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Burnaby South Secondary School and The BC School for the Deaf. Course Selection Presentation Grade 11 into 12. Course Selection. The Course Selection sheet is like a contract Schools are staffed and time-tabled according to the information on these forms
Burnaby South Secondary SchoolandThe BC School for the Deaf Course Selection Presentation Grade 11 into 12
Course Selection • The Course Selection sheet is like a contract • Schools are staffed and time-tabled according to the information on these forms • Only those courses with a sufficientnumber of students registered (by April 2012) will be offered • Those with low enrolment will be cancelled for the 2012-13 school year • This may occur after Course Verification Sheets are sent out, so make sure you have alternate choices for ALL ELECTIVES just in case
Course Selection • ALL Students are required to take 8 Courses • Only students with incomplete timetables or legitimate errors will be allowed course corrections in September 2012 (ie; you have already completed a course, or you require a course for Graduation or University) • NOTE: Not “liking” a course, ie: your friends are NOT in it, you don’t like the time of day it is offered, or you change your mind, is NOTconsidered a legitimate error…so make your choices CAREFULLY. Think it through before you choose! • There will be NO course changes in September • Course Descriptions can be found on our school website: http://south.sd41.bc.ca/depts/courses/cselection.htm
Grade 12 Course Selection Form Leadership Application MUST be stapled to your Course Selection form Honours forms are handed In to Student Services
Required Grade 12 Courses English 12/Communications 12 * *Mandatory provincial exam worth 40% of your overall mark Three Grade 12 Level Courses (12 Credits) Graduation Transition Plan (4 Credits) Personal Health: 150 minutes per week ofdocumentedphysical activity This can be fulfilled by taking PE12, PE Weight Training 12, Dance 12, or Aerobics 12 Community Connections: 30 hours, or 90 hours of work experience or volunteer work Career & Life: A written transition plan and an exit interview
Work Experience • Two Types of Work Experience To Choose From: • 30 hours, OR • 90 hours (4 credits) – Counts as a grade 12 course • When choosing this option, students must select an area of focus.
Mathematics Course Structure majority for trades and workplace program not requiring theoretical calculus program requiring theoretical calculus
Honours / Advanced Placement at Burnaby South Program Overview 2012-2013 Grade Assemblies February 2012
Why Take Honours Courses? Enriched learning environment, greater depth in topics learned Group of equally interested, motivated & advanced students Find out what you can really do - challenge yourself Grade 11 Honours courses are prerequisites for many Grade 12 AP courses. E.g: Biology 11 Honours is required to apply for AP Biology AP Courses can give you credit for University level courses and help with admission status. FACT: 1 out of every 3 students at Burnaby South is taking at least 1 Honours/AP Course
Burnaby South Honours & AP Course Offerings LANGUAGES ENGLISH SOCIAL STUDIES VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS Students may take more than 1 Advanced Placement (AP) Art course at the same time.
Burnaby South Honours & AP Course Offerings BUSINESS EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE MATHEMATICS Students may take more than 1 Advanced Placement (AP) Science course at the same time. Students can take Math 12H, AP Calculus AB and/or AP Statistics at the same time. Students can take Math 12, AP Calculus BC and/or AP Statistics at the same time. Students CANNOT take AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC at the same time.
What is AP? APstands for Advanced Placement Program of University-level courses and exams offered in high school We teach the university courses here at SOUTH You write the AP EXAM if you want to gain university credit Exams scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with Canadian universities giving credit for score of 4 or 5 (some American universities give credit for score of 3) Over 3.4 millionexams written worldwide, 24,900in Canada and over 9,380 in B.C.
