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Welcome to AP Macroeconomics! This course will introduce you to the field of macroeconomics and provide you with a solid understanding of key concepts and analytical skills. Get ready to work hard and achieve success on the AP exam!
TODAY’S TO DO LIST • Introductions – Who are you and what do you do besides come to school? • Introduction of class topics, expectations and rules. • Complete the Student Information Sheet • Get your supplies. Notebooks must be in class by Wednesday.
ECONOMICS CLASS INFO Course Objectives: 1. To introduce you to the field of macroeconomics • 2. To have you acquire an understanding of basic macroeconomic concepts and the analytical skills needed to apply those concepts. • 3. To develop financial literacy skills. 4. To enable you to score well on the AP Macroeconomics Exam
AP MACROECONOMICS • AP Macroeconomics is designed to replicate the introductory macroeconomics course taught at the college level. • As such, it requires far more effort and commitment than the typical high school course. • You will have a reading and /or writing assignment daily, which can require 1-2 hours of your time.
AP MACROECONOMICS • The goal of this class is to give you a solid base from which to continue a study of economics, public policy and business. • And also to prepare you to successfully master the AP exam in May. • That is not possible without lots of hard work and a strong commitment to master this material on your part.
The course is based on the Advanced Placement Standards set by the College Board. That information is accessible on the College Board Website at http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/sub_maceco.html?macro. • The assigned text is: Krugman’s Macroeconomics for AP by Margaret Ray and David Anderson
I have included a course schedule as a separate handout. • My intention is to stick to it. All of this material will be covered on the AP exam. • You will also be given a unit calendar with specific reading and homework assignments • It is your responsibility to know where we are on the schedule and calendar at all times. • In other words: KEEP UP WITH IT AND READ IT.
Class Rules • *Be Prompt* • *Be Prepared* • *Be Polite* • *Be Passing* • *Consequences – all classroom infractions are fineable offenses and will cost you Economania money, AND may result in discipline referrals.
Cell Phone Policy • Internet enabled phones can be a great learning tool. • All other uses of your cell phone during class are distractions from learning. • Cell phones should be put away (off the desk and into your bag or purse) as soon as the bell for class rings. • Failure to do so will result in a class fine and they will be taken up by me until the end of the period. • Repeated offenses will result in your phone being taken to the office.
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM ME • Knowledge of the content • Diverse teaching strategies • Clear communication of expectations for student behavior and assignments • Clear grading policy and grades entered in a timely fashion • Tutoring: Most days before school (7:30-8:30) and after school (4:30-5:30). Earn Economania $$$
If at any time you feel you are falling behind, PLEASE see me for help. • This is a subject that builds on it self. Failure to master any of the early parts dooms you to failure later. PLEASE don’t let this happen. • I WANT YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL, LET ME HELP YOU TO BE.
Supplies – Need by Wednesday • LARGE (8 ½ x 11”) 3-5 subject spiral notebook • Pen (blue or black ink only) and pencil • Glue sticks (earn Economania $$)
Grade Policy • 60% - Major grades – Tests, Economania • 40% - Minor grades – Notebooks, quizzes, daily classwork *No Common Assessment
MAJOR GRADES Tests • Multiple choice tests consisting of 20-40 questions will be given at the end of every unit. • Free Response tests - FRQs (1/4 -1/3 test grade) will be given throughout the units. The combined scores of these tests, usually 2-3 each 6 weeks, plus the best one doubled will count as one test grade each six weeks. • Make-up tests (multiple choice and Free Response) must be completed within one week of the original test day. THE SOONER THE BETTER.
Test Corrections Multiple choice tests can be corrected for ½ the points lost up to a 80. They must follow these guidelines: • All corrections will be done on the test itself. • The letter of the correct response must be written. • A correct explanation of the correct answer must be given (direct quotes from the book or notes are encouraged). • The page # from the bookwhere explanation was found or if using your notebook date notes given or title of notes or work where explanations was found. • Corrections must be done in my classroom, but outside of class time. They must be completed within one week of test day.
Final Exam • This will count as two test grades the last 6 weeks of the semester. • It will be a released AP Macroeconomics exam. • You may be exempt from the final exam if you meet the following requirements: • You have a 90 average for the semester at the time of the test. • You have no more than 3 absences (excused and unexcused). • You have no significant discipline infractions in my classroom.
Economania(test grade) • This will be an ongoing class activity that will require your participation in a mini-economy. A detailed explanation will be handed out separately. The purpose is to give you practice in making economic decisions you will be encountering as an adult. • Checking account registers and daily participation in Economania will be evaluated every 6 weeks. • Daily participation includes the regular and timely payment of rent, fines and other fees • If you are unable or unwilling to participate in Economania you will be give an alternative research assignment.
MINOR GRADES • Notebooks (1/2 total minor grade each 6 weeks) • Notebooks are a very important part of the overall grade. Each notebook will contain most of the work and notes done for each unit, therefore notebooks will count as half your minor grade each 6 weeks. • Notebooks will be turned in as we finish a unit. • Notebooks will be considered late if turned in after the class period due and will be penalized 20 pts the first day and 10 pts each additional day late.
Daily work and quizzes • Daily work and quizzes are turned in separately from your notebook. • Daily work includes worksheets done in class, assignments other than notebook homework, movie questions, etc. • Extra credit may be earned by completing a Newsmagazine article summary only if all your notebook assignments have been done.
Classwork/Homework Assignments • Assignments are listed on the board daily and on your calendar • Homework is to be completed daily. • Homework that is assigned to your notebook will be checked for completion daily and stamped. You will not receive a stamp if any part of assignment is incomplete. Each stamp will be worth no more than 2 points of your notebook grade.
Make up Work: Homework assignments will be kept in an Makeup Folder in the classroom for assignments missed due to absences. • It is your responsibilityto check the folder for any missed work or notes. • Homework must be made up within the time limit prescribed in the student handbook for full credit.
Late Work • Work is considered late if it is turned in after the beginning of the class. • All late work will be penalized a minimum of 20 points.