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Responsible Care® Environment CODE OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICEs Task Force – 07 ECMP. Contents. Environment Team Members Introduction Codes of Management Practice Objective – Environment Code Relation to RC Guiding Principles Implementation Examples
Responsible Care®Environment CODE OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICEs Task Force – 07 ECMP GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Contents Environment Team Members Introduction Codes of Management Practice Objective – Environment Code Relation to RC Guiding Principles Implementation Examples Environment Code of Management Practices Guidance, Suggested Activities and Self Assessment GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Environment Team Members GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Introduction In December 2009, the Gulf Chemicals and Petrochemicals (GPCA) Board of Directors formally adopted the Chemical Industry’s initiative called “Responsible Care®”. Responsible Care was created in 1984 by the Canadian Chemical Producers' Association, with the clear intent of establishing the following goals: Improved chemical processes Enhanced practices and procedures Reduction of every kind of waste, accident incident, and emission Reliable communication and dialogue Heightened public scrutiny and input GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Codes of Management Practices Responsible Care® is underpinned by a number of technical processes called Codes of Management Practices. These codes provide specific technical requirements and guidance for Companies to fulfill their responsibilities in terms of Responsible Care® and adopted by GPCA: Community Awareness and Emergency Response (CAER) Environment Code Health and Safety Process Safety Distribution Product Stewardship Security GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Objective-Environment Code Achieve ongoing reductions in the amount of all contaminants and pollutants Achieve ongoing reductions in the amount of wastes generated at facilities Includes practices that address the broader waste management issues beyond source reduction Help in fulfilling the requirements of the Responsible Care Management System-RC 14001 standard Help to identify the gaps and come up with an effective implementation plan to address those gaps. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Key words –Environment Code GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Relation to RC Guiding Principles To lead our companies in ethical ways that increases the benefits to society by protecting our people, environment and community. To design and operate our facilities in a safe, secure and environmentally sound manner. To steward our products and services through each lifecyclestages in order to protect people and the environment. To counsel customers and stakeholders on the safe use, transportation and disposal of chemical products. Continue……d GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Relation to RC Guiding Principles To promote environment, minimization of wastes and conservation of energy and other critical resources. To measure performance, openly report and make continual progress towards our goal of eliminating accidents, injuries or harm to human health and the environment from our products and operations. To seek continual improvement in our integrated Responsible Care Management System® to address health, safety, security and environment performance. To promote the principles and practices of Responsible Care by sharing experiences and offering assistance to others who produce, handle, use, transport or dispose of chemicals. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Environment Programs at Member Companies Environment program includes: GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Implementation Examples 1. Leadership, Planning and Prioritization 1.1 A clear commitment by senior management through policy, communications, and resources, to comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, and with other requirements, 1.2 Continual improvement and prevention of pollution through ongoing reductions at each of the company’s facilities, in releases to the air, water, and land and in the generation of wastes. 1.3 Establishment of priorities, goals and plans for waste and release reduction 1.4 Establishing reductionpriorities, of the potential impact of releases on the environment from the past, current and future activities, and the health and safety of employees and the public. 1.5 Inclusion of waste and release prevention objectives in research and in design of new or modified facilities, processes, and products. 1.6 Ongoing reduction of wastes and releases, giving preference first to source reduction, second to recycle/reuse, and third to treatment. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Implementation Examples 2.0 Training, Communication and Community Engagement 2.1 Education of, and dialogue with, employees and members of the public about the inventory, impactevaluation, and risks to the community. 2.2 Ongoing dialogue with employees and members of the public regarding waste and release information, progress in achieving reductions, and future plans. 2.3 An ongoing program for promotion and support of waste and release reduction by others. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Implementation Examples 3. Implementation, Assessment and Improvement 3.1 A quantitative inventory at each facility of chemicals stored, wastes generated and releases to the air, water, and land, measured or estimated at the point of generation or release. 3.2 Measurement of progress at each facility in reducing the generation of wastes and in reducing releases to the air, water, and land, by updating the quantitative inventory at least annually. 