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PatMaj. Concept. Study. STC. Design. Development. Commissioning. FDR. PAE. NAOS-CONICA VIMOS Oz-Poz/UVES Oz-Poz/Giraffe. PAC. VLT Instruments Status. Plan. 1st Generation Upgrades 2nd Generation Projects. 2 nd Generation Instruments. AIT VISIR (4Q ’02) MACAO (4Q ’02).
Concept Study STC Design Development Commissioning FDR PAE NAOS-CONICA VIMOS Oz-Poz/UVES Oz-Poz/Giraffe PAC VLT Instruments Status Plan 1st Generation Upgrades 2nd Generation Projects 2nd Generation Instruments AIT VISIR (4Q ’02) MACAO (4Q ’02) Fabrication SINFONI (1Q ’04) CRIRES (3Q ’04) MAD (3Q ‘03) Final Design NIRMOS (?) Prelim. Design Operation FORS1 (3Q ’98) ISAAC (4Q ’98) UVES (3Q ’99) FORS2-R (4Q ’99) 1st light dates between ( ) AO-based instruments in red 15 May ‘02
VLTI (µm) 1 10 VLT(I) Instrumentation An extensive - Coverage
VLT Instrumentation An extensive - / Coverage
VLT MULTI-OBJECT SPECTROGRAPHY VLT Instrumentation An extensive set of modes
UT1 - ISAAC UT2 - UVES UT3 - FORS1 UT4 - FORS2 Operational Status • All four telescopes simultaneously executing scientific programs since 12 August ‘01 • Low technical downtime (<2hr/week) P67: 2.5% (UT1) 2.1% (UT2) 0.8% (UT3) 2.1% (UT4) • High shutter open efficiency P67:73% (FORS1) 67% (ISAAC) 74% (FORS2) 85% (UVES)
young brown dwarf I band - TW5 system Keck + LRIS Seeing ~ 0.55” VLT + FORS-1 Seeing ~ 0.6” FORS Image Quality & Stability • Image Quality Telescope driven Best image obtained (HR mode) • 0.18” (integration time: a few seconds) • 0.25” (integration time: several minutes) Ellipticity distribution Red: uncorrected Blue: corrected • Image Stability exceptional
FORS2-R Upgrade • Better sensitivity • Very little fringing • Good astrometry
Io, deconvolved 0.4” image NB 4.07 µm ISAAC Image Quality Jupiter Aurorae
ISAAC Spectroscopic Sensitivity z =3.2 galaxy “rotation” (V ~ 700 km/s) OIII lines; 6 hr exposure; 0”.4 seeing
X-dispersed echelle spectrum UVES @ UT2 Nasmyth
1st optical detection of a stellar coronal line 1st Uranium detection outside Solar System Towards Beryllium primordial abundance UVES: highly sensitive R~105 Spectrometer Two optimized channels high efficiency from 0.30 to 0.98 µm
UVES: high precision radial velocities Known to be constant at 4 m/s level UVES + iodine cell Commissioning data Dec 1999-Jan 2000 (Martin Kürster) Moderately active star (higher RV scatter) Preliminary conclusion: long-term achievable precision better than 2 m/s
NAOS-CONICA at Nasmyth UT4 NAOS VLT Adapter Cable Twist CONICA Built by ONERA,, OP & LAOG (F), MPIA & MPE (D) and ESO
ISAAC NAOS-CONICA HST/WFPC2 27” • Ks Image; t = 2400 s. • 350 mas fwhm • 814 nm Image; t = 400 s • 85 mas fwhm; > 97% Strehl • K Image; t =150 s. • 68 mas fwhm; 56% Strehl NGC 3603
Visible Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph (VIMOS) Built by LAM, OHP & OMP (F), IRA,, IFCTR & OAC (I) and ESO
