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Propounders and Interpreters of Theory

Propounders and Interpreters of Theory. CEA 213. Propounders and Interpreters of Theory. Handout on educational philosophy Chapter 3 of textbook provides an introduction to learning theory. Learning theory literature falls into two general types: Propounders and Interpreters.

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Propounders and Interpreters of Theory

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  1. Propounders and Interpreters of Theory CEA 213

  2. Propounders and Interpreters of Theory • Handout on educational philosophy • Chapter 3 of textbook provides an introduction to learning theory. • Learning theory literature falls into two general types: Propounders and Interpreters.

  3. Propounders of Interpreters of Theory • Propounders are single minded and create a comprehensive, coherent, and internally consistent system of ideas about learning. • Interpreters reconcile chaos and bring order to learning theory by identifying categories or domains within theory.

  4. Propounders & Interpreters • Similar to the difference between visionary leaders (Where are we headed?) and • Pragmatic managers (How can we get there?).

  5. An abundance of Learning theories • Proponents have produced an abundance of learning theories. • Interpreters have not fully agreed upon a way to order theories • A simple division is : • Behavioral learning theories • Cognitive learning theories • Additional learning theories

  6. Seeking order in learning theory • Elemental learning theories visualize learning as a mechanistic process. They break learning into specific smaller steps and measure progress quantitatively. • Holistic learning theories visualize learning as an organic process. They assess learning as a holistic process involving multiple factors and measure progress qualitatively.

  7. Elemental learning theory [based on animal studies] • Thorndike (1898) Animal Intelligence – specific responses are connected to specific stimuli • Pavlov (1849-1936) Learning is a conditioned response • Guthrie (1886-1959) learners select stimuli • B. F. Skinner - Reinforcement is the key • Hull – intervening variables determine / explain response to stimuli

  8. Holistic learning theories • John Dewey – 1896 – critiqued elemental learning theory • Tolman (1886-1959) purposive behavior with an emphasis on human purpose • Behavior was seen as the result of the interplay of a wide variety of forces, not just a simple stimuli – response pattern. • Piaget – learning is a process of human development

  9. A Key Proponent: Tyler (1950) • Basic principles of curriculum and instruction • Builds on Thorndike’s belief that learning consisted of building up connections between specific stimuli and specific responses • Set educational objectives  plan & complete educational exercises  evaluate learning

  10. A Key Proponent: Friere (1970) • Learning occurs within socially constructed social order which positions some to learn and oppressively selects some to fail. • Those who fail can learn if they become conscious of the social oppression in which they live and if they see learning as a way out. • He developed a “consciousness raising” approach to literacy education.

  11. A Key Proponent: Mezirow (1981) • Transformative learning occurs that radically changes the perspectives of the learner, transforming him or her into a different person. • Transformative learning can be planned and facilitated.

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