AP courses offered 2012/13 • Art 2D Design • Art 3D Design • Art Drawing • Biology (Bio 12 too) • Calculus AB (Calc 12 too)(equal to ½ yr univ math) • Calculus BC (Calc 12 too) (equal to full yr univ math) • Chemistry (Chem 12 too) • Chinese Culture and Language (Man 12 too) • Computer Science - Burnaby Online • English Literature (Eng 12 too) • European History (NEW) • French Language (Fr 12 too) • Microeconomics • Macroeconomics • Psychology • Physics (Phys 12 too) • Statistics ***All AP Courses are Grade 12 level
Benefits of Taking AP at South The AP COURSE prepares students for university level work and expectations of 1st year courses The AP EXAM (you choose to write or not – is a fee): Can earn advance placement and/or credit for university while still in high school if you do “well” on the exam Potentially save a lot of $$$ since university tuition fees are expensive Finish your post-secondary degree earlier (or earlier entry into graduate school) 36% of all grade 12s in 2011-2012 took at least ONE AP Course.
2011 AP Exam Results Comparison 76% 79% 81% 76% 64% 75% AP considers a grade of 3+ to be a passing grade. University credit is granted when student gets 4+
HONOURS & A.P. Student Thoughts “Each AP exam that you take can give you up to 6 university credits (that can save you over $800).” Yegor Rabets, UBC Engineering “South’s AP program gives its students a taste of good work ethic and time management; essential for success in university. Travis Wong, SFU, Business Eric Lu, SFU, Science“The Honours & AP program has challenged me during high school and made my transition to university smoother.” "I'm really glad I did the AP program at South. The teachers were excellent and made class incredibly fascinating and intellectually engaging. It was the best preparation I had for Duke.“ Spencer Li, Duke, Economics “Students who enroll in Honours classes are interested in learning and have great attitudes. Having eager classmates means the teacher is able to teach at a faster rate. ” Xiao Yuan, Honours student since Grade 8
Honours Brochure School website http://south.sd41.bc.ca/depts/ap/ap.htm Find Mr. A. Lee in Room A139 at LUNCH or talk to your counselor For More Information…
Career Programs Ms. Matsumura & Mr. Kwan Career Programs Office C105 Student Services
Option A:30Hr Work Experience • You will complete 30 hours of work experience • MANDATORY FOR GRADUATION
Option B:90 Hr Career Preparation • 90 hours of career-related work experience • Earn 4 Grade 12 elective credits • Satisfies the required 30 hours of work experience for Grad Transitions • Completed between the summer of Grade 10 and May of grade 12 year (can be completed during or outside of school time) • Will choose a Focus Area – ex. Business, Health, Trades, Sciences (see handout) • Allows for career exploration in one or two focus areas of interest • Helps develop confidence in the workplace, references & experience for resumes and possible job contacts • Must complete an Employability Skills Profile – a useful tool for interviews and for the Graduation Transition student-led exit interview in Grade 12
On your Course Selection Form, you MUSTchoose either the 90hr. or 30hr. program 4. WORK EXPERIENCE – Circle one coursein either the 90hr. OR 30hr. program Career Preparation – 90 hr. program 90 hours of work experience equals a 4 credit course. If you select the Career preparation program, it will be considered as one of your 8 courses 7391 Business & Applied Business 7392 Fine Arts, Design, & Media 7393 Fitness & Recreation 7394 Health & Human Services 7395 Liberal Arts & Humanities 7396 Science & Applied Science 7397 Tourism, Hospitality & Foods 7398 Trades & Technology Work Experience – 30 hr. Program If you have not selected a career preparation program (left) then you MUST select this option 7300 Work Experience 12 (30 Hrs.)
