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This study investigates the sequential loss of C2 fragments from C60, resulting in the formation of C32 and subsequent explosive fragmentation. The stability and properties of C28 and C32 are examined, with predictions made based on strain release and aromatic ring stability. Endohedral fullerenes, including Ti@C28 and Zr@C28, are also analyzed using laser vaporization techniques and FT-ICR-MS.
Laser photodissociation caused C60 to lose C2 fragments sequentially down to C32 at which time point C32 exploded into atoms and small non-fullerene Cn species Rice Group
C28 Polaroid image of the first molecular model of C28 HWK Nature, 329, 529 (1987)
C28 MS (Rice/Sussex unpublished result 1985)
Prediction C28 tetravalent and should be stabilised by addition of four H atoms HK Nature 1987
Prediction: because strain released and four C6 aromatic rings remain HK Nature 1987
Giant tetravalent “Superatom” H W Kroto, Nature, 329, 529 (1987)
Ti@C28 C32 FT-ICR-MS of Titanium Carbon Clusters
At FSU we decided to investigate the creation and properties of C28 in detail starting with Ti@C28 Ti with Paul Dunk and Alan Marshall
U U@C28
U@C28 Laser vaporization of a UO2-graphite target laser fired at different points in time along the pulse pressure profile U@C28 is clearly seen to form before larger U@Cn species
C28 U@C28 U@C36
C28 C32 C50 C60 C70 Predicted stable and semi-stable Fullerenes image at: www.answers.com/topic/fullerene
Exxon Data Cox et al JACS 110 1588 (1988) NB No C22 possible!
Ti@C32 Ti@C32 Only Cn n even clusters Ti mass 48 = 4x12 Ti@C28 Ti@C30 C27 C28 C23 C26 C31 C25 C30 C24 C29 C22 FT-ICR-MS Titanium Carbon Clusters
The detection of U@C28 confirmed that C28 is tetravalent and stabilised endohedrally U Rice group 1993
Ti@C28 observed when the pure C28is not detected Cn Ti@C28 Ti@Cn
Molecular and Schlegel representations of Ti@Td-C28. The internally located Ti atom is located off center, yielding additional stabilization.
Zr Zr@C28
Laser vaporization of a rod UO2 (0.8 atom %) graphite enriched with 13C amorphous carbon 10 atom % U@C28 incorporates all enriched 13C
The main isotope of Ti has mass 48 amu …so mass C32 ~ Ti@C28
Cn Ti@C28 Ti@Cn no C28
Cn Ti@C28 Ti@Cn
Ti@C28 C32 C32 Ti@C28 C27 C23 FT-ICR-MS of Titanium Carbon Clusters
n = 32 34 36 38 Ti@Cn Endohedral fullerenes even only FT-ICR-MS of Titanium Carbon Clusters
neutral C28 C284- Ti@C28 Electrostatic potentials Charge is transferred from Ti and localized at the four pyramidalised carbon atoms (with Poblet)
Rice Group showed that under intense laser irradiation C60 lost C2 fragments sequentially and at C32 blew up completely into small carbon species and atoms C60→ C58 → C56 → → → → C32 → C2 C2 C2 Cn (n small)
I decided to play with a molecular model kit to see what the C32 structure might be – just like a kid again
I decided to play with molecular model kit to see what C32 structure might be
neutral C28 Ti4+@C284- Electrostatic potentials Negative charge is transferred from Ti and localized at the four pyramidalised carbon atoms
Ti@C28 C32 FT-ICR-MS of Titanium Carbon Clusters
Zr@C28 Zr@C28 is the smallest endohedral fullerene formed C32 is the smallest empty cage. Zr@C28 is not as favored as Ti@C28.
The structure proposed for C28 contains four triple fused pentagons units arranged in tetrahedral symmetry.
~sp3 Sussex NNC
C44 C28 Cn Ti@C28 Ti@C44
Cn Ti@Cn 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Ti@Cn distribution (Red)vs.empty cage distribution (Blue) Clearly shows titanium stabilizes C28 and other small fullerenes.