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Vocabulary: Articles of Confederation Confederation Shays’ Rebellion . Unit 2 Lesson 8. What were the Articles of Confederation and why did some of the Founders what to change them ? . Why and how were the Articles of C onfederation created?.
Vocabulary: Articles of Confederation Confederation Shays’ Rebellion Unit 2 Lesson 8 What were the Articles of Confederation and why did some of the Founders what to change them ?
Why and how were the Articles of Confederation created? • Creating state constitutions and unifying meant sorting out issues: • Economics • Political relationships • Boarder disputes • Global diplomacy • Articles of Confederation • Sovereign States gave the central government directives and power over specific issues and for specified purposes. • Ben Franklin submits a draft at Second Continental Congress (SCC)1775 • Richard Henry Lee (VA) submits a set of resolutions for independence to (SCC)and government on June 7, 1776 • Model for resolutions used in Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation
What problems did the Articles of Confederation address? • Fear of a strong National Government • Needed central gov’t to win war, but did not want British style gov’t…The state was their country • Control was needed to protect state and individual rights • Fear that states could dominate others in that national government. • Solution? Create a “firm league of friendships” • States maintain soverignty, defined authority of congress, defined what states could an could not do, • Made congress the sole and exclusive right on determining war and peace.
Powers given to states • Only state governments had authority over their citizens • Congress could not pass taxes, but I could ask states to provide funds which were raised by citizens • Congress could not regulate trade among the states
Fear the Some states would dominate others • Representation: Article V each state given one vote regardless of population. 9 states had to agree so smaller 7 states could not out vote larger states • Request for funds formula was not based on population free or enslaved. Based on improved land, but hard to calculate • Landed states were asked to grant land in the west to United States (Oooo, so new states could develop) • Maryland was last to ratify March 1, 1781
Critical Thinking Exercise • Page 62 • Use Excerpts from the Articles of confederation to answers questions with your partners • 10 minutes!
Achievements of the National government under the Articles of Confederation • American Revolution conducted under this government, diplomats secured recognition of US independence in Europe • Congress created offices of finance, foreign relations, and military affairs (later dept.s of treasury, state and war) • Admiralty courts could hear appeals sent by states • Northwest Ordinance-1787 defined territory and plan for government • Process for which territory becomes a state with equal rights to existing states • Prohibited slavery in NW territory • Required states to provide for education and set land aside for schools.
Northwest Territory North of Ohio River and East of Mississippi River Becomes • Ohio • Michigan • Indiana • Illinois • Wisconsin • Minnesota (part of)
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation • Congress has no power to tax • American Revolution was paid with loans, the requested funds from the states who also had bills) $10 mil requested $1.6 received. Yay, a nation built on national debt! • Could not make agreements with foreign nations but could not force states to honor them • some states would import goods and refuse to pay for them • British saw weakness and closed trade in West Indies, limiting American sales (mostly food stuffs) • Could not make laws to regulate interstate trade • States levy trade/transport taxes= inefficient & unproductive • No power to make laws to regulate behavior of citizens • Could not enforce resolution, recommendations or requests made by Congress
Issues • Treaty of Paris ends war and protects property of Loyalists. States that had confiscated property could not be forced to return it • Localists isolated western part of state. Went into debt during war. • When in power, some states cancelled debts,issued paper money= inflation and favors debtors • Cosmopolitans lived in Easter ports…argued cxld debts did not protect their property. • States were used by one class of people to deny rights of another • Thought international trade agreements and debts needed to be honored WHAT DO YOU THINK? p. 65