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Dr habil Mary RÉDEI Hungary Budapest Eötvös University. The Hungarian migration regime: from talent loss to talent attraction. Individual under-invest in human capital. Graduation, skill, ability and experience became complementary. visible elements in relocation
Dr habil Mary RÉDEIHungary Budapest Eötvös University The Hungarian migration regime: from talent loss to talent attraction
Individual under-invest in human capital • Graduation, skill, ability and experience became complementary. • visible elements in relocation • domestic ladder <member of an international board < global posted worker • internal brain drain
New Human Resources Assessment • Direct recruitment from universities • Link from institutional education to real work • Centres of excellence and competency • HR and FDI relocation has a +connection. • Rising education levels of the population, higher level of socialization, comparable world by different local act situation leads us to new vulnerabilities. • The usage of HR standards is over.
Hungary became a new host country in the atlas of European student mobility • Young generation were socialized in the market economy. • Probably every 100th mid lives family sends their kids for foreign study. • Informative fact that 25-30% of graduates ask for an English supplement to his/her certification.
The “skills market” has two main drivers • to develop the domestic human resources, and to fill the demand and supply missing link • Staff and student mobility together, • Diasporas, the great cohort of the 70s reached the age of university schooling.
Graduation and postgraduation • The fees of international students are a comprehensive element in the budget • Regional and firm competitiveness • The need for multi angle consensus • Subsidiary of migration - decisions must be made where they are rooted
Loss of Nobel prisers “Hungary is a small nation, but as far as brains are concerned, it is a major power.” (Albert Szent-Györgyi, discoverer of Vitamin C)
Period of loss to attract • 450.000 nearly 5% of pop after the II. WW • Over the average were represented the highly qualified • 1987-90, 15-20 thousand graduated settled in Hungary • 1991-1994 Internal Brain Drain • 1994-97 TNCs filled by domestic qualified people
Domestic labour filled the hierarchy • Most of them achieved in leader position in CEE PMT, members of international board + pattern • Upgrading the local population • It worth to be not highly, but well-skilled, 220% in age 35-44. • OECD Human capital enormous income gap
Project Retour program mission • Is dealing with how we shall manage the central and individual interest in our homecomings.Find local job and global community http://www.projectretour.org.hu • Yearly, around 3 000 Hungarians ask the Equivalency Committee to accredit their foreign certification, six thousand ethnic Hungarians ask for it, and one thousand foreigners apply to be accredited in Hungary.
Lack of local eligible workforce • Early carrier start • Difficulties by brain circulation crisis period • Return impact of 1956 expatriated persons back to administration and business • Ethnic and Chinese diaspora network development
Talentis project • Until 2020, Silicon Walley will be established. During the first 10 years 20 billion dollar • Reason behind is to provide exceptional circumstances for talented Subcarpathians and beyond it • It is based on an early selection of talents, • European Research Area support our geo-position as well • Project is calculated by 5% immigrants return to their native countries….
We need brains deduction from tax The National Development Plan deals with the development of knowledge centres. Between 2007–2013 one seventh – one eighth of the EU support may go to the establishment of development cores, the development of universities and research centres Central-European Talent Search Foundation
In the first five to seven years of the Talentis Programme, 3 billion $ were invested on approximately 2,200 acre with the co-operation of the current Partners • 3+1-pillar model programme ensures that the geographical concentration of: • Education • Research and development • Technological park • Regional and environmental development
What the talent means? • A healthy genetic background, • An early life period exceptional circumstances to develop his ability. • To wonder at something improve creativity. • If you are growing up in limited conditions, than you will loss this possibilities. Motivation!
What does global talent mean? A good command of transferable skills on global standards.
Compensation of education cost • Avoiding the process of regional disparities in the world, or to use the disparities we should take in progress the compensation of education cost from host to sending country. On which level? • Who will pay and how and to whom? • Joint university program
Attraction points • From neighbours, Asia, • Hungary is the gate for Chinese to go West! education, newspaper, media, institutions are all for Chinese. • Bologna process MSc, PhD, cheap life • New research topics, procedures are in East • To be familiar with local situation and to be potentional migrants with no age limit
IN From Romania ethnic Hungarians From Eastern Europe and Central Asia To get certification and move towards West OUT The pendulum move from zero sum scenario toward a positive “win‐win” scenario Human Capital Transfer may positively affect the sending economy. Lowell and Findlay “high rates of return migration after temporary stays abroad may be the best of all in an ‘optimal brain drain’ world.” Finally the balance
Is THIS THE real brain drain?Migration is not a one way street. • ISCO International standard for Classification of Occupation • ISED International standard for Classification of education • Graduated house keeper? • Doctor as waitress? Teacher as dishwasher?
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