First VIMOS Light Antennae Nebula VRI - 0.6 arcsec. fwhm VIMOS IFU mode: first galaxy spectra, 3 March 2002 1st light on 26 February ‘02 (2 over 4 channels only due to overweight) 3120 spectra ; 2 x 27” x 27” field (zoomed); Antennae Nebula
25’ fieldCorrector Oz-Poz & Giraffe FLAMES
Oz-Poz + UVES 31 March ‘02 H • Oz-Poz to UVES (8 fibers) • ~ 47,000 spectral resolution 7 stars in Cen First FLAMES Light
VISIR Built by CEA-Saclay (F) and Astron (NL)
Small Field Intermediate Field Large Field VISIR 1st light in the Lab (imager mode) CEA-SACLAY, 19 December 2001 Images of the distortion grid
First VISIR spectra, 24 April 2002 Low resolution N-band(R 400), lcentral 9 µm Mylar absorber Calibration etalon Atmospheric line
AO Module 60 elements curvature Natural & Laser Guide Star ESO internal development SPIFFI 3D spectrometer (0.95-2.5µm) FOV = 0”.8 to 8”, l/Dl ~ 4000 (32 x 32) pixels, 1024 channels MPE VLT UT4 (YEPUN) First Light Jan ‘04 SINFONI AO-corrected 3D IR spectro-imager any small structured target
MPE-Garching, 4 June 2002 Image Slicer output (neon source) MPE-Garching, 5 June 2002 1st Spectrum (neon source) unbaffled direct image SPIFFI 1st light in the Lab
1-5 m range • ~ 105 • single order(echelle + pre-disperser)
March ‘02 High-Accuracy Radial velocity Planetary Searcher (HARPS) • visible range; ~ 105 echelle • fibre-coupled to Cassegrain Adapter • 100 n./yr. x 5 yrs @ La Silla 3.6m • ± 1m/s rms long-term accuracy • 1st light 4Q ‘02 Built by Geneva Observ. & Bern Univ. (CH), OHP & Service d’Aéronomie (F), ESO La Silla & Garching
Nearby Galaxies Solar System Stellar Nurseries LSS Distant galaxies Quasars The VLT as a Science Machine
Large Scale Structure Competition Nobj IMACS/Magellan I [03?] - FMOS/Subaru [?] 2048 VIMOS/ESO [‘02] 512 DEIMOS/Keck [‘02] NIRMOS/ESO? 128 Giraffe/ESO- MODS2/LBT - LHRS/HET GMOS/Gemini-N - OSIRIS**/GTC FOCAS/Subaru - FORS2-R/ESO EMIR/GTC - IRMOS/Gemini? 32 LUCIFER/LBT - MOIRS/Subaru? ESI/Keck - GMOS/Gemini-S FORS1/ESO - MODS1/LBT Giraffe*/ESO - GMOS*/Gemini-N LHRS-J/HET 8 *: mini-IFUs ** : Tunable Filter ISAAC/ESO - NIRSPEC/Keck IRCS/Subaru - GNIRS/Gemini-N 2 2.4 µm 0.3 0.85
Stellar Populations Competition R UVES-B/ESO UVES-R/ESO PHOENIX/Gemini-S CRIRES/ESO IRHS/Subaru HDS+/Subaru HROS/Gemini-S - HIRES/Keck HDS/Subaru 8 x 104 HRS/HET UVES-R/ESO[8 objects]] 4 x 104 NIRSPEC/Keck - IRCS/Subaru 2 x 104 Giraffe/ESO[120 objects] MRS-J/HET GNIRS/Gemini-N [IFU] MRS/HET [10 objects] ISAAC/ESO 5 µm 0.3 1.2
Cool Universe Competition RMax Michelle/Gemini-N [‘02] VISIR/ESO [‘02] VISIR/ESO [‘02] 104 COMICS/Subaru COMICS/Subaru LWS LWIRC/Keck - CANARI-CAM/GTC LWS LWIRC/Keck [‘01 ?] 103 CANARI-CAM/GTC [‘03] T-ReCS/Gemini-S [‘01] T-ReCS/Gemini-S [‘01] 102 OSCIR/Gemini-N OSCIR/Gemini-N µm 24 8 12 18
combination ~100m from AO beams combined in ~1mm3 open loop NGS tracking no AO residual piston 4 Telescopes with coudé trains 4 delaylines MACAO-VLTI => major challenges f200m
MCAO Classical AO 1 1 Strehl 0 0 But a promising avenue
Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator (MAD) Derotator 2-3 Deformable mirrors Multi WFS 2Kx2K IR camera FOV: 90” Nasmyth focus system
2k x 2k Array 18 µm px Filter Wheel F/2.25 J-camera FORS2-J ? • collimator kept; camera with same front clearance • 150 mm shorter; larger back clearance (cryogenic filters) • 0.8-1.4 µm; same image quality; same field (6’.8 x 6’.8) • ~ 65 % total transmission
2nd Generation Instruments Status KMOS - Analysis of the need for wide-field Imaging (fall ‘02) - Prototyping of multi-IFUs concepts with MPE & Milano Wide-Field Surveyor - MUSE R/D (image slicers & low-cost multi-spectrometers) - Analysis of Tunable Filter concept as FORS upgrade Fast Shooter - Assembling a Consortium for a fast decision (fall ‘02) Planet Finder - Two concepts: reflected light versus intrinsic emission choice in fall ‘02
Nasmyth focus grating or mirror lens Pupil relay Fully Cryogenic incl. Mask X-change 8’ x 8’ Imaging & Multi-slit field 24 addressable IFUs in 2’ x 8’ field ~ 4,000 (“) F/3 camera Filter wheel Collimator 4kx4k Array 2nd Generation Instruments: I- KMOS “Super-ISAAC” IASFC-Milano (D. Maccagni, PI) Durham, OMP, LAM, IRA, ESO Cost ~ 7.5 M€ ? Significant R&D (masks, IFU) Bad pupil Image quality (too) large ESO role
2nd Generation Instruments: I- KMOS “Super-SINFONI” MPE/USM (R. Bender, PI) Durham, ATC, Oxford, Bristol Cost 5-12 M€; up to 5 M€ contribution Choice of opto-mechanical system Cryogenic motions prototyping Significant ESO role Fully Cryogenic multi-IFUs 7’.2 dia. Field; 20 to 40 IFUs 2 (2k x 2k) to 8 (2kx2k) ~ 4,000 (“)
2nd Generation Instruments: I- KMOS “Super-SOFI” University of Florida (R. Elston, PI) Full Cost 5.5 M€ Fully Cryogenic incl. Mask cryostat 6’ dia. Imaging; 2’ x 6’ Multi-slit 1 (2k x 2k) Array ~ 1,000 (“) with Grisms “modest” System; 2007 delivery Operational overheads t.b.e. Major “VLT standard” issue
2nd Generation Instruments: I- KMOS The Multi-slit Challenge: Sensitive enough to use the multiplex advantage The Multi-IFU Challenge: Efficient enough to keep single IFU detectivity
2nd Generation Instruments: II- High-z Surveyor MUSE CRAL-Lyon (R. Bacon, PI) Durham, OP, Leiden, Cambridge IAP, LAM, ETH, AIP-Postdam Cost < 9 M€ ? Advanced Image Slicers R&D Low-cost identical systems High efficiency required 1’ x 1’ field IFU; 0.48-0.95 µm 24 Spectrometers (4k x 2k) No moving part, Nasmyth (fixed) ~ 2,000
100 mm pupil 2nd Generation Instruments: II- High-z Surveyor MUSE - low cost spectrometer • 0.48-0.95 µm; tilted focal plane • cryostat head cooling plant • no motorized part; ~ 2,000 • possible ~ 6,000 [0.48-0.55 µm](VPHG grism + zero power group) • opto-mechanics Cost < 1 M€(24 units)
2nd Generation Instruments: II- High-z Surveyor FAST LAM-Marseille (M. Marcelin, PI) Bochum, Byurakian, ESO, OP, Keele, LAE-Montreal, MPIA-Heidelberg, Brera, Oulu, Ahmedabad, Montreal Cost 0.84 M€ LLL-CCD evaluation FORS upgrade ? Tunable Filter (Fabry-Perot) Plus high-order scanning FP 370-860 nm Extensive data reduction SW