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Quantum Chemistry / Quantum Mechanics Introduction

Quantum Chemistry / Quantum Mechanics Introduction. Nature of light. Christiaan Huygens Dutch 1629-1695 light consists of waves. ~ 1684 – 1926 “golden age of (classical) physics. Materials at this presentation: largely from http://www.lct.jussieu.fr/. Nature of light. Sir Isaac Newton

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Quantum Chemistry / Quantum Mechanics Introduction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Quantum Chemistry / Quantum Mechanics Introduction

  2. Nature of light Christiaan Huygens Dutch 1629-1695 light consists of waves ~ 1684 – 1926 “golden age of (classical) physics Materials at this presentation: largely from http://www.lct.jussieu.fr/

  3. Nature of light Sir Isaac Newton 1643 1727 light consists of particles Christiaan Huygens Dutch 1629-1695 light consists of waves ~ 1684 – 1926 “golden age of (classical) physics Materials at this presentation: largely from http://www.lct.jussieu.fr/

  4. Atomic Spectroscopy Absorption or Emission Johannes Rydberg 1888 Swedish

  5. Atomic Spectroscopy Absorption or Emission -R/72 -R/62 -R/52 -R/42 Johannes Rydberg 1888 Swedish -R/32 IR -R/22 VISIBLE -R/12 UV Emission Quantum numbers n, levels are not equally spaced R = 13.6 eV

  6. Vacuum Photoelectric Effect (1887-1905) discovered by Hertz in 1887 and explained in 1905 by Einstein. Heinrich HERTZ (1857-1894)

  7. Vacuum Photoelectric Effect (1887-1905) discovered by Hertz in 1887 and explained in 1905 by Einstein. Albert EINSTEIN (1879-1955) Heinrich HERTZ (1857-1894)

  8. Kinetic energy

  9. Compton effect 1923playing billiards assuming l=h/p Arthur Holly Compton American 1892-1962

  10. Davisson and Germer 1925 Clinton Davisson Lester Germer In 1927 Diffraction is similarly observed using a mono-energetic electron beam Bragg law is verified assuming l=h/p

  11. black-body radiation Gustav Kirchhoff (1860). black-body radiation] Shift of n RED WHITE Small n Large n

  12. If h is the Planck constant J.s Then Louis de BROGLIE French (1892-1987) Max Planck (1901) Göttingen

  13. Thomas Young 1773 – 1829 Young's Double Slit Experiment

  14. de Broglie relation from relativity Application to a photon (m0=0) To remember To remember

  15. de Broglie relation from relativity

  16. ? Universal equation • - particle-wave duality • quantum character of microparticles • Newton equations valid for heavy bodies

  17. Time-dependent Schrödinger Equation Without potential E = T With potential E = T + V Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger Austrian 1887 –1961

  18. Matrix Formulation Werner Karl Heisenberg ( 1901 Würzburg – 1976)

  19. Relativity and Quantum Chemistry Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902 – 1984) relativity needed

  20. Uveřejněné materiály jsou určeny studentům Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Prazejako studijní materiál. Některá textová i obrazová data v nich obsažená jsou převzataz veřejných zdrojů. V případě nedostatečných citací nebylo cílem autora/ů záměrně poškodit event. autora/y původního díla. • S eventuálními výhradami se prosím obracejte na autora/y konkrétního výukového materiálu, abybylo možné zjednat nápravu. • The published materials are intended for students of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague as a study material. Some text and image data contained therein are taken from public sources. In the case of insufficient quotations, the author's intention was not to intentionally infringe the possible author(s) rights to the original work. • If you have any reservations, please contact the author(s) of the specific teaching material in order to remedy the situation.

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