Review: If you choose 90 Hr CP Program Career Preparation – 90 hr. program 90 hours of work experience equals a 4 credit course. If you select the Career preparation program, it will be considered as one of your 8 courses 7391 Busineess & Applied Business 7392 Fine Arts, Design, & Media 7393 Fitness & Recreation 7394 Health & Human Services 7395 Liberal Arts & Humanities 7396 Science & Applied Science 7397 Tourism, Hospitality & Foods 7398 Trades & Technology 4. WORK EXPERIENCE – Circle one course in either the 90hr. OR 30hr. program • You Will Get… • 90 hours of volunteer work experience related to your career goals • 4 credits towards graduation • a study block in Grade 12 • Complete a written assignment Career Preparation – 90 hr. program 90 hours of work experience equals a 4 credit course. If you select the Career preparation program, it will be considered as one of your 8 courses 7391 Busineess & Applied Business 7392 Fine Arts, Design, & Media 7393 Fitness & Recreation 7394 Health & Human Services 7395 Liberal Arts & Humanities 7396 Science & Applied Science 7397 Tourism, Hospitality & Foods 7398 Trades & Technology Work Experience – 30 hr. Program If you have not selected a career Preparation program (left) then you MUST select this option 7300 Work Experience 12 (30 Hrs.)
Artist, Actor, Set designer, AV Technician, Interior Designer Accountant, Stockbroker, Marketing Executive, Salesperson, Realtor, Hairdresser Choose a Career Focus Athlete, Coach, Referee, Facilities Manager, Ski/golf/tennis/fitness Instructor. Career Preparation – 90 hr. program 90 hours of work experience equals a 4 credit course. If you select the Career Preparation Program, it will be considered as one of your 8 courses 7391 Business & Applied Business 7392 Fine Arts, Design, & Media 7393 Fitness & Recreation 7394 Health & Human Services 7395 Liberal Arts & Humanities 7396 Science & Applied Science 7397 Tourism, Hospitality & Foods 7398 Trades & Technology Doctor, Nurse, Paramedic, Pharmacist, Veterinarian, Social Worker, Dietician, Firefighter, Lawyer, Police officer Sociologist, Scientitst, Librarian, Interpereter, Clergy Engineer, Architect, Biologist, Pilot, Air traffic Controller Sales Agent, Hotel Manager, Front Desk Agent, Host, Server, Chef, Bartender, Flight Attendant Plumber, Carpenter, Drywall installers, Mechanic, Aircraft maintenance engineer, Autobody repair
Ifyoudo not select the 90 hr program… 4. WORK EXPERIENCE – Circle one course in either the 90hr. OR 30hr. program Work Experience – 30 hour Program If you have not selected a career preparation program then you MUSTselect the 30hr option 7300 Work Experience 12 (30 Hrs.) Career Preparation – 90 hr. program 90 hours of work experience equals a 4 credit course. If you select the Career preparation program, it will be considered as one of your 8 courses 7391 Busineess & Applied Business 7392 Fine Arts, Design, & Media 7393 Fitness & Recreation 7394 Health & Human Services 7395 Liberal Arts & Humanities 7396 Science & Applied Science 7397 Tourism, Hospitality & Foods 7398 Trades & Technology Work Experience – 30 hr. Program If you have not selected a career preparation program (left) then you MUST select this option 7300 Work Experience 12 (30 Hrs.)
Benefits of a Career Preparation Program • You will complete a Grad Transition Requirement • Add to your Resume • Possible use towards Scholarships • Gain valuable work experience • Opportunity for Career Exploration • Learn Job Interview Skills • Possible Part Time Employment • Professional Contacts • References
Option C:ACE-IT Training Programs • Ace-It Training Programs include a combination of course work and hands-on work experience leading to graduation and recognized industry certification • Automotive Collision Repair Technician –VCC • Auto Refinishing and Prep Technician – VCC • Automotive Service Technician – Cariboo Hill • Cabinet-making – Byrne Creek • Carpentry/Residential Construction Framing – Cariboo Hill • Computer Support Technician – Burnaby South • Construction Electrician – Burnaby Mountain • Cooks Training – Burnaby Central • Digital Sound Production – Burnaby North • Fitness Instructor (2 year or 1 year program) – Alpha • Graphics/Media Arts – Byrne Creek • Hairdressing (2 year program) – Alpha • Hospitality Management – Burnaby Mountain • Plumbing – Piping Industry Apprenticeship Board • Film & Broadcast – Burnaby North • Steel Fabrication – BCIT
Any Questions? Go Visit Ms. Matsumura or Mr. Kwan in the Career Programs Office in Student Services to discuss any of your work experience questions.
