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Applicant Tracking SaaS for Small and Medium Businesses

Applicant Tracking SaaS for Small and Medium Businesses. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). “Applicant tracking systems provide a software interface for companies to manage their hiring process.

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Applicant Tracking SaaS for Small and Medium Businesses

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ApplicantTracking SaaS for Small and Medium Businesses www.selection-as-a-service.com

  2. ApplicantTrackingSystems (ATS) “Applicant tracking systems provide a software interface for companiesto manage their hiring process. At a base level, this consists of opening new positions and advertising them online, either on a corporate home page or job boards. Once recruiters open the position and advertise it, the ATS provides an interface for candidates to apply online and for managers and recruiters to view and search through those candidate submissions before moving them through the hiring processing — typically from screening to interview to offer and, of course, hire.” Thomas Boyle, director of product strategy, OpenHire www.selection-as-a-service.com

  3. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) “Software that is owned, delivered and managed remotely by one or more providers. The provider delivers software based on one set of common code and data definitions that is consumed in a one-to-many model by all contracted customers at anytime on a pay-for-use basis or as a subscription based on use metrics.” Gartner www.selection-as-a-service.com

  4. Parties Social Media Recruiters Administrators Applicants Contact Person Employees Job sites SaaS Provider Portal Backoffice www.selection-as-a-service.com

  5. Toolbox www.selection-as-a-service.com

  6. Basic Workflow Portal Application Interviews Selection www.selection-as-a-service.com

  7. Portal www.selection-as-a-service.com

  8. Advanced Workflow Portal Application Preselection Interviews Selection Tagging www.selection-as-a-service.com

  9. Portal www.selection-as-a-service.com

  10. Tagging www.selection-as-a-service.com

  11. Preselection www.selection-as-a-service.com

  12. Professional Workflow Parsing Screening Application Preselection Interviews Selection Portal Tagging References www.selection-as-a-service.com

  13. Parsing www.selection-as-a-service.com

  14. Screening www.selection-as-a-service.com

  15. www.selection-as-a-service.com

  16. Expert Workflow Parsing Screening Personality Portal Application Preselection Interviews Selection Tagging References Assessment Admission www.selection-as-a-service.com

  17. Personality - MBTI www.selection-as-a-service.com

  18. Assessment Center www.selection-as-a-service.com

  19. Summary www.selection-as-a-service.com

  20. AFWATISAF www.selection-as-a-service.com

  21. Demo www.selection-as-a-service.com

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