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價值活動與兩岸產業群聚因素 對多國籍企業台灣子公司 策略性角色變化的影響

價值活動與兩岸產業群聚因素 對多國籍企業台灣子公司 策略性角色變化的影響. 評論人 : 朱文儀 台灣大學工商管理系暨商學研究所 2004/12/4. Significance of HQ-Subsidiary Relations Research. Existing literature in the West: shifting from corporate headquarters to: Subsidiaries Headquarter-subsidiary relations: dyadic data (few & challenging)

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價值活動與兩岸產業群聚因素 對多國籍企業台灣子公司 策略性角色變化的影響

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  1. 價值活動與兩岸產業群聚因素對多國籍企業台灣子公司 策略性角色變化的影響 評論人:朱文儀 台灣大學工商管理系暨商學研究所 2004/12/4

  2. Significance of HQ-Subsidiary Relations Research • Existing literature in the West: shifting from corporate headquarters to: • Subsidiaries • Headquarter-subsidiary relations: dyadic data (few & challenging) • Research in Taiwan: • Mainly focuses on subsidiaries (e.g., 外商在台) • An emerging line of study on headquarters (e.g., 台商在大陸) • Dyadic studies are sparse (Why?)

  3. Positioning of the Study • Judging from the title: 價值活動與兩岸產業群聚因素 對多國籍企業台灣子公司 策略性角色變化的影響 • Subsidiary level (多國籍企業台灣子公司) • Subsidiary roles? (子公司策略性角色) • Determinants of Subsidiary roles? (價值活動、產業群聚因素) • Dynamic versus static? (角色變化)

  4. Research Framework:What are Dependent & Independent Variables? Role of Subsidiaries Subsidiary Y1 Value Chain activities Strategic importance of (X1- X4) local resources & capabilities Subsidiary Y2 Industry Cluster Factors Strategic importance of(Diamond models) local environment (X5–X8) H1-1~ H1-4 H2-1~ H2-4

  5. Three Pieces of the Puzzle • Bartlett and Ghoshal (1990), Managing Across Borders • Porter (1990), Competitive Advantages of Nations • Porter (1985), “Value chain”

  6. Back to the Original Literature - IBartlett and Ghoshal (1987), Managing across Borders Y: Differentiated Roles of Subsidiaries X1: Strategic Importance of local market high Y1:Black holeY2:Strategic leader Y3: Implementer Y4: Contributor low low high X2: Resources and Capabilities of local subsidiary

  7. How Do Bartlett & Ghoshal Define These Variables? • X1: Strategic Importance of Local Environment A1. Size of local market A2. Competitors’ home markets A3. Sophistication of local market A4. Technological advance of local market • X2: Level of Local Resources and Capabilities B1. subsidiary’s competence in technology B2. subsidiary’s competence in production B3. subsidiary’s competence in marketing B4. subsidiary’s competence in other areas

  8. Differentiated Roles, So What?Differentiated HQ-Subsidiary Relations Subsidiary characteristics HQ-Subsidiary relations • A X1 Coordination Y1-4 Z Control • B X2 Centralization Formalization Socialization Where Does This Research Stand? Local conditions Subsidiary roles

  9. Differentiated Roles, So What?Differentiated HQ-Subsidiary Relations Subsidiary characteristics HQ-Subsidiary relations • A X1 Coordination Y1-4 Z Control • B X2 Centralization Formalization Socialization Where Does This Research Stand? Local conditions Subsidiary roles

  10. Rethink about the Research FrameworkConfusion on Dependent Variables Role of Subsidiaries Subsidiary Y1 Value Chain activities Strategic importance of (X1- X4) local resources & capabilities Subsidiary Y2 Industry Cluster Factors Strategic importance of(Diamond models) local environment (X5–X8) Have We really investigated “Subsidiary Roles?” H1-1~ H1-4 H2-1~ H2-4

  11. Back to the Original Literature- IIPorter (1990), Competitive Advantages of Nations • Unit of analysis • Main arguments • Appropriateness of using this model for predicting subsidiary characteristics

  12. Rethink about the Research Framework:Confusion on Independent Variables Role of Subsidiaries Subsidiary Y1 Value Chain activities Strategic importance of (X1- X4) local resources & capabilities Subsidiary Y2 Industry Cluster Factors Strategic importance of (Diamond models) local environment (X5–X8) Are Diamond Model Industry Specific or not? Do We Believe in Comparative Industry Characteristic? H1-1~ H1-4 H2-1~ H2-4

  13. Rethink about the Research Framework:Confusion on possible interactions among X & Y Role of Subsidiaries Subsidiary Y1 Value Chain activities Strategic importance of (X1- X4) local resources & capabilities Subsidiary Y2 Industry Cluster Factors Strategic importance of(Diamond models) local environment (X5–X8) Are We Sure X1-4 and X5-8 Are Distinctive? Are We Sure about the causality? H1-1~ H1-4 ? H2-1~ H2-4

  14. Rethink about the Research Framework:Confusion on possible interactions among X & Y Role of Subsidiaries Subsidiary Y1 Value Chain activities Strategic importance of (X1- X4) local resources & capabilities Subsidiary Y2 Industry Cluster Factors Strategic importance of(Diamond models) local environment (X5–X8) Are We Sure X1-4 and X5-8 Are Distinctive? Are We Sure about the causality? H1-1~ H1-4 H2-1~ H2-4

  15. Positioning of the Study • Judging from the title: 價值活動與兩岸產業群聚因素 對多國籍企業台灣子公司 策略性角色變化的影響 • Subsidiary level (多國籍企業台灣子公司) • Subsidiary roles? (子公司策略性角色) • Determinants of Subsidiary roles? (價值活動、產業群聚因素) • Dynamic versus static? (角色變化)

  16. Possible Amendments • Measurement: notably, Y1 & Y2 • Research Sample: both with Taiwan & Chinese Subsidiaries • Cronbach alpha: multiple items for one variable • Correlation tables: possible multicolinearity • Significance of descriptive statistics • Regression models - Data disclosure - Significant level • Conclusion and Discussions

  17. Measurement of Dependent Variables • Y1: Strategic Importance of Local Industrial Environment 1. 台灣子公司已形成能供應母公司之核心事業原物料供應的產業聚落 (X7?) 2. 台灣子公司已形成能供應母公司之核心事業所需研發機構 (X2?) 3. 台灣子公司已形成能供應母公司之核心事業所需的消費需求(X2?) • Y2: Strategic Importance of Local Resources and Capabilities 1. 相較於其他子公司,台灣子公司國內需求市場對於多國籍企業母公司的重要性 (Y1?) 2. 相較於其他子公司,台灣子公司利潤貢獻能力對於多國籍企業母公司的重要性 (resource dependence?) 3. 相較於其他子公司,多國籍企業母公司持續將資源挹注於台灣子公司的程度 (resource dependence?)

  18. Concluding Remarks:Growth Strategy for Academic Research Learning from Ansoff: • Existing versus new research questions • Existing versus new theoretical foundations • Existing versus new research method Which directions to growth?

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