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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson. INTUITIVE SAGE POET. Emerson. Transcendentalist manifesto- Nature (1836) There is Correspondence between human soul and everything that exist in the world. Man contains all within himself. Emerson.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ralph Waldo Emerson INTUITIVE SAGE POET

  2. Emerson • Transcendentalist manifesto- Nature (1836) • There is Correspondence between human soul and everything that exist in the world. • Man contains all within himself.

  3. Emerson • Journal- struggle with philosophical ideas “in order to achieve personal and artistic integration in an age destitute of faith, but terrified at scepticism.”

  4. Emerson • Individualism and belief in the primacy of personality- admired hero, genius, great man. • Seeking integration with nature. • Critical of emergent American commercialism

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