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Brian Thomas BMKT 7652

“Successful social strategies (1) reduce costs or increase customers’ willingness to pay (2) by helping people establish or strengthen relationships (3) if they do free work on a company’s behalf.”

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Brian Thomas BMKT 7652

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Successful social strategies (1) reduce costs or increase customers’ willingness to pay (2) by helping people establish or strengthen relationships (3) if they do free work on a company’s behalf.” • What’s your strategy? Is your organization equipped with the technology and the culture to implement you strategy? Respect the Crowd! Concept of Skew & the 80/20 rule Buzz is dull. Buzz isn’t enough. What Would Google Do? SEO and SEM Be AUTHENTIC what a brand means. Consumers decide Storytelling Ambient Awareness Myths Fire you? I just spent $10 million educating you! Cognitive Overload Associative Thinking & Cultural Narratives CRM is not justsoftware. It’s a philosophy. Holy sh*t! We’re in the wrong forest! If you’re product is free: Up-sell Cross-sell Bundle Charge third parties MassCustomization Find out what people want… Customer LifetimeValue & Customer Referral Value Endowed Progress Effect Creative Destruction Falling forward. AND GIVE IT TO THEM! Not all customers are the same. Segment your base! (Preferably in Segments of one) Crowdsourcing/Wisdom of Crowds Learning Organizations are generally • market oriented and have a culture. Co-Creation of Valuenever ends. Segment, Target, & Position In a Web 2.0 World, the users create the value. As a company… Be Paranoid! Before: Web 1.0 World (top-down creation of value) Today: Web 2.0 World (bottom-up creation of value) Sales and Networking are based on reciprocity. Give first! Brian Thomas BMKT 7652 Celebration of Progress Interactive Marketing

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