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Computer Games

Computer Games. And How We Make. Them. Eitan Keysar Asaf Gurfinkel. Computer games are the revolution of the 21 century, they are fun and attractive. We are going to show you how people make those fantastic games.

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Computer Games

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Computer Games And How We Make Them Eitan Keysar Asaf Gurfinkel

  2. Computer games are the revolution of the 21 century, they are fun and attractive. We are going to show you how people make those fantastic games. Every computer game starts with an ordinary animation (a lot of pictures that flip one after another. For example: When the frames (little pictures) go slow you will see how it moves by frames like a robot .But when the frames go fast the animation will move smoothly.) After the people make the animation they connect the animation to the keyboard and the mouse. For example: When we push the right arrow button the computer will show an animation of the character moving right.

  3. Computer games are created in big computer labs all around the world. The first computer game was created by William Higinbotham that created the first video game in 1958. His game, called "Tennis for Two” was created in the U.S.A.

  4. Now we are going to show you a short movie about how they make really new games. In that short video those people will show you how they make those amazing games. They record things, they do animation and all in a video of five minutes. http://brinkthegame.com/

  5. For Conclusion Computer games are fantastic! And how they make them, even more! We just took you through the short way but who knows maybeyouwill take the long way ?

  6. Bibliography Google pictures Brink the game wikipedia

  7. Now we are going to show you how you can make your own animation! It isn’t a game but it could be a beginning of one! To start you take a blank page and fold it to two. Then take the inner side and draw the first frame of the animation. For example:

  8. Then close the paper and draw the same thing but a little different. Now flip the paper and you will have a small animation!

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