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Presentation Transcript

  1. NOMOR UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER Kelas : X PK 3 (PUTRA) Wali kls : Tatua Zoni, Lc. Nama Santri Ahmad Ibrahim Miftahul Haq No. NO. UTS 16.2.G.062 16.2.G.063 16.2.G.064 16.2.G.065 16.2.G.066 16.2.G.067 16.2.G.068 16.2.G.069 16.2.G.070 16.2.G.071 16.2.G.072 16.2.G.073 16.2.G.074 16.2.G.074 16.2.G.075 16.2.G.076 16.2.G.077 16.2.G.078 16.2.G.079 16.2.G.080 16.2.G.081 16.2.G.082 16.2.G.083 16.2.G.084 16.2.G.085 16.2.G.086 16.2.G.087 16.2.G.088 1 Aiman Abdurrahman 2 Aminullah 3 Andika Latif Kurniawan 4 Anwar Jaelani 5 Asyam Muhammad Mumtaz 6 Dede Fathi Karim A. 7 Fadhil Andzar Athallah 8 Farid Khoirul Umam 9 Husnul Adiib 10 Iqbal Najmudin Sholeh 11 Moch. Fathan Algipari 12 Mucti Dzulfahmi Ardiansyah Mucti Dzulfahmi Ardiansyah 13 13 Muhammad Faisal Syakir 14 Muhammad Fakhri Fauzan 15 Muhammad Hilmy Naufal 16 Muhammad Khafidz Umam 17 Muhammad Riyan Ramadhan 18 Muhammad Rofiudinillah 19 Muhammad Ryan Hafizh 20 Naufal Syama Idzar 21 Rafif Rabbani 22 Raihan Ayasy 23 Ridho Akbar Muharram 24 Ridho Azzam Faruqi 25 Ridwanullah 26 Rifqillah Al A'la 27

  2. 16.2.G.089 16.2.G.090 16.2.G.091 Ubaidillah Hanif 28 Yusuf Ramdhan Khusairi 29 Yusuf Romadhon Munif 30

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