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AC Summer Recommendations to Know

Taking care of your filters is the simplest and most effective way to maintain your air conditioner in good condition. You can explore the best 2.5 ton split system air conditioner in different models and ranges. Browse the website for more info. https://www.hitachiaircon.com/in/ranges/inverter-split-acs

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AC Summer Recommendations to Know

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tobeattheheatofsummer,weneedac.Forsmooth workingofac,youneedtotakecareofthefollowingtips. Thesetipswillhelpinthecoolingeffectofanair conditioner. Introduction

  2. Expertscanhelpyouidentifyanddiagnosepotentialproblemsbefore yourairconditionerfail. Ifyouplanmaintenancelongaheadofpeakseason,youmaybeableto receiveabetterdeal. Scheduleannualmaintenancecheckups

  3. Vacuumandcleanreusablefiltersbetweenmaintenancevisits,and replacethemeveryfewyearsforoptimumairquality. Clean and replace your filters regularly Takingcareofyourfiltersisthesimplestandmosteffectivewayto maintainyourairconditioneringoodcondition.

  4. Garbage,plants,tallgrasses,andweedscanall restrictairflow,reducingtheefficiencyofyourair conditioner.Maintainacleanenvironmentaround thesystem toprevent anything interfering with its operation. Keep outside unit free of obstructions

  5. Anacsplitunitworksbysensingtheambientairtemperatureandcyclingonandoffto bringtheairtemperaturetothedesireddegree.Whenyouopenandclosewindowsand doors frequently, thetemperatureinside your homerises or falls in response, and your systemhastoworkhardertokeepup. Avoid excessive opening and closing of doors and windows

  6. Tintingyourwindowsoraddinga film canhelpkeepyourhomecooler by limiting theimpact of thesun. If thesun shines on your homeless, you cansetyourthermostatafewdegreeshigher,andyoursystemwon'thave toworkashardtoadjust.You can explore the best 2.5 ton split system air conditioner in different models and ranges. Apply window tints or films

  7. https://buy.hitachiaircon.in/e-shop CONTACT US EMAIL customercare@jci-hitachi.com CALL +91(11)22717161 WEBSITE

  8. ThankYou

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