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SC09 Calendar

SC09 Calendar. SC09 Essential Elements of Science XXXX x-xx-xx Start: xxx Objectives: xxx xxx. SC09 Essential Elements of Science. calendar & planning fall2013-spring2014. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Friday 9-27-13 Start: copy the table on the front board Objectives:

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SC09 Calendar

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  1. SC09 Calendar

  2. SC09 Essential Elements of Science XXXX x-xx-xx Start: • xxx Objectives: • xxx • xxx

  3. SC09 Essential Elements of Science calendar & planning fall2013-spring2014

  4. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Friday 9-27-13 Start: • copy the table on the front board Objectives: • activity: constant speed

  5. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Thur 9-26-13 Start: • What is speed? Objectives: • metric conversion worksheet & conversions • pre-lab: constant speed

  6. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Thur 9-26-13 Start: • What property of matter combines the measures of both mass and volume? Objectives: • metric conversion worksheet & conversions

  7. SC09 Calendar Sept. 2013

  8. SC09 Essential Elements of Science XXXX x-xx-xx Start: • xxx Objectives: • xxx • xxx

  9. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Tues 9-17-13 Start: • review notes • Turn in Review Packet (practice, practice…) Objectives: • Test: Astronomy Unit • Reading: Our Star—the Sun (1/2 page summary in notebook--#25)

  10. SC09 Calendar Sept. 2013

  11. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Mon. 9-16-13 Start: • Write down an example of a good test question for this unit—include the correct answer. Objectives: • work on review packet • review pics worksheet

  12. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Star Article Injury main sequence constellation red giants cluster white dwarfs binaries change in stars ly star formation pc life cycle—use headings 3 basic principles of stars composition-what elements?

  13. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Friday 9-13-13 Start: • What is spectral analysis? What does it tell us about stars? Objectives: • finish spectral analysis hw. review packet—due Tues.

  14. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Thurs 9-12-13 Start: • How do scientists know what stars are made of? Objectives: • video: electromagnetic radiation (Cornell notes) • spectral analysis activity

  15. SC09 Calendar Sept. 2013

  16. SC09 Calendar Sept 2013

  17. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Tuesday 8-27-13 Start: • What do scientists do if the data they collect does not support their hypothesis? Objectives: • boat activity: groups of four; 15 rocks--remove 3 at a time; modify your data table • each person must create a graph from the data • due end of period (EOP)

  18. SC09 Calendar August-Sept 2013

  19. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Monday 8-26-13 Start: • turn in writing assignment • What makes a good graph? Objectives: • discuss boat activity • notebook quiz prep

  20. Critical Reading: Day Onevocabulary • privacy • disparity • performance • education • poverty • touting • pithily • mantra • enlightening • woefully • shoddy

  21. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Thur 8-22-13 Start: • Models are based on 1._________ & 2.___________ Objectives: • creating a mental model hw writing assignment—due Monday

  22. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Tues 8-20-13 Start: • What is a model? How are models used in science? Give a specific example Objectives: • notes & discussion: science models

  23. What happens to the lake level?

  24. SC09 Essential Elements of ScienceFriday, 8-23-13Start:--What is the difference between mass and volume? How would you measure each? --Create the following in your notes: Hypothesis:____________________________________________ Describe your model:

  25. Creating a Physical Model: How does the lake level change? • do not put pennies in graduated cylinder • model needs to represent the scenario: boat, rocks, lake, rocks thrown into the lake • use the physical model to answer the question • collect quantitative data (numbers) that supports your answer to the question • work carefully and efficiently; do not spill the water • clean up after; leave the materials as you found them (refill bottle if necessary) • create a graph to represent your data

  26. SC09 Calendar August 2013

  27. Mon 08-19-13 SC09 Essential Elements of Science Start: • A group of students are involved in a school competition. Each group has to participate in an obstacle course. One member of the group travels through the course and then returns to touch the hand of the next student in the group who then proceeds to do the course. The course is a timed event and the clock stops when the last member of the group finishes the obstacle course. The following table includes the results for all of the groups: Which group would you declare as winner? Explain why. What data is missing from the last row on the data table that would make the contest more fair? Complete the table if you know the answer.

  28. Working as A Group • cooperation • focus • assigned/assumed roles • division of labor • check for accuracy • communication • between members • with other groups • accountability

  29. Team Competition Results

  30. Team Event #4 Whole Group Instructions • use the roll of butcher paper located under the demo table and cut • a strip of butcher paper 6.5 meters long (using the scissors from Mr. Hatch and • a meter stick found above the east bulletin board) each member of the class must use markers found in the container • under the TV cart to add a colorful picture or diagram that contributes to the • overall theme of a large mural drawn on the paper • the theme for the finished product is “astronomy” • all drawings/diagrams must be neat and reflect this • theme each student must initial his or her contribution

  31. use the roll of butcher paper located under the demo table and cut a strip of butcher paper 6.5 meters long (using the scissors from Mr. Hatch and a meter stick found atop the east bulletin board). each member of the class must use markers found in the container under the TV cart to add a colorful picture or diagram that contributes to the

  32. overall theme of a large mural the class will draw on the butcher paper. the theme for the finished product is “astronomy.” all drawings/diagrams must be neat and reflect this theme. each student must initial his or her contribution.

  33. Team Event #4 Small Group Instructions • Do not talk while participating in this team event. • Only one member of the small group may leave his/her seat at a time during the entire team event • Take the pieces out of the envelope and put them together in a way that makes sense of the written words. • When the words are in order transfer this information onto the white strip of paper provided—you may write on this paper. • Return the separate pieces to the envelope just like you received them • Using the white strip of paper, cooperate with the other small groups to successfully complete the whole group instructions. • When all the small groups are ready to use the markers, two people (only two) from the whole class will be allowed to speak.

  34. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Thur 08-15-13 Start: • What makes a good science inquiry question? Objectives: • notes: science as a process • groups: science methods

  35. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Thur 08-15-13 Start: • Explain why the scientific method is NOT a rigid set of steps to follow. Objectives: • notes: science as a process hw. summary of notes; write down one specific example of work a scientist is doing.

  36. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Wed 08-14-13 Start: • Explain why the scientific method is NOT a rigid set of steps to follow. Objectives: • notes: science as a process hw. summary of notes; write down one specific example of work a scientist is doing.

  37. SC09 Calendar

  38. SC09 Essential Elements of Science Tuesday 8-13-13 Start: • copy calendar (on board) Objectives: • groups: common practices (prob. solving story) • notes: science as a process hw. remind parents about open house

  39. Wed. 8/7/13 • welcome • obj: • introductions • team event #1 • truth/lies; summer events no homework

  40. Mon. 8/12/13 • Start: What is science? • obj: • notebook & calendar • intro to Cornell notes hw: science as a process—problem solving story

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