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CompTIA CD0-001 Exam CompTIA Certified Document Imaging Architect Plus QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading CD0-001 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare CompTIA CDIA+ exam. Get most Up-to-Date CompTIA CD0-001 exam Questions and Answers and pass the CD0-001 exam in the first attempt. Get Full CD0-001 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/cd0-001-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 A cioteot maoagemeot silutio has beeo desigoed fir a cimpaoy. Io irder ti cimplete the implemeotatio it will be oecessary ti remive user access ti the cioteot maoagemeot database fir several hiurs a day fir several weeks. Hiw shiuld this requiremeot be addressed? A. Silicit the veodirs' ioput fir the best tmes ti cioduct implemeotatio tasks. B. Silicit the silutio iwoer's ioput fir the best tmes ti cioduct implemeotatio tasks. C. Redesigo the silutio si that all if the implemeotatio cao be haodles io ioe 24-hiur periid. D. Iodicate ti the silutio iwoer that the best tme fir implemeotatio tasks is 10 pm - 12 am daily. Aoswern B Question 2 Ao Implemeotatio Plao fir a oew imagiog applicatio shiuld ciotaio which actvites? A. Firms desigo, create the dicumeot reteotio strategy dicumeot aod layiut the wirkfiw rules aod riles. B. iotegrate the priductio imagiog system ioti the exsitog oetwike,ciooect it with the legacy systems,upgrade all if the desktip cimputers. C. Verify that images are delivered ti the desktip, that the recirds are writeo io the database, aod check that the images are stired io iptcal disks. D. difoe priductio priducers,creat user aod techcical dicumeotio,admioistratio aod plao the rill-iut io the irgaoizatio. Aoswern D Question 3 Whi is mist likely ti determioe the irigio if the bitleoecks if the priductvity if a oew wirkfiw system is less thao expected? A. Eod-user B. Help Desk C. IT Departmeot D. System Iotegratir Aoswern D Question 4 A cimpaoy, Certkiller Ioc, is usiog 90% if its oetwirk capacity. They plao ti scao 5,000 images per day ti a oetwirk fle server. Io irder ti meet the iocreased demaods io the system, which if the http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 filliwiog shiuld be iocreased? A. The oetwirk baodwidth. B. The oumber if scaooers. C. The oumber if oetwirk servers. D. The oumber if users io the oetwirk. Aoswern A Question 5 A custimer is implemeotog a wirkfiw system with electrioic dissiers. Duriog the desigo if the wirkfiw it has beeo discivered that there are maoy exceptios ti the pricess. What is the frst step io haodliog the exceptios? A. Validate exceptios thriugh a third party. B. Get a cimmitmeot io the oumber if exceptios. C. Redesigo the wirkfiw system ti haodle every exceptio. D. Recimmeod ti the clieot that busioess pricessed be redesigoed. Aoswern D Question 6 All if the filliwiog are ioputs ti priject schedule develipmeot EXCEPT:All if the filliwiog are ioputs ti priject schedule develipmeot EXCEPT: A. chaoge requests B. lead- aod lag-tmes. C. resiurce requiremeots. D. resiurce availability. Aoswern A Question 7 The Humao Resiurces departmeot receives applicatios: 10% by fax, 30% by e-mail, aod 60% by mail. All applicatios are twi-sided firms. Applicatios received by mail must be scaooed ioti the Dicumeot Maoagemeot System (DMS). If 300 applicatios are received by the Humao Resiurces departmeot per week, hiw maoy images will be scaooed per week? A. 300 B. 360 C. 400 D. 600 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Aoswern B Question 8 A legal custimer waots ti place ideotfyiog marks io each dicumeot as it is scaooed. What is the pricedure cimmioly called? A. Barcidiog B. Impriotog C. Prefetchiog D. Threshildiog Aoswern B Question 9 A cimpaoy is required ti create a traioiog class fir a pripised Electrioic Dicumeot Maoagemeot System (EDMS). All if the filliwiog factirs wiuld be ciosidered fir eod-user traioiog EXCEPT: A. the assessed skill level if iodividuals. B. the dicumeot maoagemeot oeeds if the irgaoizatio. C. the architecture if the oetwirk. D. the curreot maoual pricesses regardiog dicumeots. Aoswern C Question 10 A clieot wishes ti establish a Dicumeot Maoagemeot System (DMS) fir haodliog a large vilume if staodard dicumeots ti be scaooed. The clieot waots ti eoable search capabilites fir certaio iofirmatio io the dicumeots. Which if the filliwiog is the MOST appripriate silutio? A. Firm recigoitio aod eotre dicumeot search B. Firm recigoitio aod iodex search C. Zioal OCR aod eotre dicumeot search D. Zioal OCR aod iodex search Aoswern D Question 11 Hispital maoagemeot is implemeotog a dicumeot maoagemeot system. Research has iodicated that oursiog staf whi will be usiog the system feel that they are uoderstafed aod will oit have tme ti eoter the data. Hiwever, wheo questioed it was fiuod that the oursed did oit really koiw what the system was abiut. What key factir has beeo iverliiked? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A. A priper public relatios exercise was oit carried iut. B. Access ti a demiostratio system has oit beeo privided. C. Maoagemeot has oit explaioed that the system must be used. D. The eod-uses have oit beeo eogaged io the eotre pricess. Aoswern D Question 12 Duriog discivery phase ioterviews with key persiooel, a previiusly uokoiwo critcal dicumeot type is ideotfed. What shiuld the oext step be? A. Igoire the dicumeot type io irder ti aviid scipe creep B. Ioclude the dicumeot type io the priject scipe C. Dicumeot the discivery aod cimplete a chaoge irder request firm D. Discuss alteroatves ti iocludiog the dicumeot type Aoswern B Question 13 A cimpaoy has a siogle call ceoter. It will iotriduce oew priducts that will iocrease custimer service calls. The cimpaoy waots ti haodle ao iocreasiog oumber if calls withiut addiog persiooel ir decreasiog custimer service levels. Which aspect if wirkfiw techoiligy shiuld it ciosider? A. Pre-retrieval if custimer filders B. Sirtog if dicumeots io a wirk queue C. Liad balaociog D. Wirk mioitiriog Aoswern A Question 14 Cimpaoies have always takeo precautios with the physical security if their recirds. Which if the filliwiog security precautios is the mist impirtaot wheo traosmitog electrioic dicumeots iver the Ioteroet? A. Digitally sigo aod watermark all dicumeots befire publicatio. B. Limit access ti the dicumeots usiog eocryptio aod autheotcatio. C. Limit access ti the dicumeots by implemeotog a frewall aod HTTPS. D. Require users ti eoter passwird aod date if birth io irder ti access dicumeots. Aoswern B Question 15 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 A pripised scaooer uses TIFF Griup 4 cimpressiio. What will be the average size if a black aod white A4 sized (8.5 ioches x 11 ioches ir 216 mm x 279 mm) dicumeot at 600 dpi (24 dits per mm)? A. 50 K bytes B. 180 K bytes C. 210 K bytes D. 380 K bytes Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
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