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What if you could access a state of consciousness where you could mould your mind to be exactly as you want it to be? <br>How would you be different? <br>Would you break that lifelong bad habit? Would you be more positive? Confident? Productive? Loving? <br>What if you could enter this mind-moulding state whenever you wanted? <br>What if, whenever you wanted, you could plant the seeds of your choice into your subconscious mind and watch them flower into a whole new you?
HowToHypnotizeYourselfIn6Simple Steps What if you could access a state of consciousness where you could mould your mind to be exactly as you want it tobe? How would you bedifferent? Would you break that lifelong bad habit? Would you be more positive? Confident? Productive?Loving? What if you could enter this mind-moulding state whenever youwanted? What if, whenever you wanted, you could plant the seeds of your choice into your subconscious mind and watch them flower into a whole newyou? Guesswhat? Youcan. All you have to do is set an intention and learn how to hypnotizeyourself.
What Is SelfHypnosis? Hypnosisis a unique tool that puts you in contact with the source of your subconscious programming (the thoughts, memories, beliefs, and emotions that shapeyou). When you use transformational hypnotherapy with the right understanding, you are literally rewiring your brain. Even science has proven thisfact. — MarisaPeer Here’s the catch — you don’t need a hypnotherapist to begin rewiring yourbrain. By learning how to hypnotize yourself, you can do this process completely on your own — no therapist visits, no service bills, no outsideinfluence. That’s right, you’ll no longer have to seek out a hypnotherapist and call them every week begging, “Hypnotize me! Hypnotize me! I’m ready, right now, hypnotize menow!”
As you practice self hypnosis, or autohypnosis, you control when, where, and how you rewire your brain. You can remove elements of your subconscious programming that don’t serve you. Just as well, you can freely create and reinforce positive patterns that enable you to thrive and become your best possibleself. For a more in-depth look at what self hypnosis is and how it works, check out Self Hypnosis For Surfacing The Best You Possible. The 3 Stages ofHypnosis While learning how to hypnotize yourself may seem like a daunting, exhaustive practice, it is actually quite straightforward. There are 3 basic stages ofhypnosis.
Inducting The time it takes to induce hypnosis will be determined by how quickly you can relax and clear yourmind. Entering hypnosis may seem intimidating or difficult at first. Just remember, you are already a professional with decades of experience— you have entered this state every single night of your entire life. Visualizing The visualization stage, when paired with intention and suggestion, is where the seeds of change are planted, watered, and grown. It is also where the weeds arepulled. This stage requires your full imagination, intent, and focus to reinforce the changes you want to make — the deeper you are able to go, the more you can increase the quality and speed of your transformation. Exiting Once you’ve discovered how to hypnotize yourself and have accomplished your hypnosis goal, you can easily choose to exit the hypnotic state and return to full, waking consciousness. Exiting hypnosis can occur several differentways. You can consciously prepare for exit by developing a que: counting backward from 10, creating a code word, ect. Or, you can also use a timed alarm (preferably with soothing music, not the obnoxiousbuzzer). Alternatively, you can easily fall into sleep. How To Hypnotize Yourself (Like APirate)
Ahoy, Matey! Arrrrre youready? Hereisa6stepguideontohowtohypnotizeyourself,likeaPIRATE— Privacy, Intention, Relaxation, Actualization, Transformation,Exit. Before you begin learning how to hypnotize yourself, however, it’s important to check out the following preconditions (these will help you totally nail selfhypnosis). Setting thestage Setting. Find a quiet and peaceful environment without distraction orinterruption. Relaxation. Create a mindset of calmness before you begin, so you can more easily enter hypnosis. Take deep breaths or do some breathing exercises likeboxbreathing. Mindfulness. Staying in hypnosis will require a lot of focus and concentration, so meditation can be a good way to prepare your mind forhypnosis. Energy. Hypnosis is more effective when you are energized. Maintain awareness for as long as you can and try to avoid dozingoff.
5. Motivation/Intention. Define your intention and motivation with positive words and affirmations. Make it familiar and personal. Your intention will be used as the source of visualization. What do you want to address?Why? • Privacy • One of the most important components to learning how to hypnotize yourself is learning to create an ideal setting to enter hypnosis. Peace and quiet is the way togo. • Make yourself as mentally and physically comfortable as possible, even small disturbance may make it difficult to enter (or stay in)hypnosis. • Here are some suggestions to make for an idealenvironment: • Clear your schedule ofobligations • Put your phone onsilent • Modify the room to fit your preferred temperature (ifpossible) • Create an environment that feelsfeng shuitoyou • Prepare a comfortable seat or lay on a bed (if you can resist sleep) • Play relaxing music to set the mood • Prepare somesoothing aromatherapy, like lavender essentialoil • Wear comfortable clothing (or no clothing to create a heightened state of sense, or just forfun) • Write anything that may be worrying your mind down (let the paper take care ofit) • Preconditions set? Feeling soothed?Perfect. • Okay, time tobegin. • Intention • Whetheryouareaddressinganemotion,ahabit,behavior,personalitytrait,or memory, define your intentionclearly. • Not sure what intention to set or what area of your life to workon? • You can take this wonderful, 45-second quizto help diagnose what area of your life could use some tender lovingcare.
