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For this tutorial, the pages of Employee Self-Service will appear in this area. . These tutorial buttons provide shortcuts to the slides containing the appropriate pages. Only use these buttons if you have already been through this tutorial. If this is your first time, press the spacebar
For this tutorial, the pages of Employee Self-Service will appear in this area. These tutorial buttons provide shortcuts to the slides containing the appropriate pages. Only use these buttons if you have already been through this tutorial. If this is your first time, press the spacebar to step through the slides in order. When the slide is done a message will display at the bottom. Home ESS Overview Introduction Welcome to the Employee Self-Service Tutorial. This tutorial is intended to guide the user through the pages of the ESS System, as well as the PASSHE Self-Service Portal. Press the Spacebar to continue
Click the link to the Portal provided. PASSHE Website At the passhe.edu webpage, where do I find the Portal? Navigate to the System HR area of the PASSHE website and then look for the ESS page under the Human Capital Management area. http://www.passhe.edu/executive/HR/SystemHR/HRS/Pages/ess.aspx Press the Spacebar to continue
Enter your PASSHE Active Directory username and password. Click this button to login. PASSHE Enterprise Portal At the Portal welcome page, how do I log into the Portal? Portal Login Press the Spacebar to continue
Click the Employee Self-Service tab in the top level navigation PASSHE Portal > Welcome Page Once in the portal, how do I get to Employee Self-Service? Welcome Press the Spacebar to continue
The Employee Self-Service tab has changed color to show that it is the active tab. Select a group from the Navigation bar or… Employee Self-Service > Navigation How do I navigate Employee Self-Service? ESS Navigation Select a link from the ESS Menu Any updates or news about ESS will show here Press the Spacebar to continue
Click an entry in the navigation. The select screen is highlighted. Select a link from the sub menu. Sub-Navigation Each section of Employee Self-Service will have a second level of menu pages that offers a list of the available screens and a description of what features they offer. As with the previous page you can click in the “Detailed Navigation” pane on the left or click a link in the menu to get to an ESS iView. ESS Navigation Press the Spacebar to continue
Personal Data is retrieved from the HR system. The highlight has switched to the current view. Link to more information Personal Information > Personal Data Employees can use this iView to display their basic HR data. This data includes name, personnel number, title, date of birth, position in PASSHE, job classification, start and service dates, etc. Personal Data Press the Spacebar to continue
Select a row from the address table. Address details are displayed below. Employees can update their phone number by clicking here. Personal Information > Address This iView will show users a list of the stored addresses in the HR system. This can include permanent and mailing addresses. Address Press the Spacebar to continue
Personal Information > Contact This page displays the contact information you have listed for the person to contact in case of an emergency. You can also choose to update the current contact information, or remove your current contact and add a new one. Emergency Contact Press the Spacebar to continue
Select a row from the account table. Account details are displayed below. Personal Information > Bank Info This iView will show users a list of the stored bank accounts in the HR system. Bank Information Press the Spacebar to continue
If your stored info is incorrect, then make a new selection and click “Update Information” Click the buttons to either confirm or update your information. Personal Information > Ethnicity/Race The ethnicity and race classification system has changed to reflect more specific choices. This page will allow you to either confirm the new ethnicity/race information or update your information to the new standards. Ethnicity / Race Press the Spacebar to continue
Click a plan’s link to see the enrollment details. Benefits Participation Overview Employees can access this screen to see a list of all the benefit plans they are enrolled. These plans can include Health, Insurance, Retirement & Savings, Flexible Spending Accounts, and other related programs. A user can then select a single plan and see the details of his/her enrollment in that particular plan. Benefits Participation Press the Spacebar to continue
Click here to go back. Click a button to go to the provider’s site, or to see more info about the plan type. Plan details, costs, and/or contributions are shown here. If the plan has enrolled dependents, they will display here. Benefits > Plan Details Employees can access this screen to see a list of all the benefit plans they are enrolled. These plans can include Health, Insurance, Retirement & Savings, Flexible Spending Accounts, and other related programs. A user can then select a single plan and see the details of his/her enrollment in that particular plan. Benefits Participation Press the Spacebar to continue
Table of all Leave balance information Click here to get info Useful information Leave & Time > Leave Balances This screen will show the employee a table that lists all the leave types they have available. For each leave type, the table will show the amount on hours earned, used, and the available balance. Leave Balances Press the Spacebar to continue
Table of all absences that occurred in the selected period displays. Select the start and end date and click the display results button. Leave & Time > Absences This screen will show the employee a table that lists all the leave types they have available. For each leave type, the table will show the amount on hours earned, used, and the available balance. Absences Press the Spacebar to continue
There are 3 options for searching for statements: 1. Current Pay Statement – Newest 2. Select by Pay Date 3. Search within a period. Select the pay date from the drop-down, or input start and end dates for Search by period option. Click the display button to see search results or for statement to display (if only 1 result). Payroll > Online Pay Statement The online pay statement is an online version of the pay statement that every employee receives with their paycheck.. This is not an exact replica of the pay statement, but it does display the same information. If you wish to see more information about the online pay statement, consult the ESS manual. Online Pay Statement Press the Spacebar to continue
After clicking Display Results, a table will appear if the number of results is more than one. Select a row in the table and click the button. Payroll > Online Pay Statement Online Pay Statement Press the Spacebar to continue
Use these links to go back or to display a printer friendly version. Payroll > Online Pay Statement Online Pay Statement Press the Spacebar to continue
Click the link to see the bond purchase details. Click the link to see the bond ownership details. Payroll > Savings Bonds Employees can use this screen to view a listing of all the Savings Bonds they have purchased through the State System and see the bond details and ownership / beneficiary records. Savings Bonds Press the Spacebar to continue
Click the button to update your information. Payroll > W-4 Information This screen will show employees their current federal W-4 tax withholding information. Using this screen, employees can also update their withholding information, should the need arise to change your information. W-4 Information Note: Updates to W-4 information will not apply until the start of the next pay period. Press the Spacebar to continue
ESS documents are found by clicking the help link Help Where do I find documentation on Employee Self-Service? Help
Click the Log Off link Click Yes Portal Log Off How do I exit Employee Self-Service and the Portal? Exit Note: If you have a popup blocker active, it may prevent the logoff confirmation box from appearing. Press the Spacebar to continue