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  1. W4-2 EDN113 Task 3 By Holly Coates, Katarina Knight, Teegan Brown and Adele Bagiatis

  2. w4-2 Teaching Resource • The purpose of this resource is to help teachers implement authentic lessons and activities based upon family history within the pre-primary classroom. • This authentic learning resource consists of different lesson plans that align with the Australian Curriculum as well as useful resources that teachers can use to help implement these different lesson plans to their pre-primary students. • We created this recourse using wikispaces.

  3. Curriculum • The different structures of families and family groups today, and what they have in common • Foundation Year / Historical Knowledge and Understanding / Personal and family histories / ACHHK002

  4. Lesson Plans • We've created a lesson plan to help teachers teach this topic to pre-primary level students with a little more ease and structure. Over the course of 5 weeks, we will be talking about this subject and hoping to have the children understand by the sixth week. Over those 5 weeks, the students will participate in relevant activities to help with their understanding. • The aim of this lesson is to make children understand family history and why each family is different but equal. • I will use a book reading, telling of information and a few activities to explain family history and cultural and sexual diversity as best I can to have pre-primary level children understand.

  5. Family Tree Resource Activity for week 5 of our lesson plan, for the students to draw their own family.

  6. How we worked together • During this assignment, Katarina, Teegan, Adele and myself communicated mainly through a Facebook group. There, we shared ideas, links, information and help for the assignment. We each had separate tasks and responsibilities for the wiki page but we all contributed. At times it was kind of hard as we all have different work and uni schedules but we found a way that worked for us. 

  7. What we each did • During this assignment Katarina created the useful resources page which is a page educators can use to find further resources to use when delivering the lesson plans we have supplied on our website. These resources are in all forms such as books, videos and drawings.  • Adele created the lesson plans, a downloadable and printable lesson overview for teachers.

  8. What we each did • I created the video which covers all of the information for our teaching resource and how we all worked together on this assignment. And also set up the original wikispaces page. • Teegan created the home page which introduces and gives an overview of task 3 and the curriculum page.

  9. Thanks for watching Video narrated by Holly Coates

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