At the end of the quiz, you will not only get your personalized results, but top hypnotherapist, Marisa Peer (author of Mindvalley’s life-changing Uncompromised Lifeprogram), will help to guide you on how to begin rewiring that area of yourlife. She will provide you with insights and positive affirmations/mantras to use during your self- hypnosis. It’s important to keep your intention direct (“I am…”), powerful (“….the creator of my reality…”), and radiating with positive emotion (“…and believe in my ability to change my behavior.”). However, your mind doesn’t think in words; it thinks in images and feelings. So, make sure your intention provokes these two criticalthings. Phrase your intention as if you have already accomplished it — youareconfident. Imagine yourself being confident, feel it. What does confidence look like on you? What does it feel like? How does it radiateoutward? Incorporate as many of your senses as you can. You don’t need to recall your intention word- for-word if the imagery and emotion is powerful. You can write your intention down (or say it out loud) to get your mind brewing these powerfulsensations. Here’s an example for addressing socialanxiety: I am the master of my thoughts andemotions. I can enter a state of pure calm whenever I choose. I choose to breathe calmness deeply from mybeing. The source of my calmness is a golden light, located in mybelly. I shine with confidence as I effortlessly interact with all kinds ofpeople.
3.Relaxation Intention set? You are now ready to learn how to hypnotize yourself, let’s get intoit! Focus on your breath; breathedeeply. Clear your mind as you deeply inhale. Hear and feel the air enter through your nostrils, filling your lungs, and expanding into yourbelly. Exhale fully through your mouth, feeling yourself relaxingdeeper. Allow your breath to consume your senses and awareness — observe the rhythmic pattern, the movement of your abdomen filling and emptying, and any tingling sensations in your fingertips, toes, andnose. With every breath, allow your mind to become clearer and your body to become more relaxed.
While you do this, roll your eyes upward into your head as if you are looking at your third eye. Create slight eye strain and relax your eyelids. If you feel your eyelids fluttering, you are doing itright. This seemingly strange eye position helps to induce the hypnoticstate. 4.Actualization Once you’ve reached a relaxed state and have achieved a silent mind, it’s time to go deeper… The actualization step deepens your level of hypnosis and primes your subconsciousto visualize in the next step. There are two popular methods of inducing this deeper state ofrelaxation. The “Staircase”Method Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking down a staircase, counting down each step from 1 to 10 (or 10 to 1, your choice). Double your relaxation and lightness with everystep. With every step, turn awarenessinward. By step 10, you should be drifting into your subconscious — you should be in an extremely calm, relaxed state ofmind. The “Creating A Scene”Method Close your eyes and keep your awareness on your breath. With each breath, become more relaxed. Now, imagine a natural setting you find peaceful, perhaps an evergreen forest. Place yourself in the forest, and continue breathing with awareness and increasingrelaxation. Imagine aspects of this forest setting in and becoming more vivid and saturated— the aroma of the air, the moss between your toes, the color and texture of thetrees…
Continue to construct this mental picture until it fills your sensations and you feel completely in this serenescene. 5.Transformation You’ve madeit. You have successfully learned how to hypnotize yourself— your imagination is awakened (and focused) and your awareness is entirely internal (you’ve tuned out your physical reality). Let’s begin with the fun part — the visualization. Visualization is the crux of transformation in selfhypnosis. Your brain likes and responds to images that make a picture. — MarisaPeer Start by simply visualizing yourself. Use any imagery that you feel has a strong connection to your identity. Perhaps you see yourself within the peaceful space you created (in the previous step). Or, perhaps you envision yourself as a bright light. Or, maybe you just imagine yourself as a floating point of awareness (that’s pretty rad,too). Recalling your intention, begin to imagine the defining elements of your best-self: positive, confident,loving… Reaffirm your intention with positive “I am” statements — I am positive. I am confident. I am productive. I amloving. Take your “I am” statements personally — they define youridentity. Now begin to visualize being your best self with these beautiful, radiating characteristics. If this is difficult to visualize, remember, you’ve always been who you’ve most imagined yourself tobe.
Yourmindthinksin Really feel your best self. pictures, so createpositive imageswith emotional value. Dive deeper into being your best self. What are you feeling? How are you thinking and behaving? What are you accomplishing? What are you attracting? How does it feel to be aroundyou? The more you reinforce a self-image, the deeper ingrained it becomes into your mind’s programming, and the faster it will manifest in yourreality. Imagine this stage as planting, watering, and nurturing the seeds that will flourish into your highest, most incredibleself. 6.Exit Once you feel efficient and wholesome in your hypnosis, it’s time to step back into the “real world.” You can exit hypnosis in manyways. Setting an alarm is one way, just be sure you give yourself enough time to be thorough in your hypnosis. An alarm will help you keep track of how long you have been in hypnosis (time is a funny thing in the hypnotic state) and can pull you back into waking consciousness. It’s important to set your alarm tone to something soothing so that you aren’tstartled. If you like the idea of choosing when to end your hypnosis, fret not — your conscious mind is still aware enough to exit hypnosis on your own. You will have full ability to choose to when toleave. The benefit of leaving hypnosis by choice is that you can deeply explore your subconscious and spend as much time as you wantvisualizing. You can exit your self-induced hypnosis on command by using a pre-set wake up phrase such as “I am ready to enter waking consciousness” or by slowly counting backward from5.
Falling into sleep is another way to exit hypnosis. This can be a good method to dream and explore further depths of your subconscious mind. However, falling asleep can interfere with how well you consciously remember details of yourvisualization.