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Addressing Chronic Absence in Schools

Learn about the impact of chronic absenteeism on students and strategies to improve attendance. Discover tiered interventions, engaging students and parents, monitoring attendance data, and personalized outreach. Find out how schools can make chronic absence a priority and collaborate with various agencies to support attendance.

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Addressing Chronic Absence in Schools

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lisa Truitt Social Emotional & Behavioral Wellness Specialist State Attendance Officer Chronic Absenteeism @EducateIN @LisaTruitt_SEL

  2. It Adds Up! @EducateIN

  3. Why is Reducing Chronic Absence Important? @EducateIN

  4. Why is Reducing Chronic Absence Important? @EducateIN

  5. The Case Across the country, more than eight million students are missing many days of school, making them academically at risk. During the 2018-2019 school year, 11 percent of Indiana students met the definition for being chronically absent. @EducateIN

  6. Truancy -vs- Chronic Absence @EducateIN

  7. Addressing Chronic Absence @EducateIN

  8. Tier 1 • Available to every student in a school building • Aimed at students whose attendance is good and could be maintained as long as prevention oriented supports are in place @EducateIN

  9. Tier 2 • Aimed at students who have missed 10 percent or more of school (moderate chronic absence) Ex. students that have chronic illness such as asthma • Need a higher level of support in addition to benefiting from universal, Tier 1 supports @EducateIN

  10. Tier 3 • Aimed at students who have missed 20 percent or more of school • Face risk factors like involvement with DCS or juvenile justice system, homelessness or having a parent who has been incarcerated @EducateIN

  11. Strategies @EducateIN

  12. Engage Students and Parents Attendance Improves When: • The school community offers a warm and welcoming environment • The school emphasizes building relationships with families • The school emphasizes the importance of going to class every day • The school develops a culture that promotes a sense of safety, respect and personal responsibility • The school provides an atmosphere where students know someone notices when they are absent @EducateIN

  13. Recognize Good and Improved Attendance Attendance Improves When: • Schools provide regular recognition and incentives to students and families who have good and improved attendance • Schools focus on good attendance, not perfect attendance since students that struggle most will be left out • Recognition in front of peers at assemblies • Extra recess time • Skip to the front of the lunch line pass @EducateIN

  14. Monitor Attendance Data and Practice Attendance Improves When: • Schools identify students that are missing 10% or more of the school year • Schools monitor data and look for trends over time by grade and subgroup • Schools monitor data from the first month of school to assess which students are likely to need additional supports and how to put in place sufficient resources @EducateIN

  15. Provide Personalized Early Outreach • Schools use data to trigger early, caring outreach to families and students already missing too many days of school. • Schools establish procedures for reaching out to parents with attendance concerns. • Schools identify barriers to attendance. • Schools develop problem solving plans to help families overcome those barriers. @EducateIN

  16. Charge to School/District Policy Makers Support Sharing Data with Health, Social Service Agencies, City and County Government and Local School Safety Commissions • /50 Make Chronic Absence a Priority and Identify Contributing Factors in Your School Build Public Awareness and Consensus About Addressing Chronic Absence Include Strategies to Reduce Chronic Absence and Improve Attendance in School Improvement Plans Seek Grants for Attendance Tracking and Chronic Absence Reduction @EducateIN

  17. IDOE Toolkit Toolkit @EducateIN

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