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Handy Countries Vocab 4

Handy Countries Vocab 4 . Even more Countries with Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face. I’m Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face. Here are even more countries. . Dänemark. dänisch. Denmark - Danish. Denmark. Ungarn. ungarisch. Hungary - Hungarian. Hungary. Ukraine. ukrainisch.

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Handy Countries Vocab 4

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Handy Countries Vocab 4 Even more Countries with Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face

  2. I’m Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face. Here are even more countries.

  3. Dänemark dänisch Denmark - Danish Denmark

  4. Ungarn ungarisch Hungary - Hungarian Hungary

  5. Ukraine ukrainisch Ukraine - Ukrainian Ukraine

  6. TschechischeRepublik tschechisch Czech Republic - Czech Czech Republic

  7. Algerien algerisch Algeria - Algerian Algeria

  8. Türkei türkisch Turkey - Turkish Turkey

  9. Kenia kenianisch Kenya - Kenyan Kenya

  10. Israel israelisch Israel - Israeli Israel

  11. Malaysia malaiisch Malaysia - Malaysian Malaysia

  12. Ghana ghanaisch Ghana - Ghanaian Ghana

  13. Marokko marokkanisch Morocco - Moroccan Morocco

  14. Chile chilenisch Chile - Chilean Chile

  15. Join us again!

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