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MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN Oleh: Dr. Nandang Hidayat

MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN Oleh: Dr. Nandang Hidayat. Mengapa perlu perubahan ?. Kelangkaan sumberdaya Adanya Peraturan Baru Perubahan Perilaku konsumen Perubahan di pasar tenaga kerja Laju inflasi yang tidak terkendali Tingkat suku bunga yang tinggi Persaingan yang meningkat.

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MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN Oleh: Dr. Nandang Hidayat

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  1. MANAJEMEN PERUBAHANOleh:Dr. NandangHidayat

  2. Mengapaperluperubahan? • Kelangkaansumberdaya • AdanyaPeraturanBaru • PerubahanPerilakukonsumen • Perubahandipasartenagakerja • Lajuinflasi yang tidakterkendali • Tingkat sukubunga yang tinggi • Persaingan yang meningkat FaktorEksternal Force of Change • Performansikerja yang buruk • Keinginanpimpinanperusahaanuntukmembangunbudayabaru. • Penerapanstrategibaru: pengembanganbisnis /produkbaru • Penerapanstrukturorganisasibaru • Penerapansistim reward baru. • Penerapanteknologibaru Faktor Internal

  3. Mengapaberubahitusulit? • Ketidakpastianakibatperubahan • Takutmengalamikegagalan • Rasa tidakaman yang ditimbulkan • Merasanyamandidaerahconfort zone • Ancamanterhadapkekuasaan • Keenggananuntukmelepaskanmanfaatsaatini (ekonomi/sosial) • Tidakmenyadariapa yang sedangterjadi • HambatanPerilaku (selalumengeluhdanfrustasi) • Ketidakjelasaninformasirencanaperubahan Force of Stability

  4. Mengapaterjadipenolakanterhadapperubahan? • Penolakan Individual: kebiasaan, kepastian, ekonomi, perasaantakutterhadaphalhal yang tidakdiketahui, pemrosesaninformasisecaraselektif. • PenolakanOrganisasi: inersiastruktural, fokusperubahan yang terbatas, inertia kelompok, ancamanbagiekspertis, ancamanterhadaphubungankekuasaan yang sdhmapandanalokasisumberdaya yang ada PenolakanTerhadapPerubahan (Robbins)

  5. Bagaimanacaramengatasihambatanperubahan? • Pendidikan & Komunikasi • Keikutsertaan & Keterlibatan • Keringanan & Tunjangan • Negosiasi & Kesepakatan • Manipulasi & Kooptasi • PaksaanImplisit & Eksplisit Strategimengatasihambatan

  6. Apa yang dimaksudmanajemenperubahan? The task of managing change. Empathal yang mendasaridefinisimenajemanperubahan An area of professional practice. A body of knowledge. A control mechanism.

  7. Apa yang dimaksudmanajemenperubahan? • The aim is to more effectively implement new methods and systems in an ongoing organization. • The changes to be managed lie within and are controlled by the organization • these internal changes might have been triggered by events originating outside the organization “managing change” refers to the making of changes in a planned and managed or systematic fashion. (1) The task of managing change “managing change” refers to the response to changes over which the organization exercises little or no control • legislation, social and political upheaval, the actions of competitors, shifting economic tides and currents, and so on • reactive response • anticipative or proactive response

  8. Apa yang dimaksudmanajemenperubahan? • There are dozens, if not hundreds, of independent consultants who will quickly and proudly proclaim that they are engaged in planned change. • they are change agents, that they manage change for their clients, and that their practices are change management practices • There are numerous small consulting firms whose principals would make these same statements about their firms • the process of change is treated separately from the specifics of the situation. It is expertise in this task of managing the general process of change that is laid claim to by professional change agents. (2) An area of professional practice

  9. Apa yang dimaksudmanajemenperubahan? • Third definition of change management: • the content or subject matter of change management • This consists chiefly of the models, methods and techniques, tools, skills and other forms of knowledge that go into making up any practice • The content or subject matter of change management is drawn from psychology, sociology, business administration, economics, industrial engineering, systems engineering and the study of human and organizational behavior (3) A body of knowledge

  10. Apa yang dimaksudmanajemenperubahan? • Third definition of change management: • the content or subject matter of change management • This consists chiefly of the models, methods and techniques, tools, skills and other forms of knowledge that go into making up any practice • The content or subject matter of change management is drawn from psychology, sociology, business administration, economics, industrial engineering, systems engineering and the study of human and organizational behavior (3) A body of knowledge

  11. Apa yang dimaksudmanajemenperubahan? • For many years now, Information Systems groups have tried to rein in and otherwise ride herd on changes to systems and the applications that run on them • For the most part, this is referred to as “version control” and most people in the workplace are familiar with it.  • In recent years, systems people have begun to refer to this control mechanism as “change management” and "configuration management." (3) A control mechanism

  12. Apa yang dimaksudmanajemenperubahan? Kesimpulan The task of managing change →from a reactive or a proactive posture ManajemenPerubahanadalahprosesmendiagnosa, menginisialisasi, mengimplementasidanmengintegrasiperubahanindividu, kelompok, atauorganisasidalamrangkamenyesuaikandiridanmengantisipasiperubahanlingkungannya agar tetaptumbuh, berkembangdanmenghasilkankeuntungan. An area of professional practice → with considerable variation in competency and skill levels among practitioners A body of knowledge. → consisting of models, methods, techniques, and other tools A control mechanism. → consisting of requirements, standards, processes and procedures

  13. Bagaimanamanajemenperubahanitu? Strategic change: visi, misi, strategi Cultural change: nilai – nilaibaruorganisasi/perusahaan Types of Change or what to Change? Structural change: merancangkembalistruktur, koordinasi, jangkauankendali, hubunganpelaporan, tugas, prosedurpembuatankeputusan Change in people, knowledge, attitudes & skills. Technological change

  14. Bagaimanamanajemenperubahanitu? UNFREEZING (mencairkan): mengurangikekuatanuntukmengurangi status quo, mengurangikeenggananuntukberubah, menciptakankebutuhanakanperubahan, meminimalisasitantanganterhadapperubahansepertimemberikanmasalahproaktif – orangbutuhberubah PencairanKembali ProsesPerubahan (PendekatanKlasikdariLewin) Movement/Changing (Memindahkan): mengembangkanperilaku, nilaidansikap yang baru. MOVEMENT to the new state Refreezing (Membekukankembali): memperkuat, memantapkan, mengevaluasi, membuatmodifikasikonstruktif. REFREEZING the new change to make it pemanent

  15. Bagaimanamanajemenperubahanitu? Unfreezing : Upaya-upaya untuk mengatasi tekanan-tekanan dari kelompok penentang dan pendukung perubahan. Status quo dicairkan, biasanya kondisi yang sekarang berlangsung (status quo) diguncang sehingga orang  merasa kurang nyaman.  UNFREEZING

  16. Bagaimanamanajemenperubahanitu? Movement : Secara bertahap (step by step) tapi pasti, perubahan dilakukan. Jumlah penentang perubahan berkurang dan jumlah pendukung bertambah. Untuk mencapainya, hasil-hasil perubahan harus segera dirasakan.  Movement/ Changing

  17. Bagaimanamanajemenperubahanitu? Refreezing : Jika kondisi yang diinginkan telah tercapai, stabilkan melalui aturan-aturan baru, sistem kompensasi baru, dan cara pengelolaan organisasi yang baru lainnya. Jika berhasil maka jumlah penentang akan sangat berkurang, sedangkan jumlah pendudung makin bertambah. Movement/ Changing

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