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Explore the Draft Annual Report covering financial statements, Auditor-General's findings, and performance report of Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality for the period July 2016 to June 2017. Learn about its vision, legislative framework, population trends, revenue sources, and governance structures.
INTRODUCTION • To outline the Draft Annual Report for the period 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 which concludes Annual Financial Statements, the Auditor-General’s Report and the Annual Performance Report.
Municipal vision and Mission Vision Viable and sustainable municipality that provides quality service and enhance economic growth Mission To involve all sector of the community in the economic and social development whilst improving service delivery thereby becoming a prominent agricultural, business and mega industrial growth point in the Sekhukhune District for the benefit of the residents and province.
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK • Section 127 (1) of the Local Government Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 requires that the accounting officer of municipal entity compiles the annual report six months after the end of the financial year. • Section 127 (2) requires that the mayor tables the annual report to the council seven months after the end of the financial year
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK • Section 127 (5) requires that the accounting officer of the municipality must make public the annual report as well as inviting members of the public to make inputs, comments and representation. • The above section also requires that the annual report be submitted to the relevant provincial treasury, auditor general and department responsible for local government matters in the province
MUNICIPAL LIABILITIES The unspent grants in financial year 2016/2017 comprised the following EPWP=R 124 695.
NET ASSET POSITION The net asset position has taken into account the sum of total assets minus liabilities for the period under review
MUNICIPAL REVENUE The main revenue streams 2016/2017 are as follows: • Government grants & subsidies • Property rates • Service charges
DETAILED REVENUE SOURCES • Service Charges • Licences & Permits • Interest Received • Property Rates • Grants & Subsidies • Fines • Rentals
GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES • Section 79 committees • Executive committee • Audit Committee • Municipal Public Accounts Committee • Council (highest decision making structure)
ADMINISTRATIVE GOVERNANCE • Municipal Manager - Filled • Chief Financial Officer - Filled • Director Infrastructure Services - Filled • Director Community services – Filled • Director Planning and Economic Development - Vacant • Director Corporate Services – Vacant
MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality is having an organizational structure that was approved by Council during the adoption of the IDP and budget for 2016/2017 Financial year. The structure has approved 269 posts which 254 are filled and 15 Vacant.
SERVICE DELIVERY 2016/2017 The municipality successfully completed the following capital projects on Electricity:
CAPITAL ROADS AND STORM WATER • The total length of the road network under ownership of Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality is 1162, 9km, of which 1005.9 km are gravel and 157.0 km are surfaced. • This excludes roads owned by SANRAL, Province, District Municipality, and Private Roads and this translates to only 12.4% of the network being surfaced and the rest of network, i.e. 87.6%, being gravel.
SERVICE DELIVERY CONTINUED • All villages have been connected to the ESKOM grid. • The allocation for the year was for ESKOM to complete 400 connections divided into 11 villages(Manthole, Uitvlught, Tsimanyane, Tsimanyane south (Mooihoek), Disanyane, Moomane, Tshikanosi, Manapyane Ext, Moganyaka Area, Moeding and Mohlotsi). ESKOM deferred 5 projects and only completed 81 connections by year end. A final total of 154 was completed eventually. • ESKOM also completed 102 infill’s but was not willing to provide the information according to the villages. • The backlog was 909 (2.68%) in 2015/2016 and at the end of 2016/2017 it was 1071(3.13%) of an estimated ±34 255HH (Energised 2016 + new connections 2017 + backlog)
SERVICE DELIVERY CONTINUED • 17 residential areas had been provided with some public lighting and the Municipality expanded this network to five more areas with the connection of 25m scissor masts at Morarela, Mbuzini, Mohlotsi, Matseding and Mohlalaotwane. • The municipality has set a target of 2000 beneficiaries to receive Free Basic Electricity in the 2016/17 financial year and manage to provide for 1900 beneficiaries who are on the indigent register.
