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This joint ITU/CTO event focuses on measuring and evaluating the standardization gap in Asia Pacific and discussing initiatives to bridge the gap. Topics include access to technology, digital divide, and capacity building.
Joint ITU/CTO event: “Bridging Standardization Gap, ITR and Interoperability issues” 13 September 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka Assessing standardization needs and issues to bridge and to measure the standardization gap in Asia Pacific Paolo Rosa Head, Workshops and Promotion Division Telecommunication Standardization Bureau 1
Outline • Defining the standardization gap • Measuring and evaluating the gap • ITU-T activities to bridging the gap
ITU-T Member State Participation A B E D C Member States:191 governments Sector Members:565 private sector Membership fee: 31,800 CHF (~= 29k USD) Associates:154 private sector (one Study Group only) Membership fee: 10,600 CHF (~= 9.6k USD) Today, 95% of the work in ITU-T is done by the private sector 3
Outline • Defining the standardization gap • Measuring and evaluating the gap • ITU-T activities to bridging the gap
The Standardization Gap • Disparities in the ability of developing countries to access, implement, contribute to and influence international ICT standards, specifically ITU-T Recommendations • Disparities in the representation of developing countries cause and manifestation of: • Persistence of the wider digital divide in ICTs (e.g., among different regions and groups within the society) • Unequal access to technology and the ability to use that technology • For case studies, best practices, statistics and analysis of the GAP, see the newly-issued • ”ITU-T Research Report on Bridging the Standardization Gap (December 2009)”, and • “Bridging the Standardization Gap Activity Report (June 2010)” • http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/gap/Pages/default.aspx
Digital Divide Standardization Gap & Participation Relationship Standardization Gap & Poor Access to Technologies Digital Divide≈ ----------------------------------- Increase Participation & Capacity Building
The concept of Opportunity Index to measure the information society InfodensityICT capital [telecommunication network infrastructures (fixed, mobile, internet) and of ICT, including equipment (cables, routers, etc), disparity • Info-use • Three indicators: • Internet users every 100 inhabitants • PC owners every 100 inhabitants • Houses and TV sets proportion
Framework for BSG PP Resolution 123 (Rev. Antalya, 2006) Recognizing “the continued shortage of human resources in the standardization field of developing countries, resulting in a low level of developing country participation in ITU-T and ITU-R meetings …” Resolution 44 (WTSA-08): Action Plan Strengthening standards-making capabilities Assisting ITU-D in enhancing application of standards Human resource building Flagship groups for bridging the gap Fundraising Resolution 47 (WTDC-10) Enhancement of knowledge and effective application of ITU Recommendations in developing countries, increase capacity building opportunities for interoperability
ITU-T Mandate to Bridging the Gap • PP-06 (Res. 123), WTSA-04/08 Resolutions 44, 17, 54, 59, 74 • ITU-T mandated to bridge the standardization gap between developing and developed countries • Mandated actions include: • Improve standards making capabilities • Assisting in enhancing efforts in standards applications • Human resource building • Establish a flagship group for bridging the gap • BSG fundraising
Outline • Defining the standardization gap • Measuring and evaluating the gap • ITU-T activities to bridging the gap
Measuring the Gap - 1 • Use of ITU-T Recommendations • Membership & effective participation • Capacity building • Positioning
Measuring the Gap - 2 • Possible criteria: • Number of downloads of ITU-T Recommendations from website • Number of TIES* users • Number of Sector Members and Associates • Number of Study Group Chairmen and Rapporteurs from developing countries • Number of participants in meetings and their contributions by country • Questionnaires to Membership * TIES: Telecommunication Information Exchange Service: set of networked information resources and services offered by ITU to its Members
Membership and Participants in ITU-T meetings
Where are you positioned ? WTSA Mgmt & Contributions SG, TSAG Chairs SG/TSAG VChair WP Ch Rapp WS, FG Particip SG/TSAG Contr Editor Recs Implem Read Recs SG, GSI Particip Commitment HIGH MEDIUM LOW Strategic role
Outline • Defining the standardization gap • Measuring and evaluating the gap • ITU-T activities to bridging the gap
Admission of Members from developing countries • WTSA-08 Res. 74 • Enable new members from developing countries to join ITU-T Such Sector Members from developing countries (having a threshold income per capita according to the UNDP) not affiliated in any way to any Sector Member of a developed country • Take into consideration levels of financial contributions equal to those applied for developing countries for admission in ITU-D Study Groups • Proposal to the ITU Plenipotentiary 2010
Council 2009/10 Decisions • Adopted budget allowing TSB to implement its work programme and WTSA-08 Action Plan & approved TSB Reorganization • Endorsed recommendation to introduce new membership categories for academia and reduced fee for SME companies from developing countries. • Endorsed recommendation to set up new group on IPv6, and preparations for WCIT to revise ITRs • Endorsed recommendations on conformity and interoperability 21
Resolution 54 : Creation of regional groups Regional GroupsSupport within available (or otherwise contributed resources) and on a case-by-case basis the creation of regional groups ITU-T RGs: SG2 SG3 SG6 SG12
