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Everyone is familiar with the words Sports and Fitness. Sports play an important role in our life as it keeps us fit and healthy. There is a saying u2013 A healthy mind needs a healthy body that means our mind will be healthy only if we keep our body healthy. Playing a sport is also a kind of workout as it increases your stamina, strengthen your bones and maintain your body weight. Therefore, playing a sport is the best way to maintain health and fitness. As the current situation is going people are bound to stay inside their houses and it is easy for anyone to fall into bad habits. In this situation, sports, fitness and outdoor activities would be a great help. Engaging in such activities keep people away from stress and anxiety.<br><br>
EveryoneisfamiliarwiththewordsSportsandFitness. Sports HOKOSOKO playanimportantroleinourlifeasitkeepsusfitandhealthy. Thereisasaying – Ahealthymindneedsahealthybodythat meansourmindwillbehealthyonlyifwekeepourbodyhealthy. INDIANKEONLINEDUKAAN Playingasportisalsoakindofworkoutasitincreasesyour stamina, strengthenyourbonesandmaintainyourbody weight.Therefore, playingasportisthebestway tomaintainhealthandfitness. Asthecurrentsituationisgoing peopleareboundtostayinsidetheirhousesanditiseasyfor anyonetofallintobadhabits.Inthissituation,sports, fitnessand outdooractivitieswouldbe agreathelp.Engaginginsuchactivitieskeeppeopleawayfrom stressandanxiety. WWW.HOKOSOKO.COM
WHY FITNESS IS IMPORTANT? Staying fit helps us to maintain our physical, mental and emotional health. For example, if a person is having a lot of emotional and mental stress, it can cause the person to become ill. Such type of stress can also cause heart problems, ulcers, digestive problems and many other diseases. Exercising keeps us fit not only physically but also mentally. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of exercise. HOKOSOKO.COM
BENEFITSOF EXERCISE Ifyoudoexercise regularlyithelpsyou: Toburnbodyfat Toreducethecholesterollevel Toreducestressandanxiety Tohavestrongerbones, musclesand joints Tofeelrelaxedandsleepbetter Tolowerthebloodpressure HOKOSOKO.COM
INDOORACTIVITIES Exercising indoors can be preferable for reasons like you feel safe at home, want to avoid bad weather or simply you like exercising indoors. Home gym equipment and yoga mat can be a great option for exercising indoors. Practicing yoga reduces stress andincreases your immunity. Sukhasana, Paschimottanasana, Uttanasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, and Padmasana are some of the yoga poses that can be done to improve your mental and physical health during this pandemic. Apart from this, you can play indoor sports with your family members to stay fit.
SOMEOFTHE INDOORSPORTS ARE: Carrom Backyard Football Hula Hooping Table Tennis Skateboarding Indoor Basketball Darts Trampolining
OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES It has been proven by studies that doing exercise outdoors is much more effective than indoors. While exercising outdoors you get fresh air which helps to relieve insomnia. So, exercising regularly outdoors improves your quality of sleep. You can have outdoor activities even during Covid-19 if you maintain at least 6 feet distance from others. Cycling, jogging, walking are the outdoor activities that allow you to get fresh air without coming in contact with others. Also, you can exerciseoutdoors while maintaining proper distance from others.