intact. The fund is still there, being operated upon in times of need, and it has regularly accumulated. I have never since regretted the step, and as the years have gone by, my wife has also seen its wisdom. It has saved us from many temptations. I am definitely of opinion that a public worker should accept no costly gifts. 1,161 words

  19. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-W Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? On my relief from war-duty I felt that my work was no longer in South Africa but in India. Not that there was nothing to be done in South Africa, but I was afraid that my main business might become merely money-making. Friends at home were also pressing me to return, and I felt that I should be of more service in India. And for the work in South Africa, there were, of course, Messrs Khan and Mansukhlal Naazar. So I requested my coworkers to relieve me. After very great difficulty my request was conditionally accepted, the condition being that I should be ready to go back to South Africa if, within a year, the community should need me. I thought it was a difficult condition, but the love that bound me to the community made me accept it.

  20. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement “The Lord had bound me With the cotton-thread of love, I am His bondslave.” Sang Mirabai. And for me, too, the cotton-thread of love that bound me to the community was too strong to break. The voice of the people is the voice of God, and here the voice of friends was too real to be rejected. I accepted the condition and got their permission to go. At this time I was intimately connected only with Natal. The Natal Indians bathed me with the nectar of love. Farewell meetings were arranged at every place, and costly gifts were presented to me. Gifts had been bestowed on me before when I returned to India in 1899, but this time the farewell was overwhelming. The gifts of course included things in gold and silver, but there were articles of costly diamond as well.

  21. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text3-W Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement What right did I have to accept all these gifts? Accepting them, how could I persuade myself that I was serving the community without remuneration? All the gifts, excepting a few from my clients, were purely for my service to the community, and I could make no difference between my clients and coworkers, for the clients also helped me in my public work. One of the gifts was a gold necklace worth fifty guineas, meant for my wife. But even that gift was given because of my public work, and so it could not be separated from the rest. The evening I was presented with the bulk of these things I had a sleepless night. I walked up and down my room deeply agitated, but could find no solution. It was difficult for me to forego gifts worth hundreds, it was more difficult to keep them.

  22. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text4-W Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement And even if I could keep them, what about my children? What about my wife? They were being trained to a life of service and to an understanding that service was its own reward. I had no costly ornaments in the house. We had been fast simplifying our life. How then could we afford to have gold watches? How could we afford to wear gold chains and diamond rings? Even then I was exhorting people to conquer the infatuation for jewellery. What was I now to do with the jewellery that had come upon me? I decided that I could not keep these things. I drafted a letter, creating a trust of them in favor of the community and appointing Parsi Rustomji and other trustees. In the morning I held a consultation with my wife and children and finally got rid of the heavy incubus.

  23. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text5-W Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement I knew that I should have some difficulty in persuading my wife, and I was sure that I should have none so far as the children were concerned. So I decided to constitute them my attorneys. The children readily agreed to my proposal. “We do not need these costly presents, we must return them to the community, and should we ever need them, we could easily purchase them,” they said. I was delighted. “Then you will plead with mother, won’t you?” I asked them. “Certainly,” said they. “That is our business. She does not need to wear the ornaments. She would want to keep them for us, and if we don’t want them, why should she not agree to part with them? ” But it was easier said than done.

  24. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text6-W Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement “You may not need them,” said my wife. “Your children may not need them. Cajoled, they will dance to your tune. I can understand you not permitting me to wear them. But what about my daughters-in-law? They will be sure to need them. And who knows what will happen tomorrow? I would be the last person to part with gifts so lovingly given.” And thus the torrent of argument went on, reinforced, in the end, by tears. But the children were adamant. And I was unmoved. I mildly put in, “The children have not yet got married. We do not want to see them married young. When they are grown up, they can take care of themselves. And surely we shall not have, for our sons, brides who are fond of ornaments. And if, after all, we need to provide them with ornaments, I am there. You will ask me then.”

