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Learn about different types of tissues - epithelium, connective, muscle, and nervous tissues, and staining techniques such as H&E and PAS. Explore in vitro staining methods and general features of epithelial cells. Enhance your knowledge of human tissue structure and functions.
Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine (Department of Human Morphology and Developmental Biology) Department of Anatomy, Histology and Developmental Biology Prof. Dr. Szél Ágoston study responsible Dr. Csáki Ágnes csaki.agnes@med.semmelweis-univ.hu tutor Dr. Kocsis Katalin kocsis.katalin@med.semmelweis-univ.hu http://semmelweis.hu/anatomia/ Name: educatio Password: Semmelweis1769 Archive: former “Department of Human Morphology and Developmental Biology” website
only the anatomical pages! Home page: http://semmelweis.hu/anatomia Lectures Faculty of Pharmacy (GYTK) Anatomy (Előadások)
Basic tissues Semmelweis University Faculty of Pharmacy 2019.02.11. Csáki Ágnes
Cells build up the human body. Tissues : are combination of similarly differentiated cells and their derivatives, the intercellular substances. They fulfil one or more specific functions. By convention tissues are divided into four types.
Basic tissues of the body • Epithelium 1.Covering epithelia a. Simple epithelia b. Pseudostratified epithelia (incl.urothelium) b. Stratified epithelia 2. Glandular epithelia 3. Pigmented epithelia 4. Sensory epithelia • Connective tissue • Muscle tissue • Nervous tissue
Most recent in vitro staining techniques Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining Haematoxylin and eosin staining protocol is used frequently in histology to examine thin sections of tissue. Haematoxylin stains cell nuclei blue, while eosin stains cytoplasm and connective tissue pink or red. Eosin is strongly absorbed by red blood cells, colouring them bright red. PAS staining Periodic acid-Schiff staining is used to demonstrating carbohydrates (glycogen, glycoprotein, proteoglycans) typically found in eg. connective tissues, mucus, and basal laminae. Silver staining impregnation the neural filaments reduce silver solution to metallic silver after formalin fixation. This method was discovered by Italian anatomist, Camillo Golgi, by using a reaction between silver nitrate and potassium dichromate, thus precipitating silver chromate in some cells. The chemical circumstances of impregnation decides either neuronal or glial elementwill be stained
EPITHELIUM NO intercellular material (or minimal) The cells are strongly atteched to each other by different junctions NO vessels Cover internal-external body surfaces (covering epithelia) Produces different materials (glandular e.) Takes part in sensation (sensory e.)
General features of epithelial cell 1 SURFACES: Apical (Luminal) Lateral Basal : Basement membrane (membrana basalis) On the basal side of the cells The cells are sitting on the membrane Function: Fixing Separation(epithelial cells from the connective tissue- carcinoma!!) Regeneration of the epithelium
2.Zonula occludens 3.Zonula adherens 4.Desmosome 5.Tonofilaments Gap junction General features of epithelial cell 2 Lateral surface: Cell adhesion molecules and structures Tight junction (zonula occludens) Zonula adherens Macula adherens (desmosome) Nexus (gap junction)
stereocilium kinocilium General features of epithelial cell 3 Apical surface: Structures magnifying the surface: Mikrovilli (gut) Stereocilia (male genitals): fingerlike projections of the membrane and actin filaments inside Movable surface specializations: kinocilium (respiratory syst. and some genitals): Cytoplasmic processes with actin filaments 9+2 pairs of microtubulus and dinein molecules
Classification of covering epithelia Surface epitheliaaredivided accordingtotheshape of theircells intosquamous, cuboidand columnarepithelium, and accordingtotheirlayering, intosimple and stratiefied (more thanonelayer) epithelia.
mesothel endothel Simple squamous epithelium Squamous cells are flat cells with an irregular flattened shape. These cells are relatively inactive metabolically, and are associated with the diffusion of water, electrolytes, and other substances. Places where squamous cells can be found include the alveoli of the lungs, the Bowman’s capsule of the kidney glomerulus, and the major cavities of the body (mesothel).