Recent Activities in the Regions ITU-T Workshop on "Delivering Good Quality Telecommunication Service in a Safe Environment in Africa"Nairobi, Kenya, 26-27 July 2010 Regional ITU Consultation on Conformance Assessment and Interoperability for the Americas RegionQuito, Ecuador, 06 July 2010 and Nairobi, Kenya, 30-31 July 2010 ITU-T Workshop on Bridging the Standardization Gap and Interactive Training SessionCyberjaya, Sleangor, Malaysia, 29 June - 01 July 2010 ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future”Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 ITU-T Study Group 5 Buenos Aires, Argentina 12-16 April 2010 ITU-T Study Groups 11 and 13 and IPTV-GSI Mar del Plata, Argentina 2-12 September 2009 ITU Symposium on ICTs and Climate Change and Forum on "Implementation of decisions of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-08) “ Quito, Ecuador, 7-10 July 2009 23
Workshops: New work, new blood, new friends Outreach to non ITU audience Can result in new work eg Identity Management Partnerships: IETF, IEEE, OASIS, Grid Forum, ISO, IEC 2005-8 of 78 workshops 18 in PASC area. Remote participation now possible Future more workshops North America and Europe Joint ITU and IETF workshop on NGN, 2005 24
2009: A year of highlights Workshops • 30 events, 2500 participants • Implementation of WTSA-08 decisions • Bridging the standardization gap • ICTs and climate change • Cybersecurity • NGN • Accessibility • First fully virtual ITU symposium on ICTs and climate change • Organised together with the KCC and TTA • 5th Fully Networked Car 25
Technology Watch • Technology Watch surveys the ICT environment for new study topics. Covered a broad range of topics: Biometrics, ICT and Climate Change, Telepresence, ICT and Food Security, Mobile Apps, Cloud Computing, etc. • TechWatch AlertsTechWatch Alerts are intended to provide a brief but concise overview of emerging technologies, trends and ideas in the field of ICTs. • Technology Watch Briefing Reports provide an up-to-date assessment of promising new technologies. Most Recent report: • “Decreasing Driver Distraction (August 2010)”: • Technology-caused driver distraction
ITU-T Activities to Bridging the Gap • Increase visibility, information, awareness, participation and collaboration • Admission of Sector Members and Associates from developing countries • Increase number of officials in ITU-T Study Groups • Increase SG meetings in the regions • Create regional groups • Implement Res. 76 on capacity building and creation of test labs in the regions
Increase participation and collaboration-1 • Workshops, seminars and other events • Regional Groups and meetings • SG2 Group for Arab Region (Operational aspects) • SG3 Groups for Asia and Oceania, Africa, Europe and Mediterranean, Latin America and Caribbean (Tariff and accounting principles) • SG12 for Africa (Performance, QoS, QoE) • Block Meetings • Flagship Groups • Promote remote collaboration and participation
Increase participation and collaboration (2) • Cooperation with regional organizations: CITEL, RCC, APT, ASTAP, ATU, LAS,… • One meeting per year per region • Topics decided by the Membership, corresponding to any ITU-T Study Group • Official status as generator of contributions to parent Study Groups • TSB provides secretarial support, EDH facilities as any other SG meeting
Increase participation and collaboration (3) • Flagship Group Americas (WTSA-08 Res. 44, Annex, Programme 4) • Create permanent regional standards awareness • Offer training on standardization, produce and provide training materials, manuals, audio/video material • Translate ITU-T material • Support remote or direct participation of experts in ITU-T activities • Creation of regional Testing & Calibration labs • Invite regulators to put in place mechanisms to consider international standards when preparing national technical regulations
Capacity Building • Technical Flyers • Highlight ITU-T Recommendations • Numbering, Naming and Addressing, VoIP, QoS & QoE, NGN, ASON, B-PON, CWDM, DSL, G-PON, Optical Fibres and Cables, OTN, OTS, Synchronization over packet networks, Accessibility, H.264, H.350, Multimedia Communications, ASN.1, Security, IMT-2000, … • Available at http://www.itu.int/oth/T0B04/en • ITU-T Tutorial on Optical Fibre Cables and Systems • Based on the OF&S handbook of SG15 • Better understanding of the ITU-T Recommendations, how to design and implement projects choosing the most appropriate equipment according to the state-of-the art. • Tutors leading experts from industry contributing to write handbooks and standards
Resolutions and Resources • ITU-T Research Project: Measuring and Reducing the Standards Gap (December 2009) • Bridging the Standardization Gap Activity Report (June 2010) • Summary of Questionnaire on Bridging the Standardization Gap (June 2008) • WTSA-08 Resolution 44: Bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries • WTSA-08 Resolution 17: Telecommunication standardization in relation to the interests of developing countries • WTSA-08 Resolution 59: Enhancing participation of telecommunication operators from developing countries • Report on the outcome of the Global Standards Symposium (GSS) (October 2008; requires TIES account) • PP-06 Resolution 123: Bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries • TSAG 07/08 TD 610 Rev.1: Bridging the Standardization Gap (requires TIES account) • TSAG 02/07 TD 417: Draft Report of the Group on Bridging the Standardization Gap (requires TIES account)
Conclusions • Bridging the Standardization Gap requires efforts from ITU and its Membership • Increase the use of ITU-T Recommendations, membership • Capacity building, training • Increase participation in Study Groups, management, workshops, meetings and number of contributions • Encourage contribution to ITU work plans