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Essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter

This chapter provides an overview of the essential elements needed for a successful FFA chapter, including knowledge of the FFA, shared responsibility among members, capable officers, a challenging program of activities, a workable constitution and bylaws, proper equipment and records, well-planned chapter meetings, adequate financing, and school and community support. It also discusses the Program of Activities (POA), which serves as a roadmap for chapter goals and activities in three areas: student development, chapter development, and community development.

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Essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter

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  1. Chapter Overview • Essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter • Chapter Officers • Program of Activities • Chapter Banquet • Chapter Meetings • Arranging the Meeting Room • Order of Business • Opening and Closing Ceremonies • Parliamentary Procedure • Use of the Gavel • Voting • Meeting Requirements • Motion Classifications • Conducting the Meeting • Table of Motions CHAPTER 4 FFA Chapter Involvement Chapter Selection

  2. C H A P T E R F O U R Essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter 1. Knowledge of the FFA 2. All Members Share Responsibility 3. Capable Officers 4. A Challenging Program of Activities 5. A Workable Constitution and Bylaws 6. Proper Equipment and Records 7. Well-planned, Regularly Held Chapter Meetings 8. Adequate Financing 9. School and Community Support 10. Chapter Resource File Click on each of the numbers in the proper order to read the Essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter! Knowledge of the FFA Every member and chapter advisor needs to understand the functions and opportunities of the FFA in order to fully reap the benefits. You can learn more about the organization by reading through this interactive guide, or the Official FFA Manual and other FFA publications. All Members Share Responsibility When all members are active, the entire chapter benefits. Providing leadership should be everyone’s role, not just that of the officers. The Program of Activities (click to jump to POA) ensures that each member has specific duties in the chapter. A Challenging Program of Activities Chapter goals and activities which utilize the members’ talents and meet community needs are to be planned. Every member needs to be included in the Program of Activities. Capable Officers Students nominated and elected to officer positions must have the talent and dedication necessary to lead the chapter. Open elections should be held, and officers need to serve as role models for the chapter. A Workable Constitution and Bylaws These should provide flexibility to allow progress, yet provide enough structure and support to give the chapter a firm foundation. All chapter decisions should be based upon its constitution and bylaws. Proper Equipment and Records The chapter should acquire the equipment necessary for officers as well as secretary’s and treasurer’s books in which to keep complete membership and financial records. Well-planned, Regularly Held Chapter Meetings Monthly meetings, scheduled at a regular time and guided by a sound agenda, will provide the efficient transaction of business, promote chapter unity, and encourage attendance. School and Community Support The chapter must strive to meet the needs of the community and work with the school system in which it operates. Since many chapter activities depend on local support, public relations activities should be conducted in the community. An active FFA Alumni affiliate can provide organized community support and service. Chapter Resource File FFA information and materials are not useful unless they can be easily found. Each chapter needs a filing system where the officers, committee chairpersons and the advisor can quickly and easily locate information on the wide variety of programs the FFA offers Adequate Financing Fund-raising projects are essential in FFA. Yearly earnings will contribute to the creativity and growth of the chapter by funding important activities and projects.

  3. C H A P T E R F O U R Program of Activities The Program of Activities serves as a road map to guide your chapter to its goals each year. The Program of Activities or “POA” serves as a road map or a game plan for your chapter. All chapters should compete in the National Chapter Award Program which rewards chapters for their accomplishments throughout the year. Ask your advisor for more information about applying for the National Chapter Award Program. The Program of Activities is divided into three areas: 1. Student Development Division 2. Chapter Development Division 3. Community Development Division

  4. C H A P T E R F O U R Student Development Division Concentrates on providing opportunities for individual and team leadership, personal growth, and SAE experiences. It also promotes healthy lifestyles, scholarship, and the development of agricultural career skills.

  5. C H A P T E R F O U R Chapter Development Division Focuses efforts on recruitment, finance, public relations, support groups, participation in state and national FFA, and other organizational activities.

  6. C H A P T E R F O U R Community Development Division Strives to develop economic, environmental and human resources; citizenship; agricultural awareness and literacy; and safety. Each of the three divisions; Student Development, Chapter Development, and Community Development can be split into committees which concentrate their efforts in a single area.

  7. C H A P T E R F O U R • An officer team should exhibit the following characteristics: • A genuine desire to be a part of a leadership team • A willingness to accept responsibility • A sincere desire to work with all chapter members in meeting their leadership, personal, and chapter goals • A commitment to lead by example • A knowledge and understanding of the chapter, state and national FFA constitutions, and bylaws • A working knowledge of parliamentary procedure • An ability to memorize and recite their parts in the official ceremonies Chapter Officers • The six Constitutional Offices: • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer • Reporter • Sentinel • Advisor All members need to understand the organization and share responsibilities. The third essential element for a chapter is a capable officer team. Most chapters elect a president, vice president secretary, treasurer, and a sentinel. In addition, your chapter might elect an historian, a parliamentarian, a chaplain, or other officers as needed by the chapter.

  8. C H A P T E R F O U R Chapter Meetings “Take an active role in the chapter meeting. If you don’t voice your opinion, it might go unsaid!” One of the most important chapter activities is the regular chapter meeting. Well planned meetings are the lifeblood of your chapter. Chapter meetings are what you make them-they can be interesting and exciting. The key to good chapter meetings is planning. The Executive Committee (comprised of chapter officers and advisors) should set an order of business prior to each meeting. Join in the discussion on issues that are important to you. You will develop more confidence in yourself while receiving the satisfaction of becoming involved.