Simple cuboidal epithelium Simple cuboidal Tubulus proximalis Egyrétegű köbhám kivezetőcső Cuboidal: As the name suggests, these cells have a shape similar to a cube, meaning its width is the same size as its height. The round nuclei of these cells are usually located in the center. Glands, tubules of the kidney Amnion of the embrio
Simple columnar epithelium Egyrétegű hengerhám, gyomor Simple columnar These cells are taller than they are wide. Simple columnar epithelium is made up of a single layer of cells that are longer than they are wide. The nucleus is also closer to the base of the cell. The small intestine is a tubular organ lined with this type of tissue. The free surface of the columnar cell has tiny hairlike projections called microvilli. They increase the surface area for absorption. Stomach, intestine, gallbladder
Pseudostratified,ciliated epithelia cilia simple, pseudostratified, ciliated There is only a single layer of cells, but the position of the nuclei gives the impression that it is stratified. All the cells touch the basal membrane – some of them do not reach the lumen May exhibit surface specialization: CILIAR ACTIVITY (Trachea, ovarium)
pseudostratified ciliated epitheliawith Goblet cells (mucin-producing cells, trachea) Typical respiratory epithelium
Stratified epithelial tissues Cells are arranged in two or more cell layers Shape of cell varies from layer to layer Classification: - Stratified sqamous epithelium, nonkeratinized • Stratified sqamous epithelium, keratinized • Stratified cuboidal epithelium • Stratified columnar epithelium Stratified epithelia are classified according to the shape of cells lying on the surface of a given stratified epithelium
Stratified sqamous epithelium, keratinized bőr A stratified squamous epithelium consists of squamous (flattened) epithelial cells arranged in layers upon a basement membrane. Only one layer is in contact with the basement membrane; the other layers adhere to one another to maintain structural integrity. The surface squamous cells are irregularly shaped and very flat; so flat that the cell nucleus sometimes creates a bump in the surface of the cell. Gases and other substances can easily diffuse across squamous cells to the underlying basement membrane, and because of their smooth surface, liquids can quickly flow over them.
Stratified sqamous epithelium, keratinized Str. corneum Str. lucidum Str. granulosum Str. spinosum Str. Basale (basement membrane!)
Stratum planocellulare Stratum polygonale Stratum basale esophagus Stratified sqamous epithelium, nonkeratinized Protects against mechanical forces No corneal layer, sutface is moistend by glands Covers internal surfaces Oral cavity, esophagus, vagina,, rectum • Stratum basale (germinativum) • Stratum polygonale (spinosum) • Stratum planocellulare
Stratified cuboidal epithelium Stratified columnar epithelium Excretory duct of sweat gland (stratified cuboidal) Basal cells are typically cuboidal with surface cells either columnar or cuboidal in appearance. These types can be found in the larger ducts of various glands, including the pancreas, salivary, and sweat glands. Kidney tubule (stratified columnar)
Umbrella cells Pesrl shaped cells Basal cells Transitional epithelium or Urothelium Stratified cuboidal Ureter, urinary bladder Germinal layer, pearl shaped cell layers and umbrella cell layer Protects against the osmosis
Transitional epithelium (urothelium) Since the cells can slide over each other, the appearance of this epithelium depends on whether the organ is distended or contracted: if distended, it appears as if there are only a few layers; when contracted, it appears as if there are several layers. Collapsed Distended
Classification of Glandular Epithelia 1. CLASSIFICATION • Number of secretory cells • Unicellular glands – Mucus-secreting goblet cells are the only example of these single-celled glands in humans. These goblet cells secrete mucus and are easily visualized in slides of the small intestine. (trachea) b) Multicellular glands -
Classification of Glandular Epithelia 2. 2) Nature of secretion a) Serous – A cell-type that produces a thin watery, protein-rich secretion (e.g. the pancreas and parotid salivary glands are entirely serous in nature). These cells exhibit intense basophilia, which results from large accumulations of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) and free ribosomes.(protein synthesis) b) Mucous – A cell type that is characterized by numerous large, lightly staining granules containing strongly hydrophilic glycoproteins called mucins, viscous secretions that have a lubricating or protective function. The cytoplasm dominantlyconsistsof mucinogen granules that do not stain with H&E sections due to the high carbohydrate content of the glycoprotein of the mucin • Mixed – These glands have both serous and mucous cells. • The secretorycellsformacini.
Serosus acini Serosus acinus parotis Serous secretion (e.g. pancreas),
Glandula submandibularis Mucous acini Mucous secretion (e.g. sublingual salivary gland)
Mucous acinus Gianuzzi-demilune Serous secreting cells Gianuzzi-demilune Mixed These glands have both serous and mucous cells, acini. Gianuzzi-demilune
Classification of Glandular Epithelia 3. 3) Mechanism of secretion (the way in which the secretory products leave the cell) – a) Merocrine secretion(e.g. sweat gland) - This is the most common type of glandular epithelium secretion where secretory granules within the cytoplasm of the cell gather at the apical region of the cell. Then, the granule’s limiting membrane fuses with the apical membrane and the contents of the granule are opened and released. This process of fusion and release are collectively referred to as exocytosis. The secretory granules leave the cell with no loss of other cellular material. Mucous and serous cells exhibit this type of secretion.