Graduation Requirements You’ll need 80 credits from Grades 10 to 12.
Graduation Transition Plan There are 3 parts to this plan, which are worth 4 credits in total and are REQUIRED for Graduation: • 150 minutes of per week ofdocumentedphysical activity • This can be fulfilled by taking PE 12, Dance 12, Aerobics 12 • or PE Weight Training 12 • 30 hours, or 90 hours of work experience or volunteer work • A written transition plan and an exit interview
Graduation Transition Plan • Further details can be found on Ms. Tsai’s Graduation Transitions Blog: blogs.sd41.bc.ca/tsait/
External Credits • You may be able to get credit towards graduation for external activities that you are involved in, some examples are: • Language Challenge Exams (applications occur in October) • Music / Dance • Sports (Provincial Rep Teams, BC Summer Games, National Team Level) • Coaching/Refereeing • First Aid/Life Saving • ICBC Driver Training • Computer Certification • Scouts/Guides • Youth Leadership • If you think you qualify for any external credits, please see your Counsellor to check this out
Provincial Exams: Overview • You’ll need to write 5 provincial exams in your High School Career to Graduate: • Language Arts 10 (English 10) • Science 10 • Math 10 • Social Studies 11 • Language Arts 12 (English 12 or Communications 12) • Each exam is worth 20% of your overall final mark, except for the Language Arts 12 exam, which is worth 40%.
Provincial Exams: Grade 12 Grade 12 Provincial Exams have now CHANGED (Lucky you guys…) The ONLY Grade 12 Provincial Exam that you MUST write to Graduate, is the English/Communications 12 Exam (worth 40% of your final mark) This means that the Provincial Exam Scholarship has changed too! NOW: Students must achieve at least a “B” (73% or above) final mark (provincial exam and school mark combined) in one of the Language Arts 12 (Communications 12 or English 12) AND: Students must achieve at least one “A” (86% or higher) and three “B”s (73% or higher) on the remainder of the Mandatory Provincial Exams (Science 10, English 10, Math 10, Social Studies 11) to be eligible for the Provincial Exam Scholarship
University Entrance Requirements • Each University & Each Faculty has its own specific requirements • Generally, you will need to take English 12 plus 3 other previously provincially examinable grade 12 courses • SFU has also added the following 5 Courses to the list of Approved “Non-Provincially Examinable” Grade 12 Courses: • Calculus 12, Comparative Civilizations 12, Economics 12, Law 12 & Social Justice 12 • UBC has added the following 4 Courses to the list of Approved “Non-Provincially Examinable” Grade 12 Courses: • Calculus 12, Economics 12, Law 12, & Social Justice 12*(*only for Okanagan Campus) • To keep ALL of your doors open you will want to take: English 12, Pre-calculus 12, Chemistry 11 & 12, Physics 11 & 12 • Note: IF you are thinking about pursuing studies in Business or Sciences in Post-Secondary, then it is HIGHLY recommended you take Calculus 12 or AP Calculus, as 1st Year Students in these Faculties are required to take a Calculus course in University • Note: IF you are thinking about pursuing studies in Business, you should consider courses such as: AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics, AP Statistics, Financial Accounting 12, Economics 12, Marketing 11/12
College Entrance Requirements • BC College (ie., Douglas, Langara, Kwantlen) acceptance is on a first come first servedbasis so apply online as soon as possible to secure your spot • Some College acceptance is based on Basic Graduation • Certain programs have specific course requirements • ie: Minimum mark in English 12 or Communications 12 • Some colleges will accept students who are 1 course short of graduation (i.e. English 12) and will allow upgrading while taking other courses • Colleges also offers upgrading opportunities • ie: Taking the equivalent of Grade 12 courses
