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Jeopardy. Dialogue. Narration. Pictures. $ 100. $ 100. $ 100. $ 200. $ 200. $ 200. $ 300. $ 300. $ 300. $ 400. $ 400. $ 400. $ 500. $ 500. $ 500. $100. The old woman is poor. $100. B – “I can’t pay you in money…”. $200. “Bibot is the richest man on earth…”. $200.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Dialogue Narration Pictures $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500

  2. $100 The old woman is poor.

  3. $100 B – “I can’t pay you in money…”

  4. $200 “Bibot is the richest man on earth…”

  5. $200 C – Bibot is greedy.

  6. $300 Bibot is mean.

  7. $300 C – “I’m sorry, only for paying customers.”

  8. $400 Bibot is a snob.

  9. $400 B – “They are admiring my suit.”

  10. $500 “I’m sorry, only for paying customers.”

  11. $500 C – He is angry that she gave him the figs.

  12. $100 Monsieur Bibot, the dentist, was a very fussy man.

  13. $100 B – He likes everything to be tidy.

  14. $200 Bibot cares more about money than anything else.

  15. $200 A – The woman moaned. Bibot looked at his watch. Perhaps there was time to make a few extra francs.

  16. $300 It was clear to Bibot that the woman was crazy. He set the figs down and took her by the arm.

  17. $300 A – He is trying to make her leave.

  18. $400 No one noticed Bibot as he ran home in his underwear.

  19. $400 B – People cared more about the Eiffel Tower.

  20. $500 Bibot is clever.

  21. $500 C – Over the next few weeks, as reconstruction of the Eiffel Tower began, the dentist read dozens of books on hypnotism.

  22. $100 (Picture on pages 5-6)

  23. $100 B – Bibot is angry.

  24. $200

  25. $200 B – Bibot is concentrating.

  26. $300

  27. $300 A – Bibot enjoys causing pain.

  28. $400

  29. $400 C – Bibot is amazed.

  30. $500 (Picture on pages 15-16)

  31. $500 C – Bibot realizes the figs are magical because the Eiffel Tower is bent.


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