3.3 Periodic evaluation of waste management practices associated with operations and equipment at each Company Facility, taking into account community concerns and environmental impacts and implementation of ongoing improvements. Continue……d GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Implementation Examples 3.4 Implementation of a process for selecting, retaining, and reviewing contractors and sub-contractors taking into account sound waste management practices that protect the environment and the health and safety of employees and the public. 3.5 Implementation of engineering and operating controls at each member company facility to improve prevention of and early detection of releases that may contaminate groundwater. 3.6 Implementation of an ongoing program for addressing past operating and waste management practices and for working with others to resolve identified problems at each active or inactive facility owned by a member company taking into account community concerns and health, safety, and environmental impacts. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Environment Code of Management Practices Guidance, Suggested Activities and Self Assessment • NATPET • BOROUGE • SABIC GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
1- Leadership, Planning and Prioritization Management Practice #1 Management Commitment: • To comply relevant environment laws, regulations, and with other requirements by policy, communications, and resource deployment • Continual improvement on prevention of pollution through ongoing reductions in the generation of wastes.. Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #1 1.1 NATPET compliant in all respect of RC - Yanbu Requirements for Environment, ISO 14001:2004 certified and signed GPCA commitment on Responsible care. Comprehensive induction program provide a clear guideline to comply environment Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #1 1.2 Management Commitment GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #1 1.3 Royal Commission (RC) Reporting GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #1 1.4 Environment Milestones GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #1 • Borouge has Sustainability Policy which is displayed prominently within the company. • Borouge has a documented Environmental Legal Register with overall demonstration of compliance for each specific location sites; GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
1- Leadership, Planning and Prioritization Management Practice #2 • Setting priorities, goals and plans for waste and release reduction, by considering community concerns and the potential health, safety, and environmental impacts. Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #2 2.1 Online Emission Monitoring Report NATPET has established environment targets and are being monitored by sustainability team e.g. reducing carbon footprint and environment target 2009-2013 GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #2 • Annual environmental targets are established and formally agreed with the Leadership Team(s) and monitored monthly. • Borouge has set challenging 5-year targets (2012-2016) on Flaring. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #2 • SABIC has established 5 year (2010 – 2015) Environmental sustainability targets and implements a robust monitoring program to measure the KPIs. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
1- Leadership, Planning and Prioritization Management Practice #3 • Evaluation of the potential impacts on human health and the environment on the releases and wastes dispositions. Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #3 3.1 Environmental Aspects and Impacts NATPET has established a register for Environment Aspects and Impact and are monitored. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #3 • Borouge has Environmental Aspects and Impacts register for all activities. The register also provides a measure of the impacts evaluated through a standard approved procedure. The Register is available as a ‘Green Tree’ icon on every Desktop / Laptop of Borouge employees at all locations . The legal register is also stored in a similar manner and provides the legal limits of atmospheric releases. • Borouge has an Emergency Response Plan in place to ensure the safety and health of employees and the Public. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #3 • SABIC being a Responsible Care Certified Organization, continually monitors its EHSS Aspects/risks registry to minimize the associated impacts. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
1- Leadership, Planning and Prioritization Management Practice #4 • Considering of waste and release prevention objectives in research and in design of new or modified Products, Processes and facilities. Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #4 4.1 Environment Friendly Grade • NATPET has developed following special grade to meet social and environmental challenges, for detail please refer attachment related to question. • H25FBA Fiber production benefits (lower energy, lower wastage, minimum stoppages). • H03BPM – Raffia • H03TF • Replacement of PS with PP • PP pipe grade R01EX • The products are new and real monetary benefit has been not assessed. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #4 4.2 Customer calculated saved amount by using NATPET Environment Friendly grade GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #4 • Borouge undertook Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the identification of the potential impacts on the environment for new projects. • The EIA Process provides key information at the early stages of the project life cycle related to significant environmental impacts, impact significance and mitigation proposals. • This assessment facilitated in selecting the best location for sea water intake and discharge among the various alternatives considered for the current major expansion project GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #4 • SABIC T&I (Technology & Innovation) has been involved in extensive research . It has also obtained patents for the waste recycling and releases utilization. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