  9. C H A P T E R F O U R Arranging the Meeting Room A properly arranged meeting room ads dignity and function, instills pride in the members, and sets the stage for conducting chapter business. The sentinel should make sure the chairs and podium are correctly positioned, and the symbols of each office are in place before the meeting begins. Click to see a larger diagram!

  10. C H A P T E R F O U R Order of Business An established order of business will keep the meeting moving and make sure all items are covered. The order of business, or agenda, lets members know what to expect and allows everyone to participate more effectively. Read the sample order of business on the right! Sample Order of Business 1. Opening Ceremony 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 3. Officer Reports 4. Report on Chapter POA 5. Special Features 6. Unfinished Business 7. Committee Reports a. Standing b. Special 8. New Business 9. Degree and Installation Ceremonies 10. Closing Ceremony 11. Entertainment, Recreation, Refreshments

  11. C H A P T E R F O U R Opening and Closing Ceremonies Official FFA ceremonies are a source of pride , identity and tradition among FFA members and chapters. All meetings are opened and closed using ceremonies written expressly for those purposes. For more information on opening and closing ceremonies see page 45 in the FFA Student Handbook.

  12. C H A P T E R F O U R Chapter Banquets Each year most chapters host a chapter banquet or awards night to celebrate the year’s accomplishments and recognize member achievements. Each member’s parents, alumni members, chapter supporters, and local newspaper, radio, and television representatives are invited to join the celebration. Chapter Banquets allow for the chapter and its members to showcase members and achievements.

  13. C H A P T E R F O U R Parliamentary Procedure The key to being involved in FFA meetings is to understand Parliamentary Procedure. Parliamentary Procedure insures that all sides of an issue are treated fairly, and that everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion and vote. You’ve probably noticed the president uses a certain set of “rules” known as parliamentary law or Robert’s Rules of Order. For more information on Parliamentary Procedure, see page 55 in the FFA Student Manual.

  14. C H A P T E R F O U R Parliamentary Procedure Using Parliamentary Procedure Parliamentary law is designed to accomplish four main objectives in a properly operated business meeting: 1. Focus on one item at a time 2. Extend courtesy to everyone 3. Observe the rule of the majority 4. Ensure the rights of the minority Although it may seem so at first, there is nothing complex about parliamentary law. There are however, certain things you must know in order to participate properly in a business meeting.

  15. C H A P T E R F O U R Parliamentary Procedure • The main objectives of Parliamentary Law: • Focus on one item at a time • Extend courtesy to everyone • Observe the rule of the majority • Ensure the rights of the minority • Use of the Gavel • The gavel should be used as the symbol of authority to be exercised in the support of self-government and orderly procedure; • A single tap tells the members to be seated. • Two taps of the gavel calls the meeting to order. • Three taps of the gavel is the signal for all members to stand during the opening ceremonies. All members rise at the third tap of the gavel. • The gavel is the instrument for maintaining order during chapter meetings. If at any time members do not conduct themselves properly, a series of sharp turns of the gavel should restore order

  16. C H A P T E R F O U R Parliamentary Procedure Voting There are four common methods of voting: 1. Voice Vote, by saying “aye” (“I”) or “no”. 2. Rising vote, either by standing or by a show of hands. 3. Secret ballot, a written vote. 4. Roll call, with the secretary polling each member. For chapters, in order for official business to be transacted, half or more of the active membership must be present. This is known as a Quorum. Most votes require a simple majority which means more than half of the members voting must be in favor of the vote. In the event of a tie, the president may cast the deciding vote. • Common Methods of Voting: • voice vote • rising vote • secret ballot • roll call

  17. C H A P T E R F O U R Parliamentary Procedure Voting When a motion will limit the rights of a member or members, or it is indicated by the wording of its motion, a 2/3 majority is required.

  18. C H A P T E R F O U R Meeting Requirements There are many different responsibilities when meetings take place. Meetings require a presiding officer, someone to keep record of what takes place, and a group of other officers and members who present the motions and take part in the proceedings. Officer Responsibilities: President: May not enter into the direct discussion or introduce new items of business. Vice President: Assumes the duties if the president leaves or wants to participate in the discussion. Secretary: Prepares the agenda for each meeting and keeps accurate records. Treasurer: Prepares a financial report for each meeting. Reporter: Responsible for obtaining publicity of the chapter. Sentinel: Ensures that the meeting room is prepared.

  19. C H A P T E R F O U R Motion Classifications Motions are ranked from those that take precedence at any time to those that can not be brought up when another item is being discussed: There are four types of motions: 1. Privileged 2. Incidental 3. Subsidiary 4. Unclassified Refer to the link to see how the motions are ranked.

  20. C H A P T E R F O U R Conducting the Meeting The main motion is used to get group approval for a new project or some other course of action. Use the following procedures: 1. The member rises and addresses the presiding officer by saying : Mr. /Mdm. President or Mr. /Mdm. Chairperson. 2. When recognized, the member begins the motion with these words: “I move that…” or “I move to...”: Never state a motion with “I make a motion”. Following the motion a second is needed to ensure at least two members are interested. Members should say: “I second the motion”

  21. C H A P T E R F O U R Amendments If a member believes the main motion could be improved, it can be changed through an amendment. There are three ways to present amendments. 1. By addition 2. By substitution 3. By striking out Amendments are used to modify a motion. Chapter Selections

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