  25. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text7-W Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement “Ask you? I know you by this time. You deprived me of my ornaments, you would not leave me in peace with them. Fancy you offering to get ornaments for the daughters-in-law! You are trying to make sadhus of my boys from today! No, the ornaments will not be returned. And pray what right have you to my necklace?” “But,” I rejoined, “is the necklace given you for your service or for my service?” “I agree. But service rendered by you is as good as rendered by me. I have toiled and moiled for you day and night. Is that no service? You forced all andsundry on me, making me weep bitter tears, and I slaved for them!”

  26. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text8-W Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement These were pointed thrusts, and some of them went home. But I was determined to return the ornaments. I somehow succeeded in extorting a consent from her. The gifts received from 1896 to 1901 were all returned. A trust-deed was prepared, and they were deposited with a bank, to be used for the service of the community, according to my wishes or to those of the trustees. Often, when I was in need of funds for public purposes, and felt that I must draw upon the trust, I have been able to raise the requisite amount, leaving the trust money intact. The fund is still there, being operated upon in times of need, and it has regularly accumulated. I have never since regretted the step, and as the years have gone by, my wife has also seen its wisdom. It has saved us from many temptations. I am definitely of opinion that a public worker should accept no costly gifts. 1,161 words

  27. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text4-S-The… Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement They were being trained to a life of service and to an understanding that service was its own reward. Explanation: This is a twist of the proverb “Virtue is its own reward”, which means that one should not expect a reward for doing something that is truly virtuous. Here the sentence means that one should not expect a reward for serving the people, for the satisfaction that one gets for serving the people is reward enough. 我一直教育他们:活着就要为他人提供服务,并要求他们理解服务本身就是对他们的奖赏。

  28. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text4-S-We had… Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement We had been fast simplifying our life. Paraphrase: We had been working hard to simplify our life. 我们一直过着非常简朴的生活。

  29. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text4-S- Even… Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Even then I was exhorting people to conquer the infatuation for jewellery. Paraphrase: Even then I was trying to persuade people to overcome the wild and foolish love for wealth. 就在那时,我仍在劝说人们抵制住珠宝的诱惑。

  30. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text5-S_So I… Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement So I decided to constitute them my attorneys. Explanation: The verb “constitute” means to give somebody a certain position. The phrase here means the author decided to ask his sons to persuade his wife (i.e. to act for him like attorneys for their clients). 于是,我决定让我的孩子们来给我当说客。

  31. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text5-S_But … Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement But it was easier said than done. Paraphrase: It is easier to say one will do something than to do it. 说来容易做来难。

  32. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text6-S_Cajoled… Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Cajoled, they will dance to your tune. Paraphrase: They have been talked into saying and doing what you want them to. 他们已经被你说服,完全按你的意思说话行事。

  33. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text8-S_These … Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement These were pointed thrusts, and some of them went home. Paraphrase: These were sharp verbal attacks, some of which were very effective. 这些话都是非常犀利的攻击,而且一些话击中了要害。

  34. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-W-press1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement press v. Explanation: to try hard to persuade someone e.g. I wanted to go home but they all pressed me to stay. e.g. The senator was pressed repeatedly to explain what he had done with the money. Collocation: press for press on press on with

  35. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-W-press2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Derivation: pressed adj. pressing n. & adj. Practice: Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 她极力劝说客人们再呆一会儿。 2) 让我们加紧工作吧。 She pressed her guests to stay a little longer. Let’s press on with our work.

  36. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-W-request1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement request v. Explanation: To ask for something in a polite and formal way e.g. To request more information, please call our toll free number. e.g. You have to request permission if you want to take any photographs. Derivation: requested adj. Collocation: request sb. to do sth. request sth. from sb.

  37. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-W-request2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Practice: Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 她请求给点水。 2) 我们将仔细考虑你的要求。 She made a request for some water. We shall give your request our careful consideration.

