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SMART CITY. Energy flow control. Metering. Metering. Metering. Operational Management. Operational Management. Operational Management. Operational Management. Generation. Transmission. Distribution. Supply. Customer. Energy flow data acquisition and analyses.
Energy flow control Metering Metering Metering Operational Management Operational Management Operational Management Operational Management Generation Transmission Distribution Supply Customer Energy flow data acquisition and analyses
Energy Management Cycle Performance Visualization Monitoring and Targeting Metering and Verification Reporting Metering Data Action Information Knowledge
What is the Smart Grid Expert Management System Advanced Metering Infrastructure Energy Flow Control Distribution Automation Consumption Management
Smart Grid Smart Grid – it’s a concept, not a system Communication infrastructure is key Advance Meter - it’s foundational
SELECTED DATA - 2012 • Generating System 13,248 MW • Peak Demand 11,920 MW • Electricity Generated 61,100 Million kWh • Total Consumption 57,000 Million kWh • Number of Consumers 2.55 Million • Employees 13,000 • Total Income 6.8 Billion $ • Price per kwh (residentional) 0.12 Euro cent
THE ISRAELI ELECTRICAL SYSTEM • Isolated Relatively small system • Generation reserve - lower than expected economical reserve - higher than expected • Densely populated country • One of the highest long term yearly demand growth in the world • No large neighboring systems
Chain of Electricity in Israel Generation Network TransmissionNetwork Distribution Network HV HV MV LV 61.1 TWh Substation Transmission lines G HV consumers 45 5.5 TWh 9.6% MV consumers 3100 21.2 TWh %37.7 LV consumers 2,550,000 30.2 TWh 54.7% Self consumption 3.9% Total Consumption 56.9 TWh 2013
עקומות עומס בעונות שונות – 2012/2013 60% k= מגוו"ט 135 מליוני קוט"ש שעות מעבר קיץ
עקומת משךעומס לשנת 2012 מגוו"ט שיא ביקוש 11,920 מגוו"ט 130 שעות שבהן העומס היה גבוה מ – 10650 מגוו"ט שעות
The Evolution of Electricity Metering 23 Tkwh 3.5 T$ 2. 2B electricity meters installed in the world Annual demand : 180M meters
Metering in Israel Electric Corp. Meters and Metering Systems 2.65 M 6.1% 53.4% 40.5% CT & CT/VT Metering System CT Metering System Direct connected meters 2.58 M 7,7K 30K 1.4% Single Phase Multi - Phase 9.6% High voltage 6.5% 37.3% Medium voltage Low Voltage 1.06 M 1.53 M 38.6% 60% 4,500 3,110 90
Smart Metering infrastructure MSO Metering Data Management System (MDMS) CRM Billing Grid Manag. Collection System Communication Infrastructure End Customers Smart Meter Smart Meter Smart Meter
Advanced Metering Management Automatic MeterManagement Remote MeterReading ON SITE WALK-BY FIXED NETWORK Visual +paper Bus Walk-by(Euridis, Mbus) PLC RF Visual +HHU RF Walk-by GSM GPRS “from smart meters to smart grid”
Energy Measurement Review of low voltage network Contemporary Energy Balance Every 15 minutes Meters ENERGY BILLED MV/LV Substation Concentrator Technical Losses (Joule effect, ...) (Mathematical models) Total Energy Invoiced ≠ • Theft • Fraud • Wrong measurement Commercial Losses
STANDARDIZATION OPENNESS and INTEROPERABILITY DATA SECURITY AND DATA PROTECTION Commission Recommendationfor the roll-out of smart metering systems CBA
SMART METERING Experience from Europe 1.UK started smart meter roll-out without a CBA and stopped because of high cost. 2. France started with 300.000 meters, they stopped to define a PLC standard; 3. Germany started with deployment only with new meters for new houses. They stopped because of the high costs of two operation systems; 4. Sweden standardized the specifications for the meter bat not for the data formats. 5. Italy focused only on disconnection of not paying customer with low cost smart meter. To full energy efficiency targets they have to install new smart meters. 6.Netherland stopped they entire roll-out and adopted the law not only the regulations
Smart City Pilot Project Binyamina-Givat Ada & Caesarea Industrial Park
Smart City is a mini Smart Grid Expert Management System Advanced Metering Infrastructure Energy Flow Control Distribution Automation Consumption Management
The Smart City Model City Government Living Labs (planning, crisis, decision…) City planning Urban Sensor Networks ICT networks Buildings Energy Grids (electr/termal) Mobility Public Lighting Water Waste COM SAFETY HEALT FOOD HERITAGE EDUCATION ENVIR …. Open Data City utilities Smart Services Resources On demand Citizen
Building Network Management MANAGMENT OPTIMIZATION NETWORK SUPERVISORS Network Intelligence REMOTE MONITORING Cost/Energy Optimization Diagnostics intelligence Active Demand Management GRIDDISTRIBUTOR
Project Management Technical know-how (technology access, etc) Project Implementation Financial, legal and physical resources Smart Grid Success Requirements Three Key Elements for Successful Smart Grid
אזור בנימינה משאבות מים גני ילדים בתי ספר ציבורי • 14אלף תושבים • 4300 מונים (30/70) • 80 מערכות מניה • צריכה כללית שנתית : כ- 50 מיליון קוט"ש • צריכת שנתית ממוצעת : 10,800 קוט"ש • 85 שנאים / 11 תחנות השנאה פנימיות P.V מאור רחובות
אזור גבעת עדה גני ילדים משאבות מים בתי ספר ציבורי מאור רחובות P.V
אזור תעשיה קיסריה • 180חברות, 7500 עובדים • 110 מערכות מניה מתח נמוך, 10 במתח גבוה • 60 מונים ישירים • צריכה כללית שנתית : כ- 150 מיליון קוט"ש
Goals and Targets Pilot application for experience and Business initiatives Testing different types of smart building technologies combined PV installations, charging stations for electric cars, energy storage, etc. Installation and operation of commercial technologies in accordance with European standards (EN 2012/148) Analysis of consumption patterns of domestic customers The pilot will be used for making CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis)
Project content Exchange existing 4600 meters to smart meters Installation and testing various technologies: M2M - about 2,100 meters in stock PLC FSK-about 700 meters (locally company) PLC (IDIS) FSK - about 700 meters manufactured abroad PLC Prime about 1,100 meters from a recognized overseas Connection / disconnection and limit load through the meter Share data transfer on the home screen/computer/cellular
שנאים וקווי מתח באזור בנימינה שנאים וקווי מתח באזור בנימינה שנאי קו הזנה לישוב קווי מתח
Multi level Energy Measurement and Control First level - at points of high voltage power supply by technology of "smart insulator." Second level - the departure point for all low voltage transformers by controllers. A third - all consumer endpoints by smart meter
שנאים,קווי מתח ומדידה תלת שכבתית בגבעת עדה מבודד חכם שנאי קווי מתח קו הזנה לישוב
Preparation of the rollout Installation of smart meters Post - installation Key to success Project
Distributed generation CHP eco-buildings ICT renewvables Smart lighting/mobility Smart water/waste …the eco-smart district model…
Meter data collection system Domestic orange cellcom pelephone mirs bezek Program/command Industrial Reading Consumers System supervision Interval recording Domestic billing Fail log Industrial billing Power outage Research department Electric parameters Event log Safe Private consumers Warning & outage System Technical department Meter installers