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A New Catalyst for Splitting Water into Molecular Oxygen

A New Catalyst for Splitting Water into Molecular Oxygen. James M. Krier UC-Berkeley. Unique challenges ahead. Energy = N (GDP/N)(E/GDP).

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A New Catalyst for Splitting Water into Molecular Oxygen

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  1. A New Catalyst for Splitting Water into Molecular Oxygen James M. Krier UC-Berkeley

  2. Unique challenges ahead Energy = N (GDP/N)(E/GDP) Even with optimistic technological and conservation forecasts, the rapid economic growth in developing nations is predicted to double global energy needs by 2050 Per person GDP Energy intensity N. S. Lewis, D. G. Nocera, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 15729 (2006).

  3. Power from the sun 2 H2(g) + O2(g) → 2 H2O(l) ∆H = -286 kJ/mol • Enough solar energy strikes the globe in one hour (4.3 x 1020 J) to power all human activity for one year (4.1 x 1020 J) • Photosynthesis by plants is an example of splitting water for energy storage bcs.whfreeman.com/lehninger N. S. Lewis, D. G. Nocera, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 15729 (2006).

  4. The artificial plant The oxygen reaction is tricky in both systems N. S. Lewis, D. G. Nocera, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 15729 (2006).

  5. Recent breakthrough e- e- + - 1.29 V Conducting glass, such as indium tin oxide 0.5 mM Co(NO3)2 0.1 M KPi (potassium phosphate) SEM image Film is 2:1 as Co:Pi Alternative: Kanan, M. W. & Nocera, D. G. Science 321, 1072–1075 (2008).

  6. Key features • Self-repair mechanism, in situ formation • Co2+, Co3+, Co4+ species likely responsible for balancing different oxidation steps • Co2+-HPO42- (aq)  Co3+-HPO42- (on electrode surface) • Composed of earth-abundant materials • Long lasting O2 production at low overpotential, neutral pH, room temperature/pressure • Drawbacks: large initial overpotential, not effective at high current Kanan, M. W. & Nocera, D. G. Science 321, 1072–1075 (2008).

  7. Your new house? web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2008/oxygen-0731.html Kanan, M. W. & Nocera, D. G. Science 321, 1072–1075 (2008).

  8. Links to additional reading… • nature.com/nmat/journal/v7/n10/full/nmat2284.html • rsc.org/ej/CS/2009/b802262n.pdf • sciencemag.org/cgi/reprint/321/5892/1072.pdf • www.web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2008/oxygen-0731.html • www.pnas.org/content/103/43/15729.abstract

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