SERVICE DELIVERY CONTINUED • In the electrical distribution license area of the Municipality: • Re-connect 1.5MVA industrial bulk connection after 10 year of inactivity. • Replaced 500 meter medium voltage cable in Extension 2 as well as low voltage cables. • Upgraded one minisubstation from 300kVA to 630kVA with additional low voltage cables for increased load in Extension 1 • Households on prepaid increased from 45% to 50%. • Network losses was below 6% • Interruptions was within NERSA requirements • The supply from ESKOM to the town was still adequate. Highest maximum demand reached during the year was 6.4MVA of the available 7.5MVA (85%). • Electrical Master Plan was developed. • A stand-by generator was installed for the Finance Department to ensure continues of transactions.
SERVICE DELIVERY CONTINUED • The Landfill site in Marble Hall were rehabilitated and maintained in line with the operational permit. • An External Landfill compliance audit was done by an External Company which submitted a audit report and we have compliance register • Refuse removal services were provided to Marble Hall, Leeuwfontein, LeeuwfonteinRDP, Elandskraal and Schoeman Farms and a few skip containers , 5619 household once week were serviced • New equipment were bought to deal with the replacement of old equipment. The equipment which was bought were; 15 bush cutters and Tractor
SERVICE DELIVERY CONTINUED • The Annual Arrive alive campaigns were successfully held in December 2017, January 2017 and Easter weekend 2017 were road users were made aware of the road traffic act conditions and Vehicle license and driver licenses were inspected. • The greening of the municipality was done by the planting of trees in Marble Hall Town and a Landscaping master plan for the Marble Hall town were completed. • The Annual Mayor’s cup event was held on 25 June 2017 at Elands kraal Stadium • Three Local Aids Council forum meetings were held . The election of Council during august 2016 delayed the 1st Quarter Meeting • Three HIV /Aids awareness campaigns were held in Rakgwadi ( 22 June 2017) ,Mamphogo ( 25 February 2017) and Morarela ( 3 April 2017)
LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • The municipality was able to create 43 job opportunities through MIG capital projects, 183 on EPWP and 1525 CWP . • 04 SMME's and Cooperatives capacity building skill workshops held • 16 cooperatives were supported with access to funding and training. • 04 LED Forums ware conducted successfully. • LED Summit was conducted successfully.
BURSARIES • 16 beneficiaries were accommodated during 2016/17 calendar year. • The municipality have spent in total R 957 305.71 on external bursaries during 2016/2017 financial year. • During the period of 2016/2017, The Mayor’s Office awarded top learner a special bursary and Econ Oil & Energy also allocated 10 laptops for achieving top learners.
LOCAL LABOUR FORUMS • As part of ensuring labour peace within the workplace, the municipality intended to hold at least 1 local labour forum per month. • We have managed to hold 8 local labour forum meetings during 2016/2017 financial year.
CONCLUSIONS • The Draft Annual Report for 2016/2017 financial year is hereby presented in terms of Section 127 of the MFMA Act, 2003 for all stakeholders to make inputs and comments. • The closing date for comments is 04 March 2018
CONCLUSIONS • Comments can be forwarded to: Manager IDP: (073) 1994 570/ (013) 261 8456 : dmokoka@emogalelm.gov.za Institutional PMS Officer : (064) 6144 630/ (013) 261 8517 : rmaepa@emogalelm.gov.za
CONCLUSIONS The municipality have obtained a qualified audit opinion during the 2016/2017 financial year and again The Chartered Institute of Government Finance, Audit & Risk Officers (CIGFARO) also awarded the municipality with 02 awards which ware CIGFARO Clean Administration Award and CIGFARO Best Improved Municipality. All gratitude goes to the team (Executive Committee, Speaker, Chief Whip, and all Councillors), the Municipal Manager and Senior Managers, as well as the rest of the staff and the community. Without the determination and commitment shown, EPMLM’s vision would have never been realized. THANK YOU