College to University Transfer • There are some myths out there • ie: “I will have to do 2 additional years of schooling if I go to College first” “I won’t get my Bachelor’s Degree if I go to College first” “Jobs won’t hire me because I didn’t go straight to University from High School” • University Transfer means you start studying at a college, then transfer to a University to complete the rest of your undergraduate studies. University will give you credit for the courses you took at the College level if you take the courses that transfer to the university you wish to complete your studies at. • Ie: 2 Years at Douglas + 2 Years at UBC or SFU = Bachelor’s Degree • The Advantages of Doing a University Transfer Program: • Same courses:same content, same quality as courses at a major university • Save $$: $4,000 over 2 years compared to a similar program of study at a major university • More face time: with profs and classmates, thanks to smaller class sizes • Succeed:Research shows students who start at college do as well (or better) by the time they graduate as students who rush to start their first year at university. • No Second Language Requirement
Post-Secondary Exams*possibly required for entrance LPI – Language Proficiency Index – Check out www.lpi.ubc.ca A language test required by UBC and SFU (and other universities) for those students with a final grade (school mark plus government exam mark) of less than 75% in BC English 12 or BC English Literature 12 Check the websites of all Colleges and Universities that you are applying to for updates on this requirement SAT – Check out www.collegeboard.com A requirement for American Universities/Colleges for all 1st year students If you are thinking of attending school in the US, you MUST write the SAT’s no later than the Spring of Grade 11 TOEFL BC Universities vary - generally NOT required for students with 4 years of instruction in English. Confirm with each university Other provinces & USA – NOT required for students with 5 years of instruction in English. Confirm with each university Note: Some Universities may have their own entrance tests in addition (e.g. UBC = ELAS)
Direct BC University Entrance Second Language Requirements Although not a high school graduation requirement, most BC universities require students applying directly from high school to have completed at least a Language 11 (i.e, Spanish 11, Punjabi 11) SFU will accept an Introductory Language 11 (i.e., Intro Spanish 11) UBC will accept Language 11 (not Introductory 11) however, some faculties require Language 12, or if you do not have a Language 12, then you will have to complete a 1st year language course, ie: Faculty of Arts Some faculties atUVic DO NOT have a second language requirement (e.g. Engineering, Sciences, and Business). If you are an ESL student you may be eligible for a Language 11 &/or 12 credit if you came to Canada after Gr. 8 If you think you may qualify, please check with your Counsellor
Financial Planning Passport to Education Check out www.bced.gov.bc.ca/awards Bursaries / Loans School Awards
Scholarships… • Mr. Kwan (located in the Career Prep Center in Student Services) is the “Guru” “Go To Guy” “CEO” (a.k.a: contact person) for all things related to scholarships • Any Scholarships that are available to students will be placed ONLY on the Counselling/Scholarship Blog as they become available: blogs.sd41.bc.ca/south-counselling/scholarships/ • Make sure to check this “tab” regularly, as some Scholarships may have a short window before the deadline • Also check out the following websites: • www.studentawards.com • www.scholarshipcanada.com • www.studentscholarships.org
Additional information… • All of you should have the BSSS Counselling Blog “bookmarked” & checked on a weekly Basis for updates (ie: University Presentations, University Info, Scholarships, Volunteer Work, Awards, etc) • blogs.sd41.bc.ca/south-counselling/ • • ALSO: Please make sure that Ms. Fenn has your currentEmail Address, as this is how important information will be sent out to all of you throughout the School Year
Course Selection Timeline Course Planning Assemblies for Students: Tuesday February 7th Course Planning Night for Parents: Wednesday February 8th Course Selection Computer Lab Sessions: February 21st – 29th Course Selection Forms due: February 21st to your Mathteacher
Questions? Concerns? Feel free to contact Student Services to ask any questions or discuss any concerns you may have Counsellors: Mr. Chow (surnames A–C, International & Oral Students) Ms. Bromley (surnames D – G & Young Parents Program) Mr. Sookochoff (surnames H – McR) Ms. Steeves (surnames Mecesi – R & Vision Impaired) Ms. Fenn (surnames S – Z) Course Selection Forms Due February 21, 2012 to your Math teacher