1- Leadership, Planning and Prioritization Management Practice # 5 • Reduction of wastes and releases to environment while giving preference: • first to source reduction, • second to recycle/reuse, and • third to treatment. Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #5 5.1 NATPET Environment objective to” • Reduce 10% use of Papers/year, started with the soft ware RMS to completely restrict the printing (2011 to 2014 reduction by 40%). • Automation through SAP/ESS. • Both side printing and after shredding recycle by 3rd party. Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #5 5.2 Hazardous Industrial Waste Converting Project • Major project on converting a Hazardous industrial waste as raw material to other industries e.g., research on transforming NaHs a hazardous waste to become an active agent for reuse in other industry. • Previously the company was investing SR 1 Kg to environment friendly disposition now as a saleable product. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #5 • Borouge has a successful Fugitive Emissions Monitoring and control program the results of which has been shared in various forums including a previous GPCA Workshop. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #5 • The SABIC Sustainability program focuses on the reduction/reuse/recycle of the waste materials. Many of the waste streams generated at SABIC Petrochemical plants are reused/recycled. Almost all the waste generated at HADEED (SABIC Affiliate manufacturing Steel) is being recycled/reused. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Training, Communication and Community Engagement Management Practice # 6 • The effective education of employees and awareness of community, based on the risk assessment studies should be established and efficiently executed. Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #6 6.1 Training, Communication and Community Engagement • NATPET in association with GPCA is involved with the community and interested parties in the continuous awareness program through the use of littering and CD called Two drops. Environment Management Practices 6.2 Education & Awareness • NATPET safety section initiated painting competition and involved age groups 05 to 18 years to create awareness about pressing environmental issues as children are often best messengers for any cause. The theme was “Clean & Green Environment”. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #6 6.2 Drawing & Painting Competition 2011 Judges Category: Age Above 18; 1st price Category: Age b/w 11-18; 1st Price Category: Age b/w 5-11; 1st Price GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #6 6.3 Cleaning Neighborhoods’ Initiative – JPT (Jan 2012) Mr. Yousuf A. ZainalAlireza – Director NATPET GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #6 • During the year 2011, the local community Asian International School invited Borouge Environmental professionals to present on various environmental topics including Borouge initiatives on Environmental Management and Water for the World. The presentation included an Environmental Quiz with gift vouchers being awarded to the winners. The Teachers and Students participated energetically and showed excellent appreciation for the event and have requested for it to be repeated. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Training, Communication and Community Engagement Management Practice # 7 • Ongoing dialogue with employees and members of the public regarding waste and release information, progress in achieving reductions, and future plans must be established. Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #7 7.1 NATPET in collaboration with RC - Community Awareness Program • Environmental Planning & studies section of RCED sponsored by NATPET in line with community awareness, ‘’Environmental Excellence Competition’’ within Primary Schools. • RCED will select SIX primary schools from RC (three boys & three girls) • FIVE winners will be selected from each school (Total 30 winners) • Total Prize awards will be 36 (30 students + 6 teachers) GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #7 • Every 2 years, Borouge and the other Ruwais Community ADNOC Companies organize a week long EHS campaign in the local community. Various topics are presented relating to how we operate our facilities in addition to a focus on education in EHS subjects. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #7 • SABIC participates local, national and international conferences/exhibitions presenting its achievements in the sustainable developments. Also, regularly engages local community and stakeholders including regulatory agencies to present its EHSS performance , plans and to listen to their concerns/suggestions. GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Training, Communication and Community Engagement Management Practice # 8 • An ongoing program for promotion and support of waste and release reduction by others, which may, include: • Sharing of technical information and experience with customers and suppliers; • Support of efforts to develop improved waste and release reduction techniques Environment Management Practices GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II
Example: Management Practice #8 • NATPET is working in developing locals and they are interacting in the community as talented/ knowledgeable source on environment , for this reason around 150 students were selected form Yanbu industrial college they were provided two years OJT & Environment protection was the key topic. These workforce are available for transforming of Knowledge to others on safe working and better environment 8.1 Social Challenges GPCA RC Program Development Workshop-II