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Overview of Fusion Neutronics Activities at JAERI/FNS in 2004. Presented by T. NISHITANI Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, 319-1195, Japan IEA Fusion Neutronics Subtask Workshop Sala del Consiglio, the Giorgio Cini Foundation, Venice 21th September 2004.
Overview of Fusion Neutronics Activities at JAERI/FNS in 2004 • Presented by T. NISHITANI • Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, 319-1195, Japan • IEA Fusion Neutronics Subtask Workshop • Sala del Consiglio, the Giorgio Cini Foundation, Venice • 21th September 2004
Verification of Tritium Production through Integral Experiments on the Mock-up REALITY SIMULATION Blanket Module Blanket Mock-up Two Breeder Layers Sandwiched by Be One Breeder Layer Behind the Fist Wall Bulk Beryllium Assembly Reactor Spectrum Two main components: I. High Energy 1n0 from D-T Plasma II. Low Energy Backward Scattering 1n0 • Source Spectrum • Point D-T Source; • Point D-T Source with a Reflector;
Experiment on the Bulk Beryllium Assembly 628 mm 355.6 mm
Experiments on the One-Breeder Layer Blanket Mock-up -- TPR-6 data -- Source Reflector, SS316 Assembly Encloser, SS316 F82H (16) / Li2TiO3 (12) / Be (200)
Experiments on the One-Breeder Layer Blanket Mock-up with W Armor Source Reflector, SS316 Assembly Encloser, SS316 W (12.6) / F82H (16) / Li2TiO3 (12) / Be (200)
Experiment on the Mock-up with Two-Breeder Layers Sandwiched by Beryllium TPR-6, 1/6Li nucl./s.n. Li2TiO3 (12) / Be (100)
The JAERRI/FNS activity for tritium benchmark measurement We obtained the complete result of tritium benchmark by means of HTO sample. Results of tritium b-ray counting (Bq/g) in used HTO samples
The JAERRI/FNS activity for tritium benchmark measurement As the next step, JAERI/FNS carried out the D-T neutrons irradiation by means of the 6Li and 7Li enriched pellets. Schematic drawing of Li-7 enrichedLi2CO3 irradiation experiments with JAERI/FNS Schematic drawing of Li-6 enrichedLi2CO3 irradiation experiments with JAERI/FNS We obtained preliminary results of the tritium activities (Bq/cc) in the irradiated pellets. We will discuss the results in depth within this conference term.
Differential cross section measurement of (n,CP) reactioncollaborating with Osaka University Experimental chamber Neutron beam Schematic view of JAERI/FNS D-T neutron beam assembly and the experimental chamber.
15 deg 30 deg Evaluated value 45 deg qlab= 70 deg Differential cross section measurement of (n,CP) reaction We obtained the DDXs and ADXs of 9Be(n,xa) and 9Be(n,t) reactions The measured ADX of the 9Be(n,t) and and the evaluated value (ENDF-B/VI). The measured ADX of the 9Be(n,xa) and the evaluated nuclear data (JENDL-3.3 and ENDF-B/VI).
Measurements of (d,x) reaction cross sections for IFMIF • In 2004, 51V(d,x) 49Cr, natFe(d,x) 55,56Co , natNi(d,x) 55Co , 60,61Cu , and 181Ta(d,x)178,180Ta cross sections have been measured. natNi(d,x)61Cu natFe(d,x)56Co
TF coil NBI duct Vacuum vessel NBI duct Blanket Cryostat Biological shield PF coil Heat Load Analysis of NBI Duct Evaluation of nuclear heating and surface heat load due to bremsstrahlung by MCNP as ITER ITA task Vacuum vessel Blanket Duct wall with hidden surface D-NBI duct NBI duct Duct wall with facing surface
Hydrogen Isotope Analysis of the TFTR Tile In 1993, the TFTR had the series of the D-T discharge experiments. The absolute measurement of tritium depth profile in the order of mm on the surface of the plasma facing material (4D-CFC) has been left. • Nuclear Reaction Analysis with below 350-keV deuteron Depth profiles of Tritium, Deuterium and Lithium • Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy with 350-keV deuteronCarbon density of the matrix and some high Z impurities (W etc.) • Imaging Plate methods Tritium intensity and spatial distributions in the matrix • Activation Analysis with FNS D-T neutron source Medium Z metals (Fe, Ni, Co etc.) • Gas flow method The number of tritium and carbon-14 Our main objectives is to measure the tritium retention on the TFTR-PFM
T(d,an) D(d,p)T 7Li(d,2an) 6Li(d,2a) SSD JAERI/FNS 80deg. Line D+,1mA 150~380 keV NE213 Tritium Depth Profile on the Surface of the TFTR tile T-Retention 7.2 x 1015 T/cm2 (up to 1.2mm) • We mainly observed charged particles induced with T-d, D-d,6Li-d and 7Li-d reactions by means of nuclear reaction analysis. Tritium profile on the surface, Activity=12.9 MBq/cm2. Density peak 1 x 1020cm-3 at near 0.5 mm depth. Schematic view of the FNS-NRA system
Schematic view of the FNS-NRA system SSD JAERI/FNS 80deg. Line D+,1mA 150~380 keV A piece at the corner of block in KC-16 was sampled NE213 Tritium Depth Profile on the Surface of the TFTR tile T-Retention 7.2 x 1015 T/cm2 (up to 1.2mm) • We mainly observed charged particles induced with T-d, D-d,6Li-d and 7Li-d reactions by means of nuclear reaction analysis. Tritium profile on the surface, Activity=12.9 MBq/cm2. Density peak 1 x 1020cm-3 at near 0.5 mm depth.
Plan in 2004-2005 • Integral Study on Structural/Blanket Materials • Benchmark experiment for the blanket assembly with pebbles • Benchmark experiment for the blanket assembly with the coolant panel. • Low Activation Materials Induced Radioactivity Experiments • Charged particle production cross section measurement for 6Li and 7Li. • Activation cross section measurement of (d,X) reactions for IFMIF materials,Ta, Fe, Ni and V, in the energy range of 20-35 MeV. • Others • ITER-ITA task : Nuclear heat analyses for NB and DNB ports. • Neutron Elastic Scattering Analysis of D and T in TFTR and JT-60 carbon tiles.