  38. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-W-relieve1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement relieve v. Explanation: • 1) to reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings • 2) to make a problem less difficult or serious e.g. Drugs helped to relieve the pain. e.g. programs aimed at relieving unemployment Collocation: relieve sb. of sth. e.g. A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work. e.g. He rose and relieved her of her bags.

  39. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-W-relieve2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Derivation: relieved adj. e.g. I felt relieved that Ben would be there. Practice: • Translate the following sentences into English: • 1) 让我把你的重包裹卸下来吧。 • 2) 这将会在一定程度上减轻对火车的压力。 Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel. This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent.

  40. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-W-bind1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement bind v. Explanation: • 1) to tie someone so that they cannot move or escape • 2) to form a strong emotional or economic connection between two people, countries etc. e.g. They bound my arms and legs with rope. e.g. Their shared experiences in war helped to bind the two communities together. Collocation: bind sb. over bind sb. to do sth. bind with

  41. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text1-W-bind2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Derivation: bind n. binding adj. Practice: Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 绑紧囚犯的双臂。 2) 把匪徒用绳子绑在座位上以免他逃跑。 Bind the prisoner’s arms together. Bind the gangster to the seat with rope lest he should escape.

  42. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W-boundslave Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement bondslave n. 奴隶,农奴

  43. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W- bathe1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement bathe v. Explanation: • to spread over with or as if with light , water, etc. • to wash or cover part of one’s body with a liquid, especially • as a medical treatment e.g. The fields were bathed in sunlight. e.g. The child’s eyes were bathed with tears. e.g. She brought a bowl of water and began to bathe the injured arm. Derivation: bathe n. bathing n.

  44. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W- bathe2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Practice: Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 教练叫他每天洗眼两次。 2) 整个城市为阳光所笼罩。 The coach told him to bathe his eyes twice a day. The whole city is bathed in sunlight.

  45. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W- nectar Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement nectar n. Explanation: 1) the sweet liquid that bees collect from flowers 2) thick juice made from particular fruit 3) the drink of the gods, in the stories of ancient Greece Derivation: nectarous adj. Practice: Translate the following sentence into English: 我们终于尝到成功之甜果。 Finally, we tasted the nectar of success.

  46. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W-bestow1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement bestow v. Explanation: to give someone something of great value or importance e.g. But she did believe that her revelations had not been bestowed upon her for herself but for everybody. Comparison: award, give award: to officially give someone something such as a prize or money to reward them for something they have done give: to let someone have something as a present, or to provide something for someone

  47. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W-bestow2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Collocation: bestow sth. on/upon sb Practice: • Translate the following sentences into English: • 1) 向贵宾们赠送了几件精美的礼品。 • 2)主席对获胜者给予高度赞扬。 Several fancy gifts were bestowed on the distinguished guests. The chairman bestowed high praise on the winners.

  48. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W- overwhelming1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement overwhelming adj. Explanation: • having such a great effect on someone that he/she feels confused and does not know how to react • very large or greater, more important etc. than any other e.g. She felt an overwhelming desire to hit him. e.g. She found the city quite overwhelming when she first arrived. e.g. There is overwhelming evidence that smoking damages your health. Derivation: overwhelm v. overwhelmingly adv.

  49. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W- overwhelming2 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement Practice: Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 他得到一个压倒性的优势。 2) 对他们不利的证据是压倒性的。 He got an overwhelming majority. The evidence against them is overwhelming.

  50. Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gift? 3.text2-W-costly1 Section One: Pre-reading Activities Section Two: Global Reading Section Three: Detailed Reading Section Four: Consolidation Activities Section Five: Further Enhancement costly adj. Explanation: • 1) very expensive, especially wasting a lot of money • 2) something that is costly causes a lot of problems or trouble e.g. Such a database would be extremely costly to set up. e.g. His delay in making a decision could prove costly in the long run. Derivation: cost v. costliness n. Antonym: cheap

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