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Honda and Toyota: Describe Two Rivals, Including Employment Prospects

Honda and Toyota: Describe Two Rivals, Including Employment Prospects. Group B Industry 46 Blaire Davidowitz (Entrepreneurship) Greyson Katkaveck (Marketing) Yati Vaghani (Finance) Sara Wall (Entrepreneurship). April 5, 2011. Presentation Outline. Corporate Address

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Honda and Toyota: Describe Two Rivals, Including Employment Prospects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Honda and Toyota:Describe Two Rivals, Including Employment Prospects Group B Industry 46 Blaire Davidowitz (Entrepreneurship) GreysonKatkaveck (Marketing) YatiVaghani (Finance) Sara Wall (Entrepreneurship) April 5, 2011

  2. Presentation Outline • Corporate Address • Competing Business Description • Industry Employment Prospects • Return on Equity • Share Price • Total Assets • Operational Efficiency • Market Share • Factors Affecting the Numbers

  3. Corporate Address Toyota 1 Toyota-Cho   Toyota City, Japan 471-8571 Honda 1-1, 2-ChomeMinami-AoyamaMinato-ku   Tokyo, Japan 107-8556

  4. Competing Business Description • Compete in the Motor Vehicles and Parts Manufacturing Industry Honda is a leading manufacturer of automobiles.The company creates value by offering high-end innovative products and establishing advanced customer relations activities. Toyota Motor is the world's largest vehicle manufacturer based on sales and production volume. Proactively using information technology to enhance customer loyalty and brand image.

  5. Industry Employment Prospects • One of the largest manufacturing industries in 2008 • 877,000 jobs in Motor Vehicles and Parts Manufacturing industry • Demand increasing for multi-skilled workers • Higher competition, 2-year degree in technical • Volatile, follows economic cycles

  6. Looking Ahead… • Job openings expected in future, large number of auto workers close to retirement (80s business boom) • Highly skilled workers have best future prospects • Employment will shift from the Midwest to the Southeast

  7. Return on Equity ROE measures how well a company uses reinvested earnings to generate additional earnings

  8. Share Price Expected Return = (Dividends Paid + Capital Gain) / Price of Stock

  9. Total Assets Anything capable of being owned, tangible or intangible, or can be controlled to produce value. It normally is held to have positive economic value.

  10. Operational Efficiency (Inventory Turnover) • Inventory Turnover ratio is used for evaluating sales effectiveness • How fast new inventory is purchased and then resold to customers

  11. Market Share Market share drives profitability, often a higher market share means greater economies of scale and a higher rate of return.

  12. Factors Affecting the Numbers • 2008 Recession • Substantial increase in price of fuel • Energy crisis from 2003-2008 (just getting out of) • 2008 credit crunch caused increase in price of materials • American’s end up turning to smaller more efficient cars from Japan • Shortage of Fuel Efficient Cars

  13. Thank you for your time. Questions Or Comments?

  14. Works Cited • "Toyota's Market Share Plummets." Washington Post. Washington Post, 3 Feb. 2010. Web. 2 Apr. 2011. <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/graphic/2010/02/03/GR2010020300651.html>. • Lariviere, Mary. "Why Is Honda's Market Share Slipping?" The Operations Room. Wordpress, 7 Dec. 2010. Web. 2 Apr. 2011. <http://operationsroom.wordpress.com/2010/12/07/why-is-hondas-market-share-slipping/>. • "Auto and Auto Parts Industry Surveys." Standard & Poor's Net Advantage. Standard & Poor's, Dec. . Web. 2 Apr. 2011. <http://www.netadvantage.standardandpoors.com/NASApp/NetAdvantage/simpleSearchRun.do?ControlName=IndustriesSurveySearch>.

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