Apokrin szekréció • Apocrine secretion – A rare type of secretion dependent on sex hormones where secretory granules within the cytoplasm gather at the apical region of the cell. Then, a portion of the cytoplasm of the cell simply pinches off enclosing the granules. Within the lumen, this small secretory vesicle breaks down and releases the gland’s products. Examples of apocrine glands include lactating mammary glands, apocrine sweatglands of skin in the pubic and axilla regions
1. Szőrszál 2. Faggyúmirigy 3. Bulbus 4. Kötőszöveti papilla 5. Verejtékmirigy Faggyúmirigy c) Holocrine secretion– This secretion consists of disintegrated cells of the gland itself. Granules fill the cell until the entire cell becomes “bloated” with secretory products. Instead of being released (merocrine) or pinched off (apocrine), the whole cell is discharged into the lumen. Once inside the lumen, the cell degenerates and the secretory products are released. This type of secretion occurs primarily in sebaceous glands within the skin. Sebaceous gland
Olfactory Taste bud Hair cells Sensory epithelium • In sensoryorgans • workasstimulusreceptors.Theytransformarrivingstimuli (light, chemicalsubstances, mechanicalpressure, pain) intoelectricalsignals and thentransmitthemvianervefibers. • sensorycells and phalangealcells • slfactoryepithelium, vestibularorgan, tastebuds..
Pigment epithelium - In the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells are melanin containig granules - Layer in the retina, protects the rods and cones
Connective and supporting tissuescontaining both cellular and intercellular substances (extracellular matrix), which may be liquid, semisolid, or solid.. cells extracellular matrix fix mobil fibres groud substance adhesion glycoproteins fibrocyte reticulum cell adipocyte melanocyte mesoblast macrophage mast cell plasmacell granulocyte proteoglycan glycosaminoglycan collagen elastic reticular fibrillin Hyaluronic acid chondroitin- sulphat heparan-sulphate keratan-sulphate dermatan-sulphate fibronektin laminin tenascin enactin trombospondin
Cells of the connective tissue I. fix cells - fibroblast - fibrocyte - adipocyte - reticulum cell II. Mobile cells - macrophage - mast cell - lymphocyte - plasma cell - granulocyte
FIX CELLs I. FIBROBLAST: - aktív cell - produces extracellular matrix and fibers - ovoid, euchromatic nucleus - star shaped cell body with processes, basphil staining due to the rER
fibroblast fibrocyta FIX CELLs II. FIBROCYTE: - inactive form of the fibroblast - fusiform shape - dark stained nucleus - cytoplasm is small
adipocyta ADIPOCYTE (white fat cell) - round, thin cytoplasm - one big fat drop (unilocular) - nucleus dark, thin on the side of the cell - form groups - storage of the fat - mechanical protection
Barna zsírszövet Barna zsírszövet BROWN FAT CELL - lipochrom (lipid-like pigment) - many smaller droplet (multilocular) - nucleus is in the center - cytoplasm contain mitochondria HEAT PRODUCTION, THERMOREGULATION: - many capillaries in the tissue - sympathetic regulation
MOBILE CELLs MACROPHAGE: - monocytes from the blood changes to macrophages - phagocytosis - inflammation - excentric, kidney-shape nucleus - phagosoma
Mast cell Mast cell MAST CELL • polymorph cell • basophil cytoplasm • near the vessels - contains heparin, histamin and serotonin granules
lymphocyta lypmphocyta LYMPHOCYTE • small , round cell • thin, cytoplasmic band around the round nucleus - cell of the immune system
plazmasejt plazmasejt PLASMA CELL • excentric nucleus, cartwheel like chromatin, • from the B-cells • produces immuno-globulins
Neutrophyl granulocyta NEUTROPHYL GRANULOCYTE - rond, lobulated nucleus - cellular protection against the bacteria
CONNECTIVE TISSUE FIBERSareformedbyproteinsthatpolymerizeintoelongatedstructures • collagen fibers: elastic, flexible, remarkably high tensile strength (collagen molecules) • elastic fibers: elastic, less tensile strength (mainly elastin molecules) • reticular (collagen molecules) • fibrillin
Collagen fibers COLLAGEN FiBERS • high tensile strength • Tropocollagen molecules formed by fibroblasts (mainly) • Tropocollagen molecules build up fibrills - Fibrills build up thin and thick fibers
TYPE –I COLLAGEN: • 90% • Skin, tendon, ligaments, bone TYPE –II COLLAGEN: • Porcszövet, csigolyaközti porckorong nuvleus pulposusa, TYPE –III COLLAGEN - Reticular fibers, • Wall of vessels, kidney, spleen TYPE –IV COLLAGEN - Lamina basalis TYPE –V COLLAGEN - skin, reticular fibers
Retikuláris rostok, ezüst impregnáció RETICULAR FIBERS • very thin network of fibers • produced by reticulum cells - mainly in immun organs : spleen and lymph nodes - build